Riverwatch Middle School

Eighth Grade

Three Fun Days of Learning


A Lifetime of Memories

March 31st, April 1st and 2nd, 2015

Dear Students and Parents:

We are extremely excited to present plans for a special learning opportunity being arranged for our students later this school year. The first week of April our 8th graders will board luxury chartered motor coaches for three fun days full of learning in Savannah, coastal Georgia and Atlanta. This travel experience is being designed by Jim Mulvihill Tours, Inc.

During our three day Savannah adventure, our students will participate in the following curriculum based learning activities:

  • Old Fort Jackson where our students will become “Georgia Militia” and learn about the life and times of Civil War soldiers
  • Tour the Civil War Fort Pulaski located on Tybee Island
  • A trolley tour exploring Savannah’s beautiful squares and its colorful history
  • A dolphin watch and coastal ecology lesson on a tidal river
  • A guided ghost walk/historical tour in the historic district
  • A walking tour of the First African Baptist Church, a former station on the Underground Railroad
  • A visit to Oatland Island Wildlife Refuge
  • We will also have some special time on the Savannah Queen, riverboat with a DJ and dancing as well as time for shopping on River Street
  • A visit to Centennial Olympic Park
  • A visit to the “New” World of Coke
  • A visit Historic Oakland Cemetery
  • And much more!

As you can see, we have got a lot of learning packed into our three-day Savannah adventure.

The cost of this learning opportunity, including transportation aboard luxury chartered motor coaches, hotel rooms (4 per room), all meals (except dinner on River Street), security guards to watch over our rooms each night, local expert guides, tips, entry fees and trip escorts is $345. This amount can be paid in full or in three installments:

1st payment (deposit) of $115–Friday, October 10th

2nd payment of $115- Wednesday, November 12th

3rd and final payment of $115- Wednesday, January 14th

To register your child for this experience, please complete the application form and behavior letter included with this packet and send it along with a copy of your child’s insurance card and your deposit or full payment to Jennifer Kelley on or before October 10th.

****All checks should be made payable to RMS, with a phone number, driver’s license number, student name, and first period teacher’s name on the check. ****

We hope you are as excited as we are about this outstanding educational opportunity for your child. There will be an informational meeting about the trip on Monday, October 6th at 6:00in the RMS cafeteria. If you have any questions, please email Jennifer Kelley, trip coordinator, at .

As always, thanks for your support!

Your RMS 8th Grade Staff

Savannah Adventure Application Form

To register your child for our trip, send your completed application along with the full payment of $345 or deposit of $115 (payable to Riverwatch) to Jennifer Kelley, trip coordinator, by October 10th.

Student Name______Date of Birth______

Parent Name(s) ______T-shirt size______

Home Phone______Parents’ Cell______

Emergency Number(s) ______Relationship______

Langauge Arts Teacher______Math Teacher______

Georgia Studies Teacher______Science Teacher______


***If you do not know your team. That information can be found by contacting the front office at 678-455-7311 ext.300101


I give permission for my child to participate in the Riverwatch’s Savannah Adventure on March 31st, April 1st and 2nd. I understand that once I commit to this activity no refunds can be made after February 20th. I also understand that my child may not be allowed to participate if his/her behavior is such that it violates the Forsyth County Schools Code of Conduct. In addition, a student’s participation in this learning opportunity may end if his/her behavior distracts significantly from the learning environment of others. I also understand that Riverwatch Middle School and Jim Mulvihill Tours, Inc. act as agents in this activity and shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay, or any other irregularities that occur as the fault of service providers (museums, hotels, restaurants, etc.) on this trip.

Signature of Parent/Guardian______Date______

Medical Information- Please provides all information and sign where required.

*** Include a copy of both side of your child’s insurance card along with this application*** If you do not have health insurance you must purchase insurance through the school and show proof of the purchase ( a copy of application and check). Those forms can be picked up in the front office.

I agree to pay for any and all treatment not covered by my insurance program should the need arise.

Signature of Parent/Guardian______Date______

Does your child have special medical or dietary needs? (medication, allergies, dietary restrictions- include those for religious reasons, vegetarian, etc.) Please use the space below and the back of this sheet if necessary to explain in detail.



Dear 8th Grade Student & Parent:

Students traveling on the 8th Grade Savannah Adventure are expected to display a high caliber of well-mannered behavior at all times. Because our 8th grade students are representing Riverwatch Middle School as a whole, and because we are asking Riverwatch faculty and staff to be responsible for students off campus for 3 days and 2 nights, there are academic and behavioral expectations for being allowed to attend the trip. Thus, any 8th grade student who:

  • On the third assigned day of ISS for any discipline infraction or series of discipline infractions between August 7th , 2014 and March 30th, 2015 – Upon serving a total of 3 days of ISS over the course of the school year the student will not be allowed on the trip
  • Commits any discipline infraction that results in Out of School Suspension between August 7, 2014 and March 30, 2015.
  • Commits any act that is deemed egregious by the administration
  • Is not passing 4 of the 5 core academic classes with an average of 70 for the year by March 6th
  • Is not passing more than 1 nine week connections class with an average of 70 byMarch 6th

will not be allowed to attend the 8TH Grade Savannah Adventure.

These infractions are cumulative for the year. For example, a student could receive an ISS in October and an ISS in February. Then he/she receives the third day of ISS in March, he/she is no longer allowed to attend the Savannah trip.

No refunds will be given for students taken off the trip for disciplinary or academic reasons

If a student chooses to withdrawal from the trip after making payments toward the trip, Riverwatch will refund any payments made up until February 20th. After February 20th only the final payment of $115 can be refunded.The initial payment of $115 due on October 10thsecures a student place on the trip, students making the first payment after October 10thwill be placed on a waiting list and will be notified if additional spaces open.

Any discipline issue that occurs on the trip will be handled by the administrator attending the trip. Parents could be called and requested to come pick up their child if the issue is considered to create a situation where the administrator feels the child should not continue on the trip.

Please sign and return this form along with your application, copy of insurance card & first payment. ALL forms must be submitted and completed in full for a child to attend the Savannah Adventure.

****I understand the above information and am willing to follow the behavior guidelines set by the Riverwatch Middle School faculty and administration.

Student Name: ______Team: ______

(please print) (please print)

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______