November 1, 2016

Dear Parent/Guardians,

A GIANT thank you goes out to our High School Leo Club, Life Skills class and the PTO for all their hard work for the “Trunk of Treats” parade. What a wonderful day for all of our kids! The kids and staff really enjoyed the day! Thank you to all the groups and people that made the parade successful!

Our emergency clothing and shoe supply is getting low. These are extra clothes we keep at the school in case of accidents. If you have any gently used boys/girls clothes or shoes that you are willing to donate we would greatly appreciate it! We are mainly in need of pants without zippers and sneakers/boots.

Please know parents/guardians must follow the medication procedure if your child needs to receive medicine in school. Medicine must be in the original bottle or package; no ziploc bags or envelopes.

Medicine must be brought to the school by an adult. Written parental consent is required with the student’s name; medication name; and the time it is to be given. Written physician consent is required for any and all medications; even over the counter medications. If you have any questions, please call Nurse Policano at 724-239-3606; ext. 3418

Please make note that if your child arrives after 9:00 in the morning they are considered tardy and you MUST sign them in at the office. After 9:00 you cannot drop them off and have them walk in. They must be signed in by you. If they leave early they need to have a signed note from home stating where they are going and what time they are leaving. If they are leaving for a medical appointment please be sure to get an excuse from the doctor’s office. After 10 days of absence or tardy a student must have a medical excuse for all future absences. If they do not bring in a medical excuse it will be marked as an illegal tardy/absence. Three illegal absences require us to file truancy charges at the Magistrate’s office. This is a Pennsylvania State Law not a rule instituted by Bentworth. Please feel free to have your child’s doctor fax us their excuse directly at 724-239-3205.

Please keep the following dates in mind:

November 4, 2016 Report Cards go home

November 10, 2016 4th Grade Veteran’s Day Program; 10:00am

November 11, 2016 Veteran’s Day, No School

November 23, 2016 Early Dismissal at 12:37 pm (lunch will be served)

November 24–28, 2016 No School, Thanksgiving Vacation

Students return to school on Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!