Ring central admin account login info:



When a lead comes in:

We have automated welcome responses that prompt through this process for contacts submitted online.

The following is the sequence assuming at each stage no contact has been made or an appointment booked.

All follow up calls after initial contact must be made between 4-7 PM ideally.

Contact comes in electronically or by phone:

  1. Immediate text message within 30 min of submission ideally.
  2. “Hey it’s ____ from One-to-1 Fitness, can I help you book your consultation?
  1. No response within 10 min. Phone call/voicemail: “Hey it’s ______from One-to-1 Fitness, can I help you book your consultation? Please call 403-341-4041, I’ve also sent you an email as well. Thank you.”
  2. Canned response:
  3. Thanks so much for contacting One-to-1 Fitness! We’re here to help, close your eyes and think about how great it’s going to feel to look and feel exactly how you want!

We can’t wait to meet you and see if we’re a good fit for you! In fact if you’d like you can click right here and schedule a consultation in seconds! (appt link)

Please don’t hesitate to give me a call back at 403-341-4041 if there’s no convenient times or if you’d like me to help you book.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Sign off.

Day 1

Text message: Hey I know it’s easy to get busy and then you forget, so here’s the link to book your consultation at One-to-1 Fitness. (link) Don’t worry we got your back! We’re here to help!

No response or appointment booked within hours:

Phone call/message: Hey it’s ______from One-to-1, I just sent you an email with the basic health forms you’ll complete in your consultation, give me a call back at 403-341-4041 and I’ll confirm your appointment for you. Thanks.


Hey (name),

Here is our basic health questionnaire for your consultation, it’s great info to help us see if we’re a good fit for you and start learning about your goals and where we need to focus to maximize your results.

Just print them and bring them with you if you like.

Here’s the link to book and confirm your consultation (appt link) or don’t hesitate to give me a call at 403-341-4041 so I can confirm your appointment time.

We’re excited to work with you!


ATTACH: Par-q and health questionnaire fillable PDFS

Day 2:

Text: Not trying to be a bother but did you book your consultation yet? :) Here’s the link: (appt link) See how committed we are to helping you succeed?


SUB: Hey…

Not trying to be a bother but did you book your consultation yet? :) Here’s the link: (appt link) See how committed we are to helping you succeed?


Day 3:


It’s ______from One-to-1 Fitness, I see we still don’t have your consultation confirmed, I know I get busy and keep meaning to get around to certain things so I thought this might be the case with you and just wanted to let you know we’re here to help! Please call me back at 403-341-4041.

Email after call:

Hey I just left you a voicemail but always like to make things super easy for you.

I see we still don’t have your consultation confirmed, I know I get busy and keep meaning to get around to certain things so I thought this might be the case with you and just wanted to let you know we’re here to help! Here’s the link where you can book your appointment in seconds (appt link) or please call me back at 403-341-4041 so I can help.

Don’t forget “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and it’s human nature for all of us to say, “I’ll get around to it,” only for it to get put off days, weeks and months.

So click this link now. :) (appt link)

Always here to help,

Day 4:

Text: Hey it’s ______from One-to-1, just checking in, anything I can do to help?

Day 5:

Phone/voicemail: Hey it’s ______from One-to-1, just trying you one last time, we’d sure love to help you with that fitness goal that got you thinking to contact us the other day, but maybe now is or isn’t the right time. Either way, if we can help we’d love to, please don’t hesitate to call me back at 403-341-4041.

Email after call:

Hey it’s ______from One-to-1, just left you a voicemail too, I’m just trying to reach you one last time, we’d sure love to help you with that fitness goal that got you thinking to contact us the other day, but maybe now is or isn’t the right time. Either way, if we can help we’d love to, please don’t hesitate to call me back at 403-341-4041 or click here and book a consultation.

We don’t bite (usually) and we’d love to meet you, there’s no pressure or obligation, but we know this is a hard thing to start so we are persistent. ;)
All the best!

Text a short time later: Ok last time I bug you I swear, here’s the link to book your consultation at One-to-1 (appt link) we’re persistent when it comes to helping you look and feel better!

When there’s no current leads to follow up with go back to last month and look for those that didn’t book or convert:

Month 2 - Day 1

Text: Hey it’s been a month, how’s that fitness goal coming? Can we help? Text me back! ______from One-to-1.

Phone: Hey it’s ______from One-to-1, just checking on you, you had contacted us last month about starting a fitness goal, we’re committed to helping you, love to hear from you, please call us at 403-341-4041.

Email right after call:

SUB: It’s been a month already...

Since you contacted us about starting a fitness program, we’re a persistent and determined to help if we can.

Click here (appt link) to book a no-charge appointment, don’t worry it’s easy, painless and you don’t even have to work out that day. ;)
Feel good, look great, love life, that’s what we’re all about, interested?


Month 2 - Day 2

Text: So maybe you’re not serious about getting in shape? Don’t mean to offend I’m just trying to figure out why I haven’t heard from you. :) Just want to help, don’t even have to talk to me you can just click here to book an appt if you like. (Appt link)

Phone: Hey it’s ______from One-to-1, yep, sick of my bugging you about getting started? Well the sooner you get going on that fitness goal the sooner we can get on the to the fun and cool stuff! But seriously, this is my last stab at reaching out to help you get started, please know we only wish to help if we can. Please call 403-341-4041 if I can help you book a consultation to see if we’re right for you.


SUB: This is the end…

Well at least I won’t bug you after today if you don’t want.

I don’t understand why you haven’t responded, maybe you’re not serious about getting in shape right now?

I know it can be tough, too busy, don’t feel like it, too tired, too nervous, too scared, too many things.

Point is, trust me, we see and hear this every day (and feel it too, we’re just like you) that’s why we usually need someone to keep pushing us to take action.

Even though we haven’t met know that we care, just like to help if we can.

If you’d like to book an appointment click here: appt link

Or call me back at 403-341-4041 I’d love to help.


When they come in:

  1. Immediately complete health Q and Par-Q
  2. Book the nutritional/sales follow up appt first (Be persistent apply mild pressure this is critical)
  3. Language tip: “Mrs. Jones in many ways this is the most important part of the program, as we can’t change your life in a workout we can only hope to inspire/educate you how to live the other 23 hours a day!”
  1. Book all the workouts for their trial (be persistent, or they get stuck in meaning to get around to it, never to be seen again.)
  2. Pitch them the standard conversion offer (may as well get it all done to day, highlight the guarantee, and explain allows us to be lazer focused on their goals.)
  3. Notify accountability - Accountability complete 7a in next 1-2 days.
  4. Send them off to their workout.
  5. Make a note (highlight in sales report who came in for trial start today) follow up with them next day:
  6. How are you feeling? How was the workout? Anything I can help with today?