May 15, 2002

Dear citizen:

The purpose of this letter is to share with you a plan of action I have developed to bring improvements to the Northgate neighborhood.

Over the last several years, there has been much planning and discussion about Northgate, but little to show for all the time and money spent. There have been no decisions on where to site much-needed new community facilities (library, community center and park), and little progress in daylighting Thornton Creek, a priority of the community and of my administration. Fifth Avenue remains an inhospitable street. The Northgate Theatre has closed. Northgate Mall awaits an opportunity to begin re-development to remain competitive with other retail centers in the region. Simon Properties, owner of the mall, has given up on developing the South Lot and is now selling pieces to third parties.

We need to act now, or we will quickly lose valuable opportunities.

Since I took office in January, I have asked my staff to work with key community members and with Simon Properties to come up with a coordinated, phased approach that would preserve opportunities and get us moving forward again in Northgate.

Here is my approach:

·  I will propose that the city preserve the remaining 3-acre South Lot site. Getting the site into public control will help us preserve the opportunity for potential future daylighting of Thornton Creek. In the near term I am proposing that we develop the site as a passive park with an open-water pond that will also provide drainage and water filtration. This investment will immediately improve water quality and control stormwater flows into the creek.

·  I am directing the city to proceed with the siting and development of a new library, community center and park at the 3.55-acre Bon Tire site on 5th Avenue. I believe this site will work well and that this investment will catalyze other beneficial development along that street.

·  I am strongly advocating improving the 5th Avenue streetscape and the 5th Avenue Mall entrance. The city and county have just submitted a grant to the Puget Sound Regional

·  Council for $1.8 million for this purpose. We are also in negotiations with Simon Properties and are hopeful that Simon will partner with the city on streetscape improvements and on developing a 5th Avenue Mall entrance that is well integrated with the library and community center.

·  I am directing the city to work with the community to establish the Maple Leaf Community Garden. I am supporting this community-initiated effort to create a new public garden just off 5th on 103rd Street. City funding decisions should be completed by June.

·  I will propose that the City Council enact modifications to the Northgate General Development Regulations. Regulatory changes are needed so that new investment can occur in the Mall - especially on the far northwest corner.

·  I am directing that the city work with King County (which now owns 8.7 acres of the South Lot) to replace the parking capacity of the North Park & Ride Lot so eventually that property can be used for community open space.

·  I am also directing the city to work with the county and the other South Lot property owners to encourage coordinated development of housing, well-planned transit-friendly commercial buildings and open space.

·  Finally, I will propose that once we make some progress on the items listed above the city will make funds available to retain a well-regarded urban planning firm to work with the community and property owners on additional concepts that will move Northgate closer to the visions articulated in the Northgate Plan.

Obviously there is a lot of work to do to bring all these ideas to fruition and community involvement will be key throughout. My strong conviction is that we won’t get anywhere on the Northgate issues if we don’t get started.

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas.



Mayor of Seattle