Dear ACTS Alumni,April 27, 2015

Mariann Wedel and Tony Tallo are completing their terms on the St. Louis Chapter of ACTS Missions at the end of June. We offer them heartfelt thanks for their leadership and unselfish service to ACTS. The Chapter (formerly known as the Mission Board) is now seeking new members to replace Mariann and Tony and to cover two newly created positions.

What is an ACTS Chapter? The St. Louis Chapter is ACTS Missions local representative in the St. Louis Archdiocese and adjoining dioceses. That means we are the administrative body responsible for ACTS operations here.

Ourgoals are:

  1. To help others experience the love of God through the ACTS retreat program
  2. To build community within a parish
  3. To foster intentional discipleship to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Missioning to new parishes and Education are our two primary areas of responsibility. Although we would like to have a wide variety of parishes represented on the Chapter, Members represent the entire St. Louis region, not just their particular parish. There may be no more than two Members from any parish.

In order for ACTS to continue to grow as a vital component of the New Evangelization, it is critical that the integrity, uniformity and theological correctness of the retreat be maintained. During the past year the Chapter has worked hard to realign our operations to comply with our roles and responsibilities as defined in the Chapter ByLaws and the Chapter Operations Manual. We have reorganized our Missioning and workshop efforts so that potential parishes and Core Teams are better informed about what ACTS is and what ACTS is not.

Being a Chapter Member is not necessarily a “feels good and rewarding” experience – we don’t get many pats on the back, but it is an extremely important way to do SERVICE. Each Member spends at least 10 hours per month working on Chapter duties.

We hope you will read the attached Prerequisites for Chapter Members and Chapter Member YES Agreement, and prayerfully consider if God is calling you to be a Chapter Member. If your answer is yes, please fill out the Nomination Form and return it to any of the current Chapter Members by May 15. If you have questions about being on Chapter, you may contact any of us.

We wish to thank each of you for your support of ACTS; what a privilege it is to be the human hands of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, in service to our brothers and sisters. Let’s pray that we never lose sight of the BIG PICTURE – our homes, parishes, workplaces, city, nation and world all need the presence of God!

Peace and prayers,

Carole BernsenSteve BrokawPenny Hartley

Lois KruesselDave MasonSteve Rothermel

Tony TalloMariann WedelAurelia Weil

Chapter YES Agreement

Dear Lord Jesus and Fellow St. Louis Chapter Members,

I realized that I have been called and am committing myself, here and now, to the work of preparing myself physically, mentally, and spiritually for the Chapter position set before me. My mission is to advance the ACTS movement, through ACTS Missions and its St. Louis Chapter. In order to accomplish my mission I commit myself to the following:

1. I will attend all of the Chapter meetings, both regular sessions and any Executive or special sessions. When emergencies arise that prevent my attendance, I will notify the Chapter Director before the meeting, and I will provide any required reports and input. I may be asked to step down if I miss more than three meetings in a calendar year to make way for someone else to serve.

2. To the best of my ability, I will be on time so that the meetings can run smoothly and I do not miss any of the information being transmitted. I will prepare my information and reports for each meeting.

3. I commit myself to service of the ACTS Retreat movement in the Chapter’s area. I will serve with humility and zeal, so that the mission of ACTS continues to flourish. As a Chapter member, I represent ACTS Missions and the St. Louis Chapter. I will follow proper protocol in this service, and I will always follow the River Rule.

4. I commit myself to share my time and my talents to advance the ACTS retreat movement in the Chapter’s area, and I will collaborate with my brothers and sisters in this mission

5. I commit to learn to serve ACTS Missions and the St. Louis ACTS community and the Chapter from the heart, for you Lord and my Chapter members. I will only serve on one retreat team per year and may not serve on my parish core team so that I can concentrate on Chapter activities. The Chapter will be my number one ACTS priority.

6. I will use my business and interpersonal skills with compassionate understanding of other people’s efforts. I will appreciate and respect every request to establish and spread ACTS as a ministry.

7. I commit myself to support all major Chapter activities or special events, to the extent that I am able, given my Church and family commitments

8. I will stay true to the profound nature of the retreat movement and defend it as necessary. I commit to the full length of my term. I will take the big picture view of what is good for the growth of ACTS and not my personal or parish desires. In that service, I will always try to have a true servant’s heart.

You asked and I answered yes, I ______commit to this yes agreement and will serve in accordance with 1 Peter 5:5: “clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: “God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.”

Nominee Information – Chapter Member

ACTS Missions Chapter: St. Louis


Full Name:
Last / First / M.I.
Street Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / State / ZIP Code
Home Phone: / ( ) / Cell Phone: / ( )
E-mail Address:
Fluent in Spanish: / Yes or No / Marital Status: / Catholic: Yes or No
Spouse’s Name:
Employer: / Job position:

Church Information

Parish / Date of 1st ACTS retreat
# of times on Team: / Teens Retreat: / Yes / No
Parish Activities:

Summary of Nomination

Pastor’s Approval(Print Name) Date

Please provide a short biography