Rotation & Momentum / 8 / 4 / 3 / 15
Magnetic Shear / 4 / 0 / 0 / 4
Collisionality & Particle Transport / 2 / 1 / 3 / 6
L-H / 3 / 1 / 4 / 8
Pedestal & Edge / 4 / 7 / 11 / 22
ITB / 8 / 5 / 6 / 19
Core Turbulence / 1 / 0 / 2 / 9
Core, Other / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
Total / 38 / 19 / 30 / 87
Rotation & Momentum / 4-5 / 0 / 4-5
Magnetic Shear / 6-9 / 0 / 6-9
Collisionality & Particle Transport / 3-4 / 1 / 4-5
L-H / 2-4 / 1-2 / 3-6
Pedestal & Edge / 5-7 / 1-2 / 6-9
ITB / 5 / 1 / 6
Turbulence / 6-7 / 0 / 6-7
Other Core / 2-3 / 1 / 3-4
Total / 33-44 / 5-7 / 38-51
· These represent (barely) adequate time allocations for each
· Includes some obvious consolidation of similar runs (but not all) and supersession of new ideas over old
· Many piggy-back requests – are there enough pigs?
Rotation and Momentum Transport
Ince-Cushman, A. Momentum transport coefficient studies from rotation profile evolution
Marr, K. Determining momentum profiles and tracking their evolution during the L-H transition
Marr, K. Driving Momentum Evolution with Magnetic Topology
Marr, K. Verification of velocity scaling with stored energy in the pedestal region
Chang, C.-S. XGC gyrokinetic simulation of plasma rotation generation in the pedestal/edge without external momentum source
Bespamyatnov, I. Transient departures of impurity poloidal rotation from equilibrium neoclassical values
Rice, J. Er profiles studies from all relevant diagnostics
Ernst, D. Momentum transport and rotation studies
deGrassie, J. Continue C-Mod/DIII-D Similarity Experiments on Intrinsic Rotation
(LaBombard, B. Ohmic L-H threshold experiments)
(Marr, K. Study of the main ion flow and temperature using the GPI system)
(Ince-Cushman, A. Neutral flow Measurements using the H-D camera)
(Ince-Cushman, A. B-field scan for intrinsic rotation database)
Alex Ince-Cushman Field Reversal Experiments
John Degrassie Toroidal rotation in dimensionally similar discharges with no momentum input
John Rice Open L-mode Momentum Confinement Time De-termined from Fast SSEP Change
Magnetic Shear Effects
LaBombard, B. Effect of magnetic shear on edge gradients
Hughes, J. Does magnetic shear control the H-mode pedestal width?
Austin, M. Rational q effects on transport
Greenwald, M. Energy transport vs magnetic shear
Collisionality Effects and Particle Transport
Greenwald, M. Particle transport and density peaking at reduced collisionality
Reinke, M. Investigation of poloidal asymmetries in impurity density
(Greenwald, M. Broadband magnetic fluctuations in the plasma edge)
Martin Greenwald Obtaining Steady, Low Density H-Modes
Ernst Turbulent particle pinches in steady state LH-heated discharges
Greenwald Test theories for anomalous particle transport in the absence of particle source or Ware pinch
L-H Transitions
LaBombard, B. Ohmic L-H threshold experiments
Hubbard, A. Investigation of two-phase LH transitions with improved diagnostics
McDermott, R. Study of Slow Evolution L-H Transitions
(Snipes, J. Scaling of the L-H Transition at Low Density)
Martin Greenwald Edge rotation and the L/H threshold - dependence on known scaling parameters
Brian Labombard Experiments on Plasma Flows and the L-H Threshold: low density discharges
Zweben Spatial propagation of L-H transition
John Rice Rotation and H-mode Power Threshold for LSN and USN at Different IP and ne
Pedestals and Edge Transport
McDermott, R. Edge Impurity Ion Pedestal Scalings
Hughes, J. Continued exploration of pedestal structure and edge relaxation mechanisms at lower edge collisionality
Hughes, J. Survey of edge particle transport through routine neutral profile diagnosis
Phillips, P Study of radial structure and phase of QCM
(Bravenec, R. Microstability analysis of the top of the H-mode pedestal utilizing measured E_r)
(Cziegler, I. Study of co-current propagating broadband fluctuations)
(Cziegler, I. Study of Effect of the Plasma Configuration on Edge turbulence)
(Zweben, S.B field scan with Limited Plasmas)
(Zweben, S. New GPI divertor view and camera)
(Zweben, S. Outer gap scan)
(Hughes, J. Document pedestals in advanced scenario regimes)
(Whyte, D. Tau He* measurements with fluid neutrals regime divertor)
Jim Terry QC Mode in Upper Single Null Plasmas
Jerry Hughes Under Revision Reversed field pedestal studies
Stewart Zweben SOL turbulence in limited plasmas
Jerry Hughes Extension of pedestal scalings
Bruce Lipschultz Scaling comparison of time-averaged transport and underlying turbulence
Brian Labombard Phase Space of the Scrape-off-Layer Plasma
Maingi C-MOD/NSTX/MAST small ELM regime Comparison
Chang Test of neoclassical scaling law for density pedestal width in H-mode
Greenwald Turbulence spreading and barrier destruction/propagation
Martin Greenwald QC Mode in Ohmic EDAs - Radial Extent
Core Transport - ITBs
Rice, J. Ti profile studies of ITB discharges
Rowan, W. Impurity transport for rho<1 in ITB discharges and transport changes at mode transitions using CXRS measurements of boron density
Fiore, C. Fluctuations during High Field ITBs
Dominguez, A. Reflectometry Fluctuation Measurements at the Foot of Low n_e ITB
Ernst, D. Further evidence of TEM in ITB with on-axis heating
Ernst, D. Impurity transport in ITB due to collisions and TEM turbulence
Lin, L. Further experimental studies of the TEM-like turbulence in ITB with the PCI diagnostic
Mikkelsen, D. Electron temperature gradient scale length from neighboring ECE channels
(Fiore, C. Power Threshold for ITB Development)
(Fiore, C. Lower-hybrid current drive as a tool for study of low density ITBs)
(Ernst, D. ITB control with lower hybrid heating)
(Lin, Y. ICRF mode conversion electron heating on ITB formation and density control)
Kirill Zhurovich Ti measurements in ITB plasmas
Kirill Zhurovich ITB formation-Ti critical gradient dependence
David Mikkelsen Separating ITB formation from the initial transient phase of EDA H-modes
Nils Basse Core turbulence in low density ITB plasmas
Marmar Investigate the use of off-axis lower hybrid heating to trigger and sustain Internal Transport Barriers
Martin Greenwald Particle Transport in Low Density ITBs
Core Transport - Turbulence and Microstability
Bravenec, R. Microstability analysis of the top of the H-mode pedestal utilizing measured E_r
Bravenec, R. Proof of principle test of BES
Ernst, D. Ballooning structure of core turbulence
Ernst, D. Comparison of wavelength spectra from PCI and GK simulations for ITG turbulence
Lin, L. Turbulence studies in LHCD plasmas with the PCI diagnostic
Lin, L. Pellet driven turbulence studies with the PCI diagnostic
Lin, L. Further studies of turbulence in low density ohmic plasmas with the PCI diagnostic
P. Phillips Temperature scale length measurements using Btor sweeps
Martin Greenwald High k, high frequency fluctuations in electron transport dominated regimes
Core Transport – Other
Reinke, M. "High confinement" L-modes in reversed field
Marmar, E. Modulated RF (Ion Cyclotron Mode Conversion and/or Lower Hybrid) Heating for Transient Transport Studies
(Marmar, E. Evaluation of Integrated Performance at High Current (>1.5 MA) and High Power (>5 MW))
Craig Petty C-Mod/JET r* Scan Along an ITER Relevant Path