Board Of Selectmen’s MinutesFebruary 24, 2015

Board of Selectmen

Minutes of Wednesday, February 24, 2015

Bourne Community Building

Bourne, MA 02532

TA Guerino


Peter Meier, Chairman

Don Pickard, Vice-Chairman

Stephen Mealy, Clerk

Don Ellis

Linda Zuern

Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time – Michael Rausch Bourne Enterprise


Meeting Called to Order

Chm. Meier called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Moment of Silence for our Troops/Salute the Flag

Public Comment – Non-Agenda Items

None requested.

4) Minutes

There were not minutes to vote on.

5) Correspondence

Stephen Mealy brought the committee up to date on the correspondence.

We received a notice of the join meeting from the Board of Selectman and the Finance committee fro last evening Feb. 23rd.

We received abutter’s notification under the Mass. Wetlands Protection Act for work to be done at 0 Crab Rock Way in Sagamore Beach for the construction of a stone revetment and coastal bank restoration on town owned land, as approved at Town Meeting.

We received a letter from the Department of Housing Community Development approving Bourne’s Housing Production Plan.

Letters from the residence of Indian Trail regarding the restoration mentioned above. Signed by 42 residents on the proposal as described in the application.

We received a meeting notice dated February 25, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. for One Cape: Design Solutions for Clean Water at Cape Cod Resort and Conference Center in Hyannis.

We have the Board Of Selectmen Executive Session Notice February 23rd at 6:00 p.m.

We have a copy of the Bourne Water District’s Water Quality report for county year 2014.

Don Ellis suggested Mr. Meier and the Town Administrator have a dialog with the Conservation Commission and the Town Counsel relative to the letter from the residents of Indian Trail.

Tom Guerino stated the Town has not taken any position on this program. We have filed the ability of the Notice of Intent to go forward, which in not any endorsement of the project.

6) DPW - Discussion and overview of creating efficiencies in Trash collection

George Sala Superintendent of the DPW and Jonathan Nelson explained to the committee how they wanted to go forward with single stream recycling. Mr. Sala said we are here to discuss the three areas we can improve on in curbside and sanitation and recycling pickup. 1) Reduce staff injuries, 2) create more effective curbside operation, and 3) increase our municipal recycling rate.Mr. Sala explained to the Committee how trash/recycling pickup is done now and how much trash/recycling is picked up.We are here tonight to discuss the three alternatives we can do. Going forward we can 1-do nothing; 2-leave trash the way it is and implement single stream recycling,this can be done today with minor modifications. This does not require the purchase of any additional components. 3-Convert to a cart-base system and single stream recycling. Carts are various sizes, which would be purchased and provided to the residents. The baseline will be a 2-cart system, one for the trash and the other for the recycling. George Sala is looking for the Board of Selectmen’s input. We are trying to look to the future for a more efficient way of doing business. When questioned Mr. Sala said his preference would be to implement number 3-the cart-base system and single stream recycling. Linda Zuern’s concern is the large bins are heavy and hard to move, consider the elderly people and how difficult it will be to move the large bins. Don Pickard stated this is a good start and questioned if any positions will be eliminated with the new single stream system.Linda Zuren wanted to clarify that the single stream refers to the recycling, but you would have a bin for recycling and a bin for trash. The single stream is for the recycling paper, magazines, and recycling goes into one bin. Mr. Mulvey assumed the Selectmen would want input from the town’s people. He respectfully suggests a properly drawn up public relations release going to the three major newspapers maybe with some pictures of the equipment that is going to be used. Mr. Mealy stated that he attended the recycling committee meeting and they are planning on writing a series of articles.

7) Licenses/Appointments:

a.7:30 p.m. Liquor License Transfer – Individual to Corporation - Flynn’s Irish Pub

Don Pickard read the Hearing Notice. Notice is hereby given in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 138, Section 12 that application has been received from John Downes, d/b/a Flynn’s, 119 Cranberry Highway, Sagamore, Bourne, Mass. to transfer his Year Round Common Victualer License for the sale of all kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be drunk on the premises to Three Irishmen, Inc., d/b/a Flynn’s Irish Pub, John T. Downes, Manager, 119 Cranberry Highway Sagamore, Bourne, Mass. Description of premises: Restaurant/Pub containing two (2) restrooms, kitchen area, dining room/bar area, front, back and side entrance and exit, basement used for storage. A hearing will be held at the Bourne Veterans’ Memorial Community Center, 239 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 7:30 p.m., and signed by the Board of Selectmen.

Voted Don Ellis moved and seconded by Don Pickard to close the public hearing. Vote 5-0.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Linda Zuernbased upon a completed application with the prior history of the same operator and therouting slip being cleared properly to approve of the transfer by the Board of Selectmen to Three Irishmen, Inc., d/b/a Flynn’s Irish Pub, Mr. John T. Downes, Manager. Vote 5-0.

8) Cape Light Compact – Residential Rates Discussion

Stephan Wollenburg, Senior Power Supply Planner at Cape Light Compact spoke about electricity prices, why they are going up, what that means, and how long they may stay that high. He also spoke about natural gas and how it affects electricity prices.

Margaret Song spoke about energy efficiencies and programs for residential customers and small businesses.To view the power point presentations please go to:

9)Main Street Steering Committee – Buzzards Bay Park

VotedLinda Zuern moved and seconded by Stephen Mealy to have a 2-minute recess. Vote 5-0.

Sally Riggs brought the committee up to date on the Buzzards Bay Park survey and recommendations. Mrs. Riggs spoke about the results of the survey and some recommendations that the Main Street Steering Committee has put together over the past several months. She gave a brief report of the survey results, the Main Street Steering Committee’s recommendations, and what the budget might be and how they may get some funding, and ask for the Board of Selectmen’s endorsement in terms of concept.

Peter Meier would like more visual signage for the park and what is going on in the park so people will know what events are going on in the park.

Linda Zuern thinks the plan is great and likes the ice rink idea.

Don Ellis questioned what the CPA fund request would be. Mrs. Riggs stated it will be around $350,000, but we are looking to get some of that through donations and labor.

Stephen Mealy thinks it is a wonderful plan.The survey helped out a great deal. He would ask the Board to endorse the next step.

Mr. Mulvey just wanted to make sure someone looked to make sure there are no impediments to doing certain things there.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Linda Zuern to endorse this concept and to ask the Main Street Steering Committee to go to the next step.

Sally Riggs asked if it was OK to take the Selectmen’s endorsement and add it to the application to the CPC. The Board conquered.

10) Selectmen’s Business

  1. Discussion related to initiating the proposed July 1 personnel reductions immediately.
  2. Discussion on additional FY16 budget
  3. Adoption of the Board of Selectmen Rules of Procedure

a. Discussion related to initiating the proposed July 1 personnel reductions

Don Pickard questioned how many reductions there have been?

Tom Guerino stated that there has been a reduction in Management at the Community Building, a reduction of a mechanic, and a reduction of a currently unfilled but funded full time IT Assistant to a half time IT Assistant.

Don Pickard also questioned if any future budget reductions for additional staff or additional potential cuts that the Board may suggest are covered under this agenda.

Tom Guerino stated we currently have 4 funded in FY15. If we did the cuts now it would be around $50,000 as of Feb./March. Mr. Guerino’s recommendations would be if we eliminate that position now I would suggest we provide a severance to that employee. We are not ready to take that on today; I would recommend doing that in 30 to 45 days.

Peter Meier suggested we take no motion or action on agenda item 10 letter a at this time.

b. Discussion on additional FY16 budget

Don Pickard suggested we take the Town Administrators discussion on the hiring freeze in the same section as the budget.

Tom Guerino stated that he thinks that we can institute an immediate hiring freeze on any new positions that become vacant. He would suggest that we do it across the board with two exceptions; ISWM needs to replace a New Equipment Operator, and the currently advertised Recording Secretary position for the Zoning Board. Mr. Guerino suggests if there is a critical need that we come back to the Board of Selectmen and ask for a waiver of this. He will institute it with the proviso that any replacement position has to come before this Board for their approval.

VotedStephen Mealy moved and seconded by Linda Zuernthat the town adopt immediately a hiring freeze with the exception of a Recording Secretarial position and aHeavy Equipment Operator position for ISWM and that if any other positions are identified that they can be brought before the Board for individual review with a critical need.

Don Ellis wanted to make clear if the Board of Selectmen remove mechanic and the IT person and we want to retain the manager for the Bourne Veteran’s Memorial building, can that be the position we go forward with? Mr. Guerino said that is up to Board of Selectmen to determine, if you move to put that position back into the budget the Board of Selectmen prevails and that position stays in the budget.

Mr. Mealy suggests we give the Finance Committee an opportunity to finish their review, to continue our analysis, as we approach that time when we start finalizing our recommendations for the final budget to be presented to Town Meeting, that would be the time to start making those adjustment then.

Mr. Guerino would like, if possible, to post the meetings on Mondays night as joint sessions. Also when you come to a determination as to what you think the budget is going to need or not need, you give us the opportunity to come back with a number that you feel is the best and let us work within the budget to make those recommendation back to you.

c. Adoption of the Board of Selectmen Rules of Procedure

VotedStephen Mealy moved and seconded by Don Pickard to accept the modification as presented originally back on the 17th.

11) Town Administrator’s Report

a.Discussion related to an immediate hiring freeze.

Tom Guerino said the Senatorial conversation that was going to be held at the Mass. Maritime Academy with the Senate President and Senator deMacedohas been rescheduled for March 18th. We received a letter from the DEP as it relates to the Marine Life Center. You will be seeing more letters from the DEP.

12) Selectmen’s Reports

Peter Meier stated that Thursday is going to be busy for the Committee members.

The 208

The ribbon cutting at the Falmouth Hospital

The Jared McDonald fund raising event

The innovation study at the High School from 5-7:00 p.m.

Boy’s basketball playoff game at the High School

Peter Meier would like the committee members to go through their goals.

Don Pickard would like to have an executive session to discuss some issues relative to the Town Administrator, give him some direction; maybe discuss some corrective action.

Linda Zuern would like to update the board on what we do at the assembly. It will be added to an agenda item under “a” for the selectmen’s reports. Linda Zuern had Lisa Donnelly on her Spotlight on Bourne TV show.

Peter Meier stated Thursday night at 5:30 there is a fundraiser at the Mezza Luna

Also the Fire Chief was sworn in today. He is going to ask the Chief to come before the Board on March 3rd to introduce him to the public.

Stephen Mealy questioned if the Board can informally endorse Stephen Mealy and Don Pickard to do a study and look at the Marina disposition or can we put it on the agenda. Tom Guerino said that can be put on the agenda for March 3rd.

Stephen Mealy attended a Recycling Committee meeting to speak about the possibility of the town adopting a bylaw to address the plastic bags issues. There is an article being prepared for the Bourne Enterprise to start talking about single stream recycling.

Don Ellis attended the Historical Commission public hearing relative to the railway station and the Hoxie School CPA requests.

13) Other Business

14) Adjourn

VotedLinda Zuern moved and seconded by Don Pickard to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm. Vote 5-0.

Respectfully submitted – Carole Ellis, secretary.