General notes regarding lab reports:

·  Never use the words “I” “we” “our” “my” “the student” “the experimenter” or any other word referring to you directly (this includes the use of “one” which should ALSO never be used). It makes your paper appear unprofessional. Instead of writing “I added 5.0g NaCl to 50mL water” just write “5.0g NaCl was added to 50mL water.” Whoever is reading your lab KNOWS you and/or your partner did it… your name is on the cover page!

·  Avoid the use of the word “it”- your goal is to be CLEAR and CONCISE.

·  Samples are "prepared" and graphs are "generated" or "produced" in the lab- nothing is ever "created."

·  Although it IS permissible to use the word "weight" instead of "mass," NEITHER should be used as a verb. Masses may be "taken" or "found" or "discovered", but chemicals should not be "massed" (used incorrectly more and more frequently) and absolutely never "weighted."

·  “Moles” is like “dozen” in that it is a number. Thus, “the number of moles of chloride” or “the amount of chloride” can be determined, but statements such as “the moles of chloride” make no sense gramatically or chemically.

·  No colloquialisms. You can still be funny and lightheated if that’s your style without being unprofessional.

·  No contractions. Again, this is formal writing.

·  Do not attempt to B.S. your way through a lab report...if you don’t understand the material, seek help!
The confusing misuse of big words is NOT eloquent. You just sound like a dumb politician trying to sound intelligent.
Expressing yourself so that the reader "kinda gets what you mean" is not sufficient.

·  PROOF READ!!! Read your lab OUT LOUD...if it makes no sense, re-write it!
Reading OUT LOUD is a lost art from which a great many of you could benefit.

·  All data must be expressed with the correct number of significant figures.

·  This is not the third grade, when you (hopefully) stopped writing “the subject of my book report is…” so NEVER use the phrase "in this experiment" or any equivalent thereof ANYWHERE in your report.

·  Spelling and grammar errors are not acceptable. There are these really cool things called computers now where all you have to do is press one button and the spelling and grammar of your document are checked. You cannot possibly be too lazy to use it. Yes, the computer will find words and phrases that it doesn’t understand which you wrote correctly. You can simply tell the computer to ignore those. But it will also find your legitimate errors. Watch especially the use of “affect/effect,” “it's/its,” “their/there,” “passed/past,” etc. Tests are not “done” and samples are not “determined.” Whether or not English is your native language, it IS the internationally accepted language of science. USE the Cooper Union Writing Center! They’ll proof read your paper for FREE!

·  Are the words “previously prepared” or “aforementioned” in your report? Chances are they are unnecessary. Remove them.

·  Sample calculations must include 1 complete set of calculations using real data from the lab. The set of calculations must also include the propagation of error, if required. Include all units. If the units of the answer don’t match the calculation, the math can not possibly be correct.

·  Express numbers in correct scientific notation (3.0x10-6 NOT 3.0E-6). These computers are amazingly adept at superscripts whereas old typewriters were not.

·  Justify everything. If you say one method is better than another due to cost, the dollars involved had better be cited. All error must be explained.

·  Be specific.

·  Redundancy is not good. This includes repetition both within and between sections of your report.

·  “Within” is correctly used above. Samples are not “within” a solution. Precise and accurate scientific writing is required.

·  Redundancy is not good. (annoying, isn't it?!?!)

·  The states of matter (s), (aq), (g) are NOT subscripted. (You may italicize the letter if you are so inclined.) The numbers in formulas denoting multiple atoms or functional groups ARE subscripted. Ex: AgNO3(aq).

·  Watch Out For Unnecessary Capitalization… This Is Really Not A Good Idea When Writing A Report Filled With Chemical Symbols. Chemical techniques, e.g.- mass spectroscopy, may use capital letters for their abbreviations (e.g.- MS), but are not capitalized when written out. The only exception to this rule is in the report title. Table captions are not an exception (see any JACS article). Be sure abbreviations are correct, too: mL, mol, etc.

·  Every single one of these could be in ALL CAPS, bold, italics. They are all critical to your development of superior scientific writing skills. Follow them or suffer the consequences. In cases where there is a discrepancy between this material and your lab manual (or what your teacher/professor has told you), you should consider the significance of the difference and who will be reading and grading your report.

************ BEGIN SAMPLE LAB ************

Determination of the Chloride Content in a Soluble Salt
By Ion Exchange and Titration

(Don’t just copy the title from the lab manual.)
(Also, note that “Determination of an Unknown Chloride” makes no sense, scientifically or grammatically. WHAT did you determine about it? Note the following appropriate definition of the word “determination:” The ascertaining or fixing of the quantity, quality, position, or character of something: a determination of the ship's longitude; a determination of the mass of the universe.)

Kevin Kolack, Ph.D.

The Cooper Union

Ch111, Section E

Professor Kolack

April 1, 2010

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Table of Contents

Abstract / 3
Introduction / 3
Experimental / 3
Results and Discussion / 5
Acknowledgments (no “e”- see your lab manual) / 6
References / 6
Appendix I- sample calculations / 7
Appendix II- error propagation / 8

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The percent chloride of an unknown soluble salt (AxCly, number 169) was determined by ion exchange to be 31.6% ± 0.5%. The fact that the propagated error was 0.3% indicates a low incidence of random error. The percent error was 43.5%. The difference between the experimental and actual percent chloride (55.9%) was due to the use of fictitious data. Hydroxide ions were eluted when a known quantity of the unknown was passed through a column of Amberlite IRA-910. This basic solution was over-titrated with potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) and back-titrated with a solution of NaOH prepared in the lab and standardized with KHP.
See your lab manual and a statistics book for a discussion of significant figures, especially with regard to standard deviation.
Note that percent error for this lab and the gravimetric lab is not just a subtraction of the actual and experimental (not “determined”) percent chlorides, but is a statistical percent error.

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PRESENT TENSE. BRIEF HISTORY AND TECHNIQUE OVERVIEW, INCLUDING WHY THE EXPERIMENT IS BEING PERFORMED (OR WOULD BE PERFORMED IF THIS WERE NOT JUST FOR A GRADE IN A CLASS). So, this lab report should include: theory of standard solution preparation including the reasons for the standardization of NaOH and amphoteric nature of KHP; reason for over-titration and back-titration; questions from manual. MUST INCLUDE REFERENCES TO CURRENT PERIODICALS, NOT JUST TEXTBOOKS. THIS SECTION IS NOT JUST A VAGUE RESTATEMENT OF THE EXPERIMENTAL SECTION!!!

Determination of chloride content is important to such varied fields as disposal of radioactive waste and restoration of classical paintings. One method of finding the makeup of an unknown is ion exchange…


Preparation of standardized NaOH solution (notice that I am capitalizing only the first word of my table captions, SECTIONS AND subsections)

Approximately 0.1M NaOH was prepared by dissolving 20 pellets of solid NaOH (approximately 0.1g each) in 500mL distilled water. This solution was standardized by titrating it three times against known quantities of the monoprotic acid KHP in 50mL water (Tables 1 and 2). Roughly 0.5g KHP was used in each of the three trials so that the titrations would be accomplished using approximately 25mL solution. During the titration of Sample 1, a beaker was broken on a nearby lab bench, and in the resulting confusion, several drops of NaOH were added to the solution past the end point of the titration.

Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3
Initial mass (g) ± 0.0002g / 58.3297 / 57.8168 / 57.2967
Final mass (g) ± 0.0002g / 57.8168 / 57.2967 / 56.7809
Mass of KHP transferred (g) ± 0.0003g / 0.5129 / 0.5201 / 0.5158
Number of moles of KHP ± 2x10-6 / 2.512x10-3 / 2.547x10-3 / 2.526x10-3

Table 1- Amount of KHP used to standardize the NaOH solution
(NOTE: ALL tables and figures must be numbered and must be referred to in the text)

Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3
Initial volume NaOH (mL) ± 0.05mL / 0.00 / 1.58 / 2.36
Final volume NaOH (mL) ± 0.05mL / 26.89 / 28.36 / 29.12
Volume NaOH transferred(mL) ± 0.07mL / 26.89 / 26.78 / 26.76

Table 2- Volume of NaOH required to neutralize KHP

From the data above, the concentration of the NaOH solution was calculated. This standardized NaOH was stored in a sealed plastic container until the next lab period.

Preparation of the ion exchange column

A 50mL buret was cleaned until it was free draining. A glass wool plug was inserted into the buret to prevent clogging of the stopcock by the ion exchange resin. Approximately 35mL of resin was added to the buret in small portions, draining off excess liquid as needed. The buret was inverted several times in order to ensure even packing of the column and to remove air bubbles. At no point during the experiment was the liquid level allowed to drop below the level of the solid resin. The resin was recharged by passing 40mL of a stock 4% NaOH solution through the buret at a rate of 5mL/min. Excess NaOH was rinsed from the resin by passing 60mL of water through the column. (NOTE ON THIS LAB: HOW WERE YOU SURE WHEN THE EXCESS HAD BEEN RINSED OFF? THOSE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE INCLUDED AS WELL.)

Ion exchange and acidification of unknown

An aqueous solution of the unknown was prepared by adding approximately 0.2g of the unknown (Table 3) to a 50mL volumetric flask and filling to the mark with water.

Initial mass (g) ± 0.0002g / 9.0786
Final mass (g) ± 0.0002g / 8.8551
Mass unknown transferred(g) ± 0.0003g / 0.2235

Table 3- Mass of unknown used to prepare solution

A volumetric pipet was used to pass exactly 10mL of this solution through the column. To ensure complete exchange, an additional 80mL of water was passed through the column. The eluent was collected in an Erlenmeyer flask, and 3 drops of phenolphthalein were added. A second buret was filled with a stock solution of KHP (0.400M), and the purple solution was titrated 3mL beyond the equivalence point (when the solution turned clear). Three drops of CCl4 were added to the acidified solution as a preservative, and the process was repeated twice more with additional 10mL portions of the solution of the unknown (Table 4) after first regenerating and rinsing the column as above.

Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3
Initial volume KHP (mL) ± 0.05mL / 0.08 / 1.58 / 2.36
Final volume KHP (mL) ± 0.05mL / 5.09 / 6.73 / 7.35
Volume KHP transferred(mL) ± 0.07mL / 5.01 / 5.15 / 4.99
Amount of KHP (moles) ± 3x10-5 / 2.04x10-3 / 2.06x10-3 / 2.00x10-3

Table 4- Volume of KHP used in over-titration of OH--containing eluent

Back titration of acidified solutions

A 50mL buret was filled with the standardized NaOH solution prepared earlier, and the three acidified solutions were titrated until a faint pink color persisted. The data for these titrations are given in Table 5.

Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3
Initial volume NaOH (mL) ± 0.05mL / 15.97 / 5.98 / 26.65
Final volume NaOH (mL) ± 0.05mL / 22.86 / 13.19 / 33.77
Volume NaOH transferred(mL) ± 0.07mL / 6.89 / 7.21 / 7.12

Table 5- Volume of standardized NaOH used to titrate acidified eluent

Results and Discussion

Since 2.512x10-3mol, 2.547x10-3mol, and 2.526x10-3mol (± 2x10-6 mol) KHP were titrated in three runs by 26.89mL, 26.78mL, and 26.76mL (± 0.07mL) NaOH, and each mole of KHP neutralizes one mole of NaOH, the molarity of the NaOH is calculated to be 0.09342M, 0.09511M, 0.09439M. However, the relative uncertainty of these numbers is 0.012, so the molarity can only be calculated to a precision of 0.094M ± 0.001M. This concentration can then be used to calculate the number of moles of NaOH in the final back titration (Table 6).

Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3
moles NaOH ± 8x10-6 / 6.48x10-4 / 6.78x10-4 / 6.69x10-4

Table 6- Calculation of number of moles of NaOH used in back titration

Because the chloride in the unknown displaces the hydroxide from the resin in a 1:1 ratio (SHOULD BE EXPLAINED IN INTRODUCTION), the amount of hydroxide in the eluent of the ion exchange equals the amount of chloride in the unknown. Since acid (KHP) was added to the eluent past the endpoint, the amount of hydroxide in the eluent is equal to the amount of KHP added minus the amount of NaOH required to neutralize it in the back titration.