Job Description

Title: Director of Connection (DOC)

Reports to:Lead Pastor

Status: 40 hrs per week

General Summary:

The Director of Connection provides various on ramps for individuals and families in the church community to more deeply connect with Christ and with each other.


The Director of Connection will have gifts in connecting people to ministries, serving opportunities, groups, and relationships that create a sense of belonging and purpose while providing space for spiritual growth and encouragement.

The DOC will have experience in connecting with people of different backgrounds: race, socio-economic situations, levels of education, and from different generations.

The DOC will have abilities to connect deeply with members of our community and promote spiritual growth systemically and by example.


Practical Tasks:

-Assist the Lead Pastor in creating connection opportunities that fit with the vision of the River’s ministries.

-Provide leadership and training to create new small groups and strengthen established groups. Will regularly visit and connect with groups to promote ongoing relationships with members.

-Work with the Connection team to create a hospitable environment for our guests.

-Lead the new member classes and think through with those members next steps to connect them more deeply to relationships in the River.

-Work with Stephen Ministries leaders to discern how to connect people to care givers in times of crisis.

-Ordination and Preaching are optional.

Vision Support Tasks:


-Work with the Welcome Value team to provide various opportunities for different groups to connect with each other and the larger Body.

-Promotes evangelism learning opportunities to more deeply connect members to their unsaved friends.


-Provide resources and training to small group and ministry leaders for the purpose of those groups being environments where members build relationships of love and encouragement with other participants.


-Inspire the community to understand that the giving of time and care to others is valuable.


-Challenge the members of the River to go beyond their comfort zone in building relationships and connecting with others.


-Regularly call The River community to discover ways that God has equipped them to serve others with their love and presence in meaningful relationships.

-Be ready to serve other staff, team members, Council and deacons as time and opportunity afford.

This job requires a high level of flexibility in regards to tasks and job functions. The above list is not all-inclusive, additional duties may be required.