Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
2016 Application
☐ EDL (Emerging Dietetic Leader)☐ ODSA (Outstanding Dietetic Student Award)
☐ ODY (Outstanding Dietitian of the Year)
☐ RDTY (Registered Dietetic Technician of the Year)
☐ RYDY (Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year)
Academy Member / ☐ Yes ☐ No Membership # (if available): ______District
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Email Address
Organization NameCity/State
In 300 words or less, list achievements and description of why nominee deserves the award, including: credentials, honors (academic and other), dietetic association activities, community service activities, other involvement, etc.
Nomination Criteria
All recipients must be a current member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, active participant in the national, state, or district association, and first-time recipient for the award. Each award has additional andunique criteria listed below:
- EDL (Emerging Dietetic Leader)
- Initial, uninterrupted practice experienceof 5to10years
- Activeparticipationinthenational,state, ordistrictassociationforat least 5years
- Is a RD/RDN or DT/DTR
- Notpreviouslyselected asanRYDYorRDTY
- Demonstratedconcernforthepromotionofoptimalhealthand nutritionalstatusofthepopulation
- Demonstratedleadership,e.g.,inlegislation,research,education,management,etc.,inthe Association,communityoremployment
- ODSA (Outstanding Dietetic Student Award)
- Students must be members of the AND by Jan 1st of the year they would receive the award
- Student enrolled in ACEND-accredited dietetics education program (CP, DI, DPD, DT)
- Demonstrated academic achievement as documented by letters from program faculty or preceptor
- Demonstrated leadership and professional potential; e.g., honors, student dietetic association activities, community service activities, etc
- ODY (Outstanding Dietitian of the Year)
- Is a RD/RDN or DT/DTR
- Demonstratedleadership,e.g.,inlegislation,research,education,management,etc.,inthe Association,communityoremployment.
- RDTY (Registered Dietetic Technician of the Year)
- Is a DT/DTR.
- Demonstratedconcernforthepromotionofoptimalhealthandnutritionalstatusofthepopulation
- Demonstratedleadership,e.g.,legislation,research,education,clinical dietetics, foodservice management,publicrelations,careerguidance,etc.,inthe associationoremployment
- RYDY (Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year)
- Must be 35yearsoryounger as of May 1st of the current year
- Is a RD/RDN
- Demonstratedconcernforthepromotionofoptimalhealthandnutritionalstatusofthepopulation
- Demonstratedleadership,e.g.,inlegislation,research,education,management,etc.,eitherintheAssociationor employment
RYDY, RDTY, EDL, ODSA and ODY recipients receive a congratulatory letter from the Academy president, awards certificate, listing in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and ribbons at FNCE®.
- All applications must be submitted by 04/01/2016
- All nominees must be members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and have activeparticipationinthenational,state, ordistrictassociation.
- Complete this form and return to the Awards Coordinator, Martha (Mosqueda) Huizar at