Meeting Minutes
July 27, 2016, 10am-12pm
SNU Commons Building
Present: Tabitha Pope, Tony Kirby, Michelle Butts, Morgan Thompson, Sharla Weathers, Todd Rudat, Angela Page, Troby Thompson, Chimene Long (virtual), Barbara Rice (virtual), Katy Walker (interpreter)
I. Call to Order/Welcome: Pope welcomed all to the meeting and asked individuals to introduce themselves and their role in OK-AHEAD. Pope welcomed new board members and thanked the past board members for their service and presence at the meeting.
II. Reading of Minutes: The minutes were read. A motion was made by Rudat to approve the minutes as written; Long seconded the motion; the motion passed.
III. Officer Roles/Reports: Pope explained her expectations for each role on the board. She made an overarching request that board members attend as many board meetings as possible in order to carry out the mission of the organization. The mission of the organization was reviewed.
IV. Committee Updates/Reports:
A. Scholarship Committee: Brenda Dawes from AbleTech is the primary contact on this committee.
B. Webpage/Communications: Long is the webmaster. She said that she does not need help with the website at this time but does need updated information. The student handbook also needs to be updated. Thompson will head up a committee to review the student handbook and request assistance as needed.
C. Spring Conference Committee: The entire Board will plan the conference and attend.
D. Project Committee: One project for the group for this year is considering ways to continue to reach out to other groups.
E. Long noted that this is the 20th anniversary of the group and a celebration should be considered.
V. Treasurer’s Report: Long reported that the cost of the conference was $2,528.41. There is currently $6,563.91 in checking and $1,007.35 in savings (no change from previous report). Scholarships are being sent out now.
VI. Old Business
A. National Conference Review
1. The Social Justice model of disabilities was emphasized over the medial model of disabilities.
2. There is a larger concern with electronic accessibility.
B. Membership Fees: There was a discussion of membership fees. Currently membership at Institution I Level (1-3 people) is $50/year, membership at Institution 2 Level (4-8 people) is $75, and Affiliate Membership is $15. Membership benefits include ongoing newsletter, access to a potential future ListServ, and discounted rates for the conference.
1. There will be a membership drive in which institutions across Oklahoma are contacted and recommended to join. A paragraph of consistent things to say needs to be drafted.
2. Rudat made a motion to adjust the membership fees as follows: Institutional Membership (single campus, no # limit): $75/year; Associate/Individual Membership: $25/year; Affiliate Membership (students/parents/retired): $10/year. The motion was seconded by Page; the motion passed.
VII. New Business
A. Newsletter: The newsletter will continue for this year. The first issue will go to all professionals in higher education in the state; all future issues will only go to members of OK-AHEAD. The first edition will include biographies of members of the Board. Information for future newsletters should be sent to Pope.
B. Connection with Regents: We need to seek to reconnect with the Board of Regents of the State of Oklahoma. This has been a connection point for OK-AHEAD in the past, but there is not currently an active connection.
C. Increase Presence and Information Available
1. Connection with Regents: We need to seek to reconnect with the Board of Regents of the State of Oklahoma. This has been a connection point for OK-AHEAD in the past, but there is not currently an active connection.
2. Disabilities Day at the Capital: There is no cost for a booth, but spaces need to be reserved early. Kirby and Rudat are looking into this further.
3. Obama Transition Institution (October 3-5): This takes place at Embassy Suites in Norman. OK-AHEAD should consider having a table and brochures available.
4. Update Current Information: The website and brochure should be updated to reflect this being the 20th year of OK-AHEAD and reviewed for other out-dated information. A powerpoint presentation for the website was also discussed.
VIII. Closing Remarks: The next meeting will take place at Tulsa Community College. The date will be selected and confirmed by Pope via email. The meeting adjourned.