Colonel Smith Middle School

Mrs. Blocker’s Art Class

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to welcome your child to my art class. Below you will find important details about my class. Please review this letter with your child and reply to this email to let me know you received the information. You will find a lot more information posted on my district website. Please don’t hesitate to call or email if you have any questions or concerns.

Kristine Blocker


Class Rules

  • Be Safe –
  • Use tools and materials appropriately
  • Keep hands to yourself
  • Sit still on seat
  • Do not throw or toss anything…ever!
  • Important - More about safety on Page 2 **
  • Be Responsible –
  • Follow instructions
  • Give “quality attention” to your work
  • No Gum (school policy)
  • Clean up properly and completely
  • No cell phones (school policy)
  • Work on something of value at all times
  • Use only approved iPad apps only when assigned. Use the internet responsibly only for assigned research
  • Be Respectful –
  • Treat others as you wish to be treated
  • Work with a quiet voice
  • Listen when the teacher is talking

Consequences(not necessarily in this order)

  • Verbal warning
  • Behavior contract – signed by parent
  • Phone call or email home
  • Lunch detention (normally last 10 minutes of lunch per day)
  • After school detention (pre-arranged)
  • Conference with parent or guardian
  • Office referral

Absences and Missing Work

  • Students are responsible for work missed when they are absent.
  • Bellwork- make up by drawing something “extra” (10 pts. Per day)
  • If two or more days are missed – write a one page report on any art period or artist (1 page for every 2 days missed)

Donations:(not required)

  • Gallon size Ziploc bags (3-D Art and 7th)
  • Baggies (3-D Art and 6th grade)
  • Kleenex tissues
  • Bottle caps, all sizes and colors
  • butter & cool whip bowls
  • Business cards
  • Toothpicks
  • Expo markers
  • Sharpie markers

Grading(contact me anytime you have questions)

  • Most projects are worth 100 pts. Projects are graded with a rubric specific to the project.
  • Bellwork isusually worth 10 pts. Per day
  • Test percentages vary (Tests are required by administration in order to measure growth.)

(See Page 2 for course descriptions)

3-D Art 8th Grade– (1st Semester only)

In this class students will create 3 dimensional projects with clay, wire, plaster, cardboard and other media.They will workindividually or in cooperative groups to problem solve, design and create3 dimensional projects. Each student will be given an opportunity to use the potter's wheel. Several methods will be used to create with clay. One of the big group projects is the Kidstruction Project which is sponsored by the Society for Design Administration out of Tucson. You can find more detailed information about this contest on my webpage or on the SDA website. also participate inThe Empty Bowls Project sponsored by the Sierra Vista Pottery studio. This is an annual event that raises money to feed the hungry.More information is available on my website.

2-D Art 8th Grade– (2nd Semester only)

In this class we will focus on 2 dimensional art forms such as painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, photography and typography. Students will learn to appreciate art by gaining better understanding of processes as well as how artists use the Elements and Principles of art and design. There are so many opportunities for integrating art with other disciplines. Almost everything had to be designed by someone. Students will participate in contests such as the Cochise County Law Day Graphic Arts contest and if the timing allows the Doodle4Google contest.

7th Grade Architecture– (Semester class)

In 7th Grade Architecture students will be learning about Architectural methods and styles throughout history. They will explore various websites that highlight architecture appropriate for their level of learning. There is considerable focus on perspective drawing and problem solving. Students will learn to use a variety of materials such as clay and paint to create projects related to architecture.

7th Grade General Art – (9 week class)

7th Grade General Artis a continuation of the 6th Grade Introduction to Art class. Students will be using a variety of media to create projects that take the 6th grade projects a step further. Students will continue to explore the use of clay, weaving, printmaking and many other media. Problem solving and Art history will continue to be included in lessons as appropriate.

6th GradeIntroduction to Art – (9 week class)

In 6th Grade Introduction to Art students will be using a variety of media to create projectsthat emphasize the use of the "Elements and Principles of design." Students explore the use ofclay, weaving, printmaking and many other media in their work. Art history is incorporated into almost every lesson. Problem solving is an important part of this class as well. There will be some group work.

**More about Safety:

While I will go over these safety procedures with all classes it is also important for them to hear from you, the parent or guardian that they should behave responsibly in any lab setting while in school. (Repetition of rules and procedures is important for student learning.)

Safety in the Art lab is as important as the Science lab or any other classroom. Students are expected to handle and treat materials safely. Consequences for any unsafe behavior will require a call home and or an office referral.Depending on severity of the infraction you might lose the ability to complete the project you are working on and to participate in the following lab and be required to complete an alternative assignment. Some examples of safe practices are listed below:

All classes:

- Never blow dust – Clay dust and chalk dust are not good for any of us to breath. Do not blow dust. There are masks available for students to wear. Do not brush dust off of the tables. Use wet paper towels to clean dust from tables.

- Glazes, paints and other materials used in this class are labeled non-toxic but do contain chemicals and therefore it is always necessary to clean your table for the next student and wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the art room.

- Sharp tools such as scissors, scratch tools, clay knives, carving tools for printmaking and x-acto knives are sometimes used. It is very important to keep your attention on your tools, use them safely as directed and return them directly to the teacher.

- When using the potter’s wheel no jewelry or loose clothing can be worn. Long hair must be tied back. Hands must be clear of cuts and scrapes.

- While working on a project where paints, glue, glazes, etc. are being used do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth or any part of your face until your hands have been washed.

- Eating is not permitted in the Art room due to the nature of materials used.

- Do not put clay or other solid materials in the sinks.

- Hold your hand under your brush as you carry it to the sink.

- Report any safety issues to the teacher immediately including water on the floor.

8th Grade and Art Club only -

- Students must wear safety goggles, masks and nitrile gloves when using spray paint or other spray. Spraying is only done outside the classroom with teacher supervision. All spray paint must be checked out and returned directly to the teacher.

- Hot glue guns must be checked out and returned directly to the teacher. Do not hold the glue gun over any part of your body. Use only the low heat setting. If the low heat setting isn’t working, figure out a different way to connect parts such as nuts and bolts. No more than two students can work with a glue gun at one time. Unplug and return directly to the teacher. Do not pass glue guns to other students.

If you have any questions regarding these safety guidelines please talk to me or the administration.