PARISH TEMPLATE STUDY - – ROCHE Probate transcripton – will

Ref No / AP/W/2912
Title / WATTS, Richard, Roche, tinner
Date of probate* / 15 Oct 1779
Description / Bequests:
‘…being now at this time sick and Weak in Body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory Blessed be God for the same and calling to mind the Uncertainty of this Mortall Life, and not knowing how soon it may please Almighty God to take me out of this present World…I Bequeath my Soul to God hopeing for forgiveness of all my Sins Through the Merritts and Mediation of Jesus Christ my Ever Blessed Saviour and Redeemer, and my Body to a Decent Christian Buriall…and as for the Worldly Goods with which it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me With…’
To brother James Watts 20 shillings a year payable quarterly for his life, to begin on the day of testator’s death;
To his two nephews William Best and John Best both of St Wenn, tinners, ‘all my One Sixth part of that Stamping Mill Within the Parish of Roach called Muffords Mill’ with all his rights, doles or shares in the tin bounds and tin steam works ‘that I shall or may die possessed of’, share and share alike;
All the ‘Rest residue and remainder’ of his ‘Goods Chattles Credits and Effects’ to Margaret Trezise of Roche, spinster
Executors: Margaret Trezise of Roche, spinster
Signature/mark of testator: mark of Richard Watts
Witnesses: signatures of Wm [William] Woon and Nicholas Brockenshear junior
Date of will: 30 August 1779
Date proved: 15 October 1779
Endorsed: No Inventory
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.

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