QPay Comp Plan Breakdown

Bonus payout for PURCHASING units:
When you purchase more than 1 unit you’ll earn Retail bonuses (£40), Leadership bonuses (£10),
and Binary Bonuses (£10) that are paid immediately (real time) into your ewallet.
Purchase 1 unit:Retail bonus: £40.00 = $66.00 to the sponsor
Purchase 3 units: £90.00 = $99.00earned(2 Retail, 1 Binary)
Purchase 7 units: £330.00 = $544.00earned (6 Retail,5 Binary, 4 Leadership)
Purchase 15 units: £930 = $1535.00 earned (14 Retail, 17 Binary, 20 Leadership)

If you purchase 5 units, you’ll earn 1 more. If you purchase 9 you’ll earn 3 more, with 15 units you can purchase 4 more. Just remember the Binary bonuses max out at 10 per day, so no more than 10 units should be registered in any given day

Bonus payout for SELLING units:
These commissions are paid on ALL units you sell to someone else or land under you from spillover in your direct line of sponsorship.
1 unit: Retail bonus:(£200 x 20%) = £40.00 $66.00
3 units (sell 1, they purchase 2 more): 66.00 + Leadership bonus (5%) $16.50 x 2 = 33.00 = $99.00
7 units (sell 1, they purchase 6 more): 66.00 + ($16.50 x 6 = 99.00) = $165.00
15 units (sell 1, they purchase 14 more):66.00+ ($16.50 x 14 = 231.00) = $297.00
Note: Leadership bonuses ($16.50 U.S.) are paid down 5 levels of sponsorship(not on spillover). Keep in mind that depending on where these units land in your matrix you could also be earning Binary Bonuses.

Binary Match: $16.50per match.
These bonuses are paid one time on new businessup to 10 matches per unit/per day. Every £200 that matches the same volume on the opposite side of the binary will be paid a binary match bonus.
Note: If you register 10 units one day, you must wait until the profit sharing has been paid the following day before putting in more units. This will allow you to maximize the match bonuses. Profit sharing gets paid around 8:00 am EST each day.

Profit Sharing:
Each unit receives 100 payouts of profitsharing 6 days a week into theeWallet. Matching amountsare also paid into the Saving wallet (sWallet). After 100 payouts you can transfer the total amount of Swallet funds into the Ewallet. You will not re-purchase the unit but you can use the money to purchase a new unit, or pay the monthly fee on existing units, or cash out.

Retirement Bonus:
Each unit receives a position in the Global Matrix based on date of purchase (shown in your Residual Matrix)and earns $1.65 per month for every unit below it. This gets paid into your eWallet on the 15th of each month.