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EU local and regional authorities contributing to the

Mid-term review of Europe 2020

Assessment of the Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiative

Three years after its launch, the Committee of the Regions will take stock of the Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiative at a conference to be held on 2-3September 2013 in Vilnius. This conference will be the sixth in a series of 7 CoR events and monitoring initiatives on the mid-term review of Europe 2020 in 2014. More news on this conference may be found on the CoR's website[1].

By participating in this survey, you will:

ensure that your views are taken into account in the debate held during the conference;

contribute to the 4th CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020, to be published in October 2013;

contribute to the CoR's consultative activity in this area over the coming months;

contribute to the mid-term review of Europe 2020 in 2014.

If you wish to participate in this survey, Please complete this questionnaire in any eu language, using the spaces provided, and return it in text format to:

by 28 June 2013

For more information on this survey and for detailsof how to join the

Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform, go to:

The questionnaire is available on this website in all official languages of the EU

You can find more information on Resource Efficient Europe, as seen from thelocal and regional authorities' viewpoint, in the Committee of the Regions' publication Delivering on the Europe 2020 Strategy Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities[2]. General information on Europe 2020 may be found on the strategy's official website[3].

Contributor information[4]

Name of sender: / Łukasz Dąbrowski
Contact details:
(address, telephone, email) / Office for Spatial Planning
ul. T. Wendy 7/9
81 – 341 Gdynia
tel.: 669 89 03

On behalf of:
(name of local or regional authority) / Gdynia Municipal Authority
Type of organisation / City/Town/Municipality Region
County/Province Association of local and/or regional authorities
Other (please specify)
Country: / Poland
Member of the EUROPE 2020 Monitoring Platform: / Yes No
Covenant of Mayors signatory: / Yes No
Covenant of Mayors Territorial Coordinator / Yes No

Policy challenges and responses at regional and local level

BOX 1 – Resource Efficient Europe: basic information
Resource efficiency means using the Earth's limited resources — metals, minerals, fuels, water, land, timber, fertile soil, clean air and biodiversity — in a sustainable manner. Increasing resource efficiency can secure growth and jobs by stimulating technological innovation, boosting employment in the fast developing 'green technology' sector and opening up new export markets. It can also benefit consumers through more sustainable products.
The Resource Efficient EuropeFlagship Initiative was adopted in 2010, as an integral part of the Europe 2020 strategy under the sustainable growth pillar, to "help decouple economic growth from the use of resources, support the shift towards a low carbon economy, increase the use of renewable energy sources, modernise our transport sector and promote energy efficiency"[5].It sets out a framework to help ensure that long-term strategies in areas such as climate change, energy, transport, industry, raw materials, agriculture, fisheries, biodiversity, water and waste management, land use and regional development alldeliver results in the area of resource efficiency[6] in order to:
boost economic performance while reducing resource use;
identify and create new opportunities for economic growth and greater innovation and boost the EU's competitiveness;
ensure the security of supply of essential resources;
fight against climate change and limit the environmental impact of resource use.
The Flagship Initiative was outlined in four long-term roadmaps with a 2050 horizon, respectively on climate[7], energy[8], transport[9] and resource-efficiency[10], issued in 2011, and a number of other policy initiatives with a 2020 perspective[11], covering the following aspects:
  • Promoting sustainable consumption and production by setting “appropriate” price signals, providing consumers with relevant environmental information, establishing minimum environmental performance standards and putting in place incentives to reward efficient businesses;
  • Turning waste into resources through more targeted recycling and re-use, separate collection and energy recovery, with landfilling to be virtually eliminated;
  • Supporting more research and innovation focusing on resource efficiency goals;
  • Phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies, getting prices right and shifting from taxation of labour to environmental taxation;
  • Better valuation of natural capital and ecosystem services by public authorities and businesses;
  • Halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services;
  • Promoting better management of water resources;
  • Improving air quality standards;
  • Better management of land-use, soils and marine waters.
The Committee of the Regions adopted its opinion on "A resource-efficient Europe – flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy"[12]in October 2011.
A European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP)[13]has been set by the European Commission in order to provide high-level guidance to the European Commission, Member States, local and regional authorities, and private actors on the transition process towards a more resource-efficient economy.
In December 2012, the EREP issued its "Manifesto for A Resource-Efficient Europe"[14], identifying the following actions:
1.Encouraging innovation and accelerating public and private investment in resource-efficient technologies, systems and skills, as well as SMEs;
2.Implementing, applying and adopting smart regulation, standards and codes of conduct that a) create a level playing-field, b) reward front-runners and c) accelerate the transition, and d) take into account the social and international implications of our actions.
3.Abolishing environmentally harmful subsidies and shifting the tax burden away from jobs to encourage resource-efficiency;
4.Creating better market conditions for products and services that have lower impacts across their life-cycles, and that are durable, repairable and recyclable, inspiring sustainable life-styles by informing and incentivising consumers;
5.Integrating wider policy areas, such as in the fields of transport, food, water and construction.
6.Adopting policy goals to achieve a resource-efficient economy and society by 2020, setting targets that give a clear direction and indicators to measure progress relating to the use of land, materials, water and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as biodiversity.
1)What are the main challenges currently facing your region/city in terms of (i) the moreefficien²t use of resources, (ii) the shift towards a low carbon economy, (iii) energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, (iv) the modernisation of the transport sector, (v) the change in producers' and consumers' behaviour (see Box 1)?
Multiple answers possible.
more efficient use of resources
shift towards a low carbon economy
energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources
modernisation of the transport sector
change in producers' and consumers' behaviour
Please explain.
a)More efficient use of resources – there are very good conditions in Gdynia for using renewable energy sources such assolar energy, wind energy, aerothermal energy and hydro-thermal energy. Making full use of the available renewable energy sources is one of the challenges facing the city.
b)Shift towards a low-carbon economy – The Elektrociepłownia Gdyńska (Gdynia heat and power plant), which is primarily coal-powered, operates in the City of Gdynia. One of the main challenges it faces ishow to make the move from solid to liquid fuel (gas) and improve energy efficiency through modernisation work (heat accumulator).
c)Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources– the City of Gdynia supports all measures to improve energy efficiency; these include: thermal upgrading of school buildings and council housing and modernising the district heating network. In addition, the city supports local residents who wish to installrenewable energy sources (solar panels and heat pumps) through a subsidy programme. People have become more aware of these issues e.g. by introducing modern lighting in their homes.
d)Modernisation of the transport sector – the City of Gdynia has been modernising its public transport system for many years now; this has involved gradually replacing itstransport fleet with more modern vehicles that comply withEURO-5 and EURO-6 norms. In addition, CNG powered buses with emission levelssignificantly lower than diesel buses have also been put into service. One challenge facing the city is the issue of replacing CNG with biogas.
e)change in producers' and consumers' behaviour – we are noting increased awareness on the part of consumers and producers, leading to joint action to save energy.
2)Which of the aims of the Resource Efficient Europeflagship initiative (listed in Box 1) are most relevant in view of the challenges currently facing your city/region?
Multiple answers possible.
Boost economic performance while reducing resource use
Identify and create new opportunities at local level for economic growth and greater innovation and boost the EU's competitiveness
Ensure the security of supply of essential resources
Fight against climate change and limit the environmental impacts of resource use
Please explain.
a) Boost economic performance while reducing resource use – this is one of the main objectives which the city has set itself in preparation for its investment activity.
Okręgowe Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o.o. (District heat energy company) is taking action to reduce the amount of heat lost during the heat transfer process through a complete overhaul of the existing district heating network. In total, 34% of the public transport fleet runs on green fuel (electricity or CNG). There hasbeen an improvement in terms of air quality thanks to action in this area; moreover, the per-kilometre cost of vehicles that run on CNG or electricity is lower than that of diesel vehicles.
b) Identify and create new opportunities at local level for economic growth and greater innovation and boost the EU's competitiveness – the city has supported the development of modern technology by opening thePomorskie Science and Technology Park, which is home to several firms active in the renewable energy sector. The former Stocznia Gdynia shipyard also houses a number of companies involved in the construction and operation of a local offshore wind farm.
c)Ensure the security of supply of essential resources – the city actively cooperates with the main producers of electricity and heat energy to ensure the security of essential resources.
d)Fight against climate change and limit the environmental impacts of resource use – the city has introduced a number of provisions into local urban development plans limiting the construction of new individual heat sources.
3)The CoR opinion[15] on Resource Efficient Europe focuses on i) low-carbon, resource-efficient transport and energy systems; ii) sustainable consumption and production; iii) zero-waste economy; iv)efficient use of raw materials (minerals, forests and biomass); v) biodiversity, ecosystem services and land use.
Has your city/region adopted policies in the following fields of resource efficiency?Which actions has it applied (innovation/investments, regulations, modifying subsidies, others as identified by EREP in box 1)?
Multiple answers possible.
low-carbon, resource-efficient transport
low-carbon, resource efficient energy systems
sustainable consumption and production
zero-waste economy
efficient use of raw materials (minerals, forests and biomass)
biodiversity, ecosystem services and land use
Please explain.
The City of Gdynia is in the process of implementing a project on the "Implementation of the TRISTAR Integrated Traffic Management System in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot”, which aims to reduce emissions by improving traffic flow on local roads. Public transport in Gdynia is becoming increasingly environmentally friendly: 34% of the vehicle fleet is powered by electricity or CNG, which has led to a fall in transport related emissions. The remaining diesel powered buses are being gradually replaced by new buses which comply with EURO-6norms.The aim for the immediate future is to increase the number of buses which run on CNG and, ultimately, to replace CNG with biogas. Another measure which will promote public transport use is the creation of paid parking zones in the city centre, which will encourage people to use public transport. The City supports investments linked to the installation of renewable energy sources (solar panels and heat pumps) as well as measures to improve energy efficiency; these include: modernising the district heating network and district heating substations and the thermal upgrading ofexisting housing. The measures outlined above have been set out in the „2020 Sustainable energy action plan for the City ofGdynia”.
4)The Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiative recognises and promotes the interdependency of environmental, economic and social policies.
Have the policies adopted byyour city/region(as stated in your answer to question 3),been interlinked as part of an integrated framework? If yes, please describe in brief, highlightingtheir mutual interlinks and potential synergies.
The City of Gdynia adopted the 2020 Sustainable energy action plan for the City of Gdynia on 26 September 2012; at the time of the adoption of this document, the city was in the process of drawing up its „Broad Outlines for the plan on the delivery of heat, electricity and gas fuel in the City of Gdynia in 2012 – 2030” („Broad Outlines”), which were adopted on 26 February 2013.
The first document focuses on measures to limit CO2 emissions while the second forecasts changes in energy use and needs in the city. In addition, the Broad Outlinesidentify possible sites for energy installations which produce renewable energy sources with a power of over 100 kW. These sites will be included in the Studium Uwarunkowań i Kierunków Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego Gdyni (Study on the Conditions and Paths for Spatial Development in Gdynia).
5)The Resource Efficient Europe Flagship Initiative contributes to the process of reaching the headline targets set under the sustainable growth pillar of the Europe 2020 Strategy for energy and climate change:
  • Greenhouse gas emissions 20% lower than 1990 (or even 30% if the conditions are right)
  • 20% of energy from renewables
  • 20% increase in energy efficiency
To what extent are these targets feasible based on your local situation?
20% GHG Highlyfeasible Fairly feasible Not feasible
20% RES Highly feasible Fairly feasible Not feasible
20% EE Highly feasible Fairly feasible Not feasible
Please explain.
The 2020 Sustainable energy action plan for the City of Gdynia used 1999 as the base year since reliable data was available for this year; on this basis, it should be possible to reduce CO2emissions by at least 20%. However, it will prove more difficult to source 20% of energy from renewable sources as there was no renewable energy source in the city in 1999. Meanwhile, it should be absolutely possible to achieve a 20% improvement in energy efficiency. The City has consistently implemented modernisation programmes in the transport and construction sectors; moreover, companies involved in the production and transfer of energy are carrying out investments to reduce losses during the production and transfer of energy.
6)The Covenant of Mayors[16].– currently counting over 4,500 signatories - is a voluntary commitment by local and regional authorities to meet and exceed the EU 20% CO2 reduction objective through increased energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources.
Beyond energy and climate change, regions and cities have an important role to play in fostering resource efficiency. They can invest in green buildings, sustainable water and waste management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting cleaner modes of transport and oversee the protection of ecosystems.
Do you consider this type of dissemination and networking platform to be a useful initiative?If yes,would your city/region be in favour of expandingthe approach of the Covenant of Mayors framework to other key areas of the Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiative, such as biodiversity and land use, waste and water management or air pollution, provided that relevant EU targets are identified?
Biodiversity and land use
Waste management
Water management
Air pollution
Please explain.
In our opinion, thedissemination and networking platform represents a useful initiative. Expanding the areas covered by the Covenant of Mayors framework could ensure that the measures which areadopted are more complex in scope. Air pollution and waste management are closely related to the reduction of CO2 emissions while the increase in biodiversity and land use is the result of an improvement in air quality.
7) The Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (see Box 1) sets out the following milestones to be reached by 2020 for the three key sectors which are responsible for 70-80% of all environmental impact:
  • Food - 20% reduction in the food chain’s resource inputs,
  • Buildings – all new buildings to be nearly practically zero-energy and highly material efficient; 2% renovation rate per year for existing building stock; 70% of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste to be recycled.
  • Mobility - an average 1% annual reduction in transport GHG emissions starting from 2012.
To what extent are these milestones appropriate to your local situation?
Food Highly appropriate Fairly appropriate Not appropriate
Buildings Highly appropriate Fairly appropriate Not appropriate
Mobility Highly appropriate Fairly appropriate Not appropriate
Please explain.
The City of Gdynia does not have much influence to bear in terms of reducing food consumption by 20%. As far as mobility is concerned, it is possible to cut down on greenhouse gases by gradually replacing the public transport fleet with more modern and environmentally friendly vehicles. As at the end of 2012, 34% of the public transport fleet was powered by alternative fuels (electricity or CNG). The aim is to replace CNG with biogas. In terms of buildings, the City is carrying out thermal upgrading to improve energy efficiency.

How is the Resource Efficient Europe relevant to your city or region?

8)Which of the policies of the Roadmap to Resource Efficient Europe (presented in Box 1) are most relevant to your specific local/regional situation?.
Multiple answers possible.
Promoting sustainable consumption and production
Turning waste into resources
Supporting more research and innovation in the area of resource efficiency
Phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies, getting prices right
Better valuation of natural capital and ecosystem services
Halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services
Promoting better management of water resources
Improving air quality standards
Better management of land-use, soils and marine waters
Please explain.
The City of Gdynia has consistently implemented an air protection programme which aims to improve air quality in Gdynia. Appropriate provisions have been included in the "Broad Outlines" to connect new and existing buildings to the city's district heating network where possible. In those areas where there is no district heating network, we have introduced provisions which require the use of zero-emission or low-emission heat sources. Both provisions have been included inlocal urban development plans. The City also has a nature protection programme in place.
9)Which of the actions under the EuropeanResource Efficiencyflagship initiative, as identified in the EREP's manifesto(set out in Box 1), are the most difficult to achieve in your city/region?
Multiple answers possible.
Innovation and investment
Products and services
Policy integration
Targets for policy goals
Please explain.
The City is unable to abolish environmentally harmful subsidies as there are no effective legal mechanisms for doing this.
10)Overall, what are the strong and weak pointsof theResource Efficient EuropeFlagship Initiative, as seen from your regional/local standpoint?
All of the aspects presented in the Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiative are very important. We are concerned that it may prove too much to expect cities and regions to take on additional commitments without support from national or European institutions. The process of setting “appropriate” price signals is closely linked to the approach of a centrally planned economy and may, ultimately, have an opposite effect to the one intended.
11)Would you recommend any specific changes to the Resource Efficient Europe Flagship Initiative, in the context of the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy in 2014?
Please explain
Yes. Clear and uniform rules should be introduced, which are realistic and which it is genuinely possible for regions and cities to implement. These should not be radical measures which aim toachieve a specific solution. These measures should be gradual in nature; this will make it possible to achieve much more in the long-term.

Are your country's policies relevant to your city or region?