Third Grade Lesson Plans

Subject: Reading

March 11 – March 15, 2013
RF.3.3c Decode multisyllable words
RF.3.3a Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes.
RF.3.4b Read grade-level pose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression.
RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from non-literal language.
RL.3.7 Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story.
L.3.2f Use spelling patterns and gneralizations (e.g. word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
L.3.3a Choose words and phrases for effect.
L.3.4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase
L.3.4d Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.
L.3.5b Identify real-life connections between words and their use.
SL.3.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
W.3.8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories.
Essential Question: What might the problem be in a story about ants?
Skill: story structure; Strategy: monitor/clarify
Vocabulary: scout, narrow, surrounded, underground, puzzling, glassy, violently, liquid, soggy, unaware
Shared Reading / Guided Reading / Interactive & Read-Aloud
Monday / Story “Two Bad Ants”
Standards RF.3.3C, RF.3.4b, L.3.4a, L.3.5b, L.3.6
1.  The teacher will display the message by writing it on the board. See T12 (unit 5 lesson 21) for message. Read the message with students and discuss its meaning. Explain that ants are known for working hard and cooperating with one another.
2.  The teacher will read aloud “Gran’s Basement” (T14-15) and explain to students that they should listen for words that might explain something about ants. Students should be able to explain the word meanings briefly.
3.  The teacher will ask students the listening comprehension questions.
4.  The students will read and pronounce each word and take turns reading the words in context using pages 170-171 in student books and T16-T17 in teacher books.
5.  Students will use their dictionaries to write the definitions of each word in their ELA journals.
Assessment Teacher observation, journal entries, discussion / GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT PLANS
3R1.1, 3R1.2
1. TSW read independently for enjoyment and fluency
2. Record reading in reading log / Indicators: 3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5
Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice.
1. TTW read and question students.
2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk”
Focus Skills:
Make predictions; summarize main idea; analyze character and setting; compare and contrast settings, characters, events, and ideas in a variety of texts; identify problem and solution.
Assessment: TO student participation in turn and talk
Tuesday / Story “Two Bad Ants”
Standards L.3.5b, L.3.6, RL.3.1,RL.3.3, RL.3.4, RL.3.7, RL.3.10, SL.3.1a
1.  The teacher will display the message by writing in on the board (T22) for students to see, read aloud, and discuss. The teacher will discuss the fable and other stories about ants with the students.
2.  The teacher will build the student’s background knowledge using the vocabulary words. T24-25 has the words and some ideas for the teacher to use that will help the students understand the meaning of each word.
3.  Students will get with partners and take turns rereading “Ant Life.” They will pause at the highlighted words to explain the word as they read it.
4.  The teacher will introduce story structure and monitor/clarify. Students will write down the words and definitions in their journals. The teacher will download “Projectable 21.4” from ThinkCentral website.
5.  Students will read page 173 to help themselves understand what it is they need to know.
6.  Students will complete practice book page 73 as an assessment to check for comprehension.
7.  The teacher will introduce the main selection with students. Read aloud SB 174and discuss the genre of the story.
8.  The teacher will read the selection, stopping to ask questions throughout as the students follow along. (SB 174-190 and T28-38)
9.  Students will respond to the topics on page 191 in their ELA journals.
Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries, practice book page / GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT PLANS
3R1.1, 3R1.2
1. TSW read independently for enjoyment and fluency
2. Record reading in reading log / Indicators: 3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5
Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice.
1. TTW read and question students.
2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk”
Focus Skills:
Make predictions; summarize main idea; analyze character and setting; compare and contrast settings, characters, events, and ideas in a variety of texts; identify problem and solution.
Assessment: TO student participation in turn and talk
Wednesday / Story “Two Bad Ants”
Standards L.3.5b, RL.3.1, RL.3.3, RL.3.4, RL.3.7, RL.3.10, SL.3.1a, RF.3.4b
1.  The teacher will display the message (T42) by writing it on the whiteboard for students to see, read aloud, and discuss.
2.  The teacher will ask students questions about the vocabulary words to check for comprehension. Have them explain some of the meanings in their own words.
3.  Students will reread the story with a partner and ask each other questions to make sure they understand what the story is about.
4.  The teacher will do a “Deepen Comprehension” lesson with students to talk about story structure. Students need to know that they can use story details and their own knowledge to figure out unclear parts.
5.  Students will look at page 183 in their books and discuss how they use their own knowledge, story details, and illustrations to figure out that the ants are in a cup of tea or coffee.
6.  Teacher will use T46-47 to continue the lesson. Workbook page 78 can be used as an assessment at the end of the lesson.
Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries, practice page / GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT PLANS
3R1.1, 3R1.2
1. TSW read independently for enjoyment and fluency
2. Record reading in reading log / Indicators: 3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5
Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice.
1. TTW read and question students.
2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk”
Focus Skills:
Make predictions; summarize main idea; analyze character and setting; compare and contrast settings, characters, events, and ideas in a variety of texts; identify problem and solution.
Assessment: TO student participation in turn and talk
Thursday & Friday / THURSDAY
Story “Two Bad Ants”
Standards RL.3.2, RL.3.10, W.3.7, W.3.8, W.3.10, SL.3.1a, SL.3.4, RF.3.3a, L.3.4b, L.3.4d
1.  The teacher will display the message (T50) for students to see and read it aloud for them to hear.
2.  The teacher will ask students questions about the vocabulary words and have them choose which word best answers the question.
3.  The teacher will do a “Connect to Poetry” lesson using “Poems about Bugs” on T52. Explain to students the genre of poetry and all the parts that make it up. Use the word alliteration as one of the types of figurative language.
4.  The students will write their own funny poem about a bug and see if they can use some of the vocabulary words from the story “Two Bad Ants.”
5.  The teacher will do a vocabulary strategies lesson focusing on the prefix non- and base words. See T54-55 for ideas.
6.  The students will complete workbook page 81 as an assessment.
Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, poems, workbook page
Story “Two Bad Ants”
Standards SL.3.1a, SL.3.4, RL.3.1
1.  Display the message (T58), read it and have students write a response in their journals. Volunteers can share their responses if time allows.
2.  The teacher will review the vocabulary words within the story and discuss their meanings.
3.  The students will complete the vocabulary and comprehension selection tests.
4.  The teacher will grade the assessments and reteach where needed.
Assessment teacher observation, discussion, pictures, test / GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT PLANS
3R1.1, 3R1.2
1. TSW read independently for enjoyment and fluency
2. Record reading in reading log / Indicators: 3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5
Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice.
1. TTW read and question students.
2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk”
Focus Skills:
Make predictions; summarize main idea; analyze character and setting; compare and contrast settings, characters, events, and ideas in a variety of texts; identify problem and solution.
Assessment: TO student participation in turn and talk