Curriculum Vitae -- Michael Bamberg
· Staatsexamen (equiv. MA), University of Marburg (Germany) 1975
· M. Phil, University of York (England) 1978
· Ph.D. University of California, Berkley (USA) 1985
Academic Positions:
· Lecturer, University of York (England) 1975 - 1978
· Research Associate, Max-Planck-Institute Nijmegen, (Netherlands) 1981-1982
· Assistant Professor, Free University of Berlin (Germany) 1982-1985
· Lecturer, Tongji University, Shanghai (P.R. of China) 1985-1986
· Assistant Professor, Clark University (USA) 1986-1992
· Research Fellow, Massey University (New Zealand) 1994-1995
· Associate Professor, Clark University (USA) 1992-2001
· Full Professor, Clark University (USA) 2001-Present
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2001-2002 / Invited teaching appointment at the John-F-Kennedy Institute, FU-Berlin, Germany2001 / Invited teaching appointment for the International Graduate School in Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark (June 2001)
2000 / Invited teaching appointment for the 2000 Serrambi Summer School in Developmental Science, Recife, Brazil (November 2000)
1997 / DAAD Research Fellowship for a Study Visit in Germany (May 15 - August 15)
1995 / Invited teaching appointment for the 1995 Linguistic Institute at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (6-week teaching appointment)
1994-1995 / Research Fellow at Massey University, New Zealand
1990-1992 / National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship
1981-1982 / Fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institut für Psycholinguistik, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1978-1980 / DAAD Fellowship for graduate studies at UC Berkeley ('German Academic Exchange Service')
Articles & Chapters (Blue Text denotes link to article)
Bamberg, M. “You’re right, it’s nuts, we can’t trust girls”: Form and function of narratives in identity constructions in 10-year-old males (in preparation)
Bamberg, M. (submitted). Narrative Analysis and Identity Research: A Case for ‘Small Stories’
Bamberg, M., & Georgakopoulou, A. (under review). Small Stories as a New Perspective in Narrative and Identity Analysis. Text & Talk.
Bamberg, M. (in press). Selves and identities in the making: The study of microgenetic processes in interactive practices. In J Carpendale, U Müller & N. Budwig (Eds.), Social life and social knowledge. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Bamberg, M. (in print) Special Issue of Narrative Inquiry vol. 16(1) “Narrative – State of the Art” --- (introductory remarks + 3 articles on small versus big debate: by Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Mark Freeman, Michael Bamberg) <list of titles + contributors>
Bamberg, M. (forthcoming). Sequencing Events in Time or Sequencing Events in Story-Telling? From Cognition to Discourse – With Frogs Paving the Way. In J. Guo, S. Ervin-Tripp & Nancy Budwig (Eds.), Festschrift for Dan Slobin. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (version with pictures)
Bamberg, M. (2006). Biographic-narrative research, quo vadis? A critical review of ‘big stories’ from the perspective of ‘small stories’. In K. Milnes, C. Horrocks, N. Kelly, B. Roberts, and D. Robinson, (Eds.), Narrative, memory and knowledge: Representations, aesthetics and contexts. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press.
Poster presentations at APS + APS with Samantha Trickey, Jamie Hickey, and Larissa Christensen: APS in May; APA in August
Korobov, N. & Bamberg, M. (2006). “Strip poker! They don’t show nothing!” Positioning identities in adolescent male talk about a television game show. In M. Bamberg, A DeFina & D. Schiffrin (Eds.), Narratives in interaction: Identities and selves. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Bamberg, M. (2005). Review of Frosh/Phoenix/Pattman (Young Masculinities) and Way/Chu (Adolescent Boys). Journal of Adolescent Research, 20(5), 604-608.
Bamberg, M. (2005). Encyclopedia entries on ‘Agency’,’ Master Narratives’, and ‘Positioning’. In D. Herman, M. Jahn, & M.-L. Ryan (Eds.), The Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory. New York: Routledge.
Bamberg, M. (2005). Motivating psychology students to engage in inquiry. Review of Neil J. Salkind “An Introduction to Theories of Development”. PsychCRITIQUES – Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books
Moissinac, L. & Bamberg, M. (2005). “It’s weird, I was so mad”: Developing Discursive Identity Defenses in Conversational “Small” Stories of Adolescent Boys. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 29(2), 142-156.
Bamberg, M. (2004). Narrative discourse and identities. In J. C. Meister, T. Kindt, W. Schernus, & M. Stein (Eds.), Narratology beyond literary criticism (pp. 213-237) Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Bamberg, M. (2004). Considering counter narratives. In: M. Bamberg & M. Andrews (Eds.), Considering counter narratives: Narrating, resisting, making sense (pp. 351-371). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Korobov, N. & Bamberg, M. (2004) Positioning a ‘mature’ self in interactive practices: How adolescent males negotiate ‘physical attraction’ in group talk. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 471-492.
Korobov, N. & Bamberg, M. (2004). Development as micro-genetic positioning. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 521-530.
Bamberg, M. (2004). “We are young, responsible, and male”: Form and function of ‘slut-bashing’ in the identity constructions in 15-year-old males. Human Development, 47, 331-353. (Responses by Avril Thorne and Rogers Hall)
Bamberg, M. (2004). Talk, small stories, and adolescent identities. Human Development, 47, 366-369.
Bamberg, M. (2003). Review of Crispin Sartwell’s “End of Story”. Narrative Inquiry, 13(2), 473-481.
Bamberg, M & Barcinski, M. (in collaboration with C, Morey, J. Farwell & S. Powell) “ Developing a (male) sense of (heterosexual) self: Positioning strategies in 10-, 12-, and 14-year olds on the topic of girls and sexuality”. Symposium at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, June 5th, 2003
Bamberg, M. (2003) “Positioning with Davie Hogan – Stories, Tellings, and Identities. In C. Daiute & C. Lightfoot (Eds.), Narrative analysis: Studying the development of individuals in society. London: Sage.
Bamberg, M. (2003) Foreword to ‘Qualitative Research in Psychology’; edited by P. Camic, J, Rhodes & L. Yardley. Washington, DC: American Psychology Association.
Bamberg, M. ( 2003) "Construindo a masculinidade na adolescência: a formação de posicionamentos e o processo de construção da identidade aos 15 anos". In Moita Lopes, L. P. & Bastos, L. C. ( Eds.) Identidades. Recortes Inter- e Multidisciplinares. Campinas: Mercado de Letras.
Bamberg, M. & Moissinac, L. (2003). Discourse development. In A. Graesser & M.A. Gernsbacher (Eds.), Handbook for discourse processes (pp. 395-437). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bamberg, M. (2002). Literacy and development as discourse, cognition or as both? Journal of Child Language, 29, 449-453.
Bamberg, M. (2001). Why young American English-speaking children confuse anger and sadness: A study of grammar in practice. In: K. Nelson, A. Aksu-Koc, & C. Johnson (Eds.), Children’s language, Vol. 10: Language in use, narratives and interaction (pp. 55-72). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bamberg, M. (2000). Critical personalism, language, and development. Theory & Psychology, 10, 749-767.
Bamberg, M. (2000). Language and communication – What develops? Determining the role of language practices for a theory of development. In N. Budwig, I. Uzgiris, & J. Wertsch (Eds.), Communication: Arena of development (pp. 55-77). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Bamberg, M. (1999). Talk and what talk is about: The development of form and content in discourse practices. Human Development, 42, 247-252.
Bamberg, M. (1999). Identität in Erzählung und im Erzählen. Versuch einer Bestimmung der Besonderheit des narrativen Diskurses für die sprachliche Verfassung von Identität. Journal für Psychologie, 7, 43-55
Bamberg, M. (1999). Is there anything behind discourse? Narrative and the local accomplishment of identities. In W. Maiers, B. Bayer, B. Duarte Esgalhado, R. Jorna & E. Schraube (Eds.) Challenges to theoretical psychology. Selected/edited proceedings of the seventh biennial conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, Berlin, 1997 (pp. 220-227). North York: Captus University Publications.
Budwig, N., Valsiner, J., & Bamberg, M. (1998). Situating Rogoff: The interdisciplinary study of human development. Clark Working Papers on Developmental Psychology, 1, 2-15.
Bamberg, M. (1998). Narrative, play, and development. Human Development, 41, 196-199.
Bamberg, M. (1997). Language, concepts and emotions. The role of language in the construction of emotions. Language Sciences, 19, 309-340.
Bamberg, M. (1997). Positioning between structure and performance. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 7, 335-342.
Bamberg, M. (1997). Culture, words and understanding. Culture and Psychology, 3(2), 183-194.
Bamberg, M. (1997). Emotion talk(s). The role of perspective in the construction of emotions. In S. Niemeier & R. Dirven (Eds.), The language of emotions (pp. 209-225). Amsterdam: John Benjamin.
Bamberg, M. (1997). Introduction to the volume. In M. Bamberg (Ed.), Narrative development - Six approaches (pp. i-xiv). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Bamberg, M. (1997). A constructivist approach to narrative development. In M. Bamberg (Ed.), Narrative development - Six approaches (pp. 89-132). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Talbot, J., Bibace, R., Bokhur, B., & Bamberg, M. (1996). Affirmation and resistance of dominant discourses: The rhetorical construction of pregnancy. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 6, 225-251
Bamberg, M. (1996). Language, concepts, and emotions. The role of language in the construction of emotions. Visiting Scholar Series No. 6, Department of Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand (Also distributed via the www "Virtual Psychology").
Bamberg, M. (1996) Perspective and agency in the construal of narrative events. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Boston Conference on Language Development, Vol.1 (pp. 30-39). A. Stringfellow, D. Cahana-Amitay, E. Hughes, & A. Zukowski (Eds.). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Bamberg, M., Ammirati, D. L., & Shea, S. (1995) What constitutes 'good' data for the study of language development? - Talk about things with no name: "Double Emotions". In P. W. Davis (Ed.), Descriptive and theoretical modes in the alternative linguistics (pp. 1-43). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Bamberg, M., & Marchman ,V. (1994). Forshadowing and wrapping-up. Linguistic forms and the constitution of part-whole relationships of a text. In R. Berman & D. I. Slobin (Eds.), Different ways of relating events in narrative: A crosslinguistic study (pp. 555-590). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Bamberg, M. (1994). Time, space and agency in German narratives. The development of linguistic forms. In R. Berman & D. I. Slobin (Eds.), Different ways of relating events in narrative: A crosslinguistic study (pp. 189-238). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Bamberg, M. (1994). Actions, events, scenes, plots and the drama. Language and the constitution of part-whole relationships. Language Sciences, 16, 39-80.
Bamberg, M. (1992). Binding and unfolding. Establishing viewpoint in oral and written discourse. In M. Kohrt & A. Wrobel (Eds.), Schreibprozesse - Schreibprodukte: Festschrift für Gisbert Keseling. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
Bamberg, M., &. Budwig, N. (1992). Therapeutic misconceptions. When the voices of caring and research are misconstrued as the voice of curing. Ethics and Behavior, 2, 165-184.
Bamberg, M., & Marchman,V. (1991). Binding and unfolding: Towards the linguistic construction of narrative discourse. Discourse Processes, 14, 277-305.
Bamberg, M., & Damrad-Frye, R. (1991). On the ability to provide evaluative comments: Further explorations of children's narrative competencies. Journal of Child Language, 18, 689-710.
Bamberg, M. (1991). Voices of curing and caring: The role of vagueness and ambiguity in informed consent discussions. Family Systems Medicine, 9, 329-342.
Bamberg, M., & Budwig, N. (1991). The voices of health care and research, and the therapeutic misconception: A discourse analytic approach to informed consent. In E. Feldbusch, R. Pogarell, & C. Weiss (Eds.), Neue Fragen der Linguistik. Akten des 25. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Paderborn, Band II. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Bamberg, M. (1991). Conceptualization via narrative. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 7, 155-167.
Bamberg, M., Budwig, N., & B. Kaplan. (1991). A developmental approach to language acquisition: Two case studies. First Language, 11(1), 121-141.
Bamberg, M. (1991). Narrative as perspective taking: The role of emotionals, negations, and voice in the construction of the story realm. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 5, 275-290.
Bamberg, M., & Marchman, V. (1990). What holds a narrative together? The linguistic encoding of episode boundaries. Papers in Pragmatics, 4(2), 58-121.
Bamberg, M. (1990). The German Perfekt: Form and function of tense alternations. Studies in Language, 14(2), 253-290.
Bamberg, M., & Budwig, N. (1989). Entwicklungstheoretische Überlegungen zum Spracherwerb. Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, 73, 33-52.
Hoffman, R.R., Bringmann,W., Bamberg, M., & Klein, R. (1987). Some historical observations on Ebbinghaus. In D. Gorfein & R. Hoffman (Eds.), Memory and learning: The Ebbinghaus Centennial Conference. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Budwig, N., Strage, A., & Bamberg, M. (1986). The construction of joint activities with an agemate: The transition from caregiver-child to peer interaction. In J. Cook-Gumperz, W. Corsaro, & J. Streeck (Eds.), Children's worlds and children's language. Berlin: Mouton.
Bamberg, M. (1986). A functional approach to the acquisition of anaphoric relationships. Linguistics, 24, 227-284.
Bamberg, M. (1985). Meppen/Illinois - Ein Stück 'Oral History'. Meppener Tagespost; July 24, 1985.
Bamberg, M. (1985), Zum Problem der Reorganisierung des sprachlichen Regelsystems im kindlichen Spracherwerb: Die Zeitbombenhypothese. In W. Kürschner & R. Vogt (Eds.), Sprachtheorie, Pragmatik, Interdisziplinäres. Akten des 19. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Vechta, Band II. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Bamberg M., & Lindenberger, U. (1984), Zur Metaphorik des Sprechens. Mit der Metapher Zu Einer Alltagstheorie der Sprache. Sprache und Literatur, 53, l8-33.
Budwig, N., Strage,A., & Bamberg, M. (1983). "Mommy let me play with my friend!": The mechanics and products of peer play. In F.E. Manning (Ed.), The world of play. West Point, NY: Leisure Press.
Budwig, N., Bamberg, M., & Strage, A. (1983). A case for literal metaphor in child language. In C. L. Thew & C. E. Johnson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Vol. II. Washington, DC: University Press of America.
Bamberg, M. (1983). Metaphors as 'framing devices': Relating linguistic and cognitive processes in 3-year olds. In R. Jongen, S. de Knop, P.H. Nelde, & M. P. Quix (Eds.), Mehrsprachiqkeit und Gesellschaft. Akten des 17. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Brüssel, Band II. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Bamberg, M. (1982). Metapher, Sprache, Intersubjektivität. Muttersprache, 92, 49-62.
Bamberg, M. (1982). Metaphor and play interaction in young children. In F. E. Manning (Ed.), The world of play. West Point, NY: Leisure Press.
Strage, A., Bamberg, M., & Budwig, N. (1981). "Is that any way to talk to your friend?", Mothers' input and the development of role-appropriate discourse among peers. Papers and Reports on Child Development, 20, 124-132.
Bamberg, M. (1980). A fresh look at the relationship between pragmatic and semantic knowledge. - Exemplified with some data from the acquisition of first words. Archives of Psychology, 133, 23-43.