RNA March 2009 Minutes

Board members present: Katherine Cosgrove, David Drouin, Nathan Farney, Nancy Fredricks, Denise Gorrell, Melinda Palmer, Connie Pilcher, Peggy Sullivan, Catherine Wilson.

Volunteers present: Bonnie LaDoe

Neighbors present: Kevin Rogers

The March 10th meeting was called to order by Nathan at 7:01 PM.

Minutes from the February meeting were read and approved. Melinda moved and Denise 2nd, motion carried.

Melinda reported $5675.56 in the bank.

Additions to the agenda were made.

  1. 501c3 status
  2. Abandon autos
  3. History
  4. Octoberfest

Current Business: Nancy Fredricks updated. Tri Met is planning on discontinuing the Fremont 33 bus. Comment cards were passed out to make comments. Nathan will draft a letter. The “Ready-Safe-Go” will be on April 25th. March 16 CNN will be having a meeting on the web calendar. Our clean-up dates were approved. New officers were elected: Ruth Hander – President, Eugene Muir – Vice President, Secretary – Nancy Fredricks and Treasurer – Bob Ueland.

Land Use update: Denise gave update on proposed Street Car. Committee is moving in the next few months to have a decision. Many issues were raised which caused many tensions and concerns. They hope to unveil plans in April or May. These plans could be decades away from becoming a reality.

International District update: No report

Neighborhood Cleanup: David reported the event will be May 16 from 9 – 3 at Rose City Nazareen Church across the street from Safeway. The hauler has been lined up and we requested 2 dedicated drivers for all day. Metal recycle revenue placement to be decided. The newsletter will have an informative article. Charge will remain at $5 per car.

Mural Project – “Spring Fling” Peggy reported on the update. It will be April 18th. We need a sound person and need to apply for a street closure. Hope to have a band (banjo picker), dedication ceremony of the mural, relay races, decorated bike/trike contest, etc.

The theme is Revisiting 1929 in 2009. Have a bread/soup line as fund-raiser. Need gift certificates for raffle. Asked for budget of $500. Catherine moved and Melinda seconded. Motion carried. Need volunteers.

Bylaws: Denise updated there will be a notice in the newsletter and will pass out at the next general meeting (April). It will be voted on at the following general meeting in July.

April Newsletter: Last minute work still to do. Should be proof read this week and will go to the printers on time.

Kiosk Project: Check out the new Wellington Park kiosk.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner: move to old business. No new information.

501c3: Nathan will talk to Tyler.

Abandoned Autos: Kathleen Blevins drafted a letter. Want to know what are the alternatives for abandoned autos. Can we be part of this with the city? How do we get input? Catherine Wilson will help with a follow up letter.

History: Bonnie LaDoe passed around interesting memorabilia from Roseway early days; a menu from the 30’s and a bottle cap from Roseway Dairy.

Octoberfest: Denise updated us on Montevilla’s Octoberfest. It was held at a pub. We could look into Park City Pub and having the brewfest in the parking lot. It would be easier to execute. Need to designate how funds would go back into the community and other possibilities.

New Business:

Harvey Scott School Scholarship: Steve Taylor is interested in having a Harvey Scott Hall of Fame. He wrote a note in the newsletter. He wants to bring more information to a future board meeting.

April General Meeting: Focus on community projects. Peggy will present the Spring Fling and emphasize supporting local business. Nathan will work on an agenda.

Old Business: Sign Repair. Chad is doing the repair. We would like it back by Spring Fling is possible.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Pilcher, Secretary