Silver Mesa School Community Council (SCC)

Meeting #2

September 7th, 2016

7:15 a.m.


·  Dereck Peterson, Parent

·  Hollie Pettersson, Parent

·  James Barron, Parent

·  Jill Landes-Lee, Parent

·  Julie Fielding, Principal

·  Laurie McBride, Parent

·  Lisa Coleman, Teacher

·  Maria Bailey, Teacher

·  Nick Hintze, Parent

·  Scott Poulsen, Parent

Meeting Minutes: Approved May and August meeting minutes

SCC Membership: New members include Lisa Coleman, Dereck Peterson, and Laurie McBride

SCC Training: All members of the council are encouraged to attend a district provided training to better understand their role. Members who are new are encouraged to participate in the SCC 101 Session, members who are not new are encouraged to attend Standard SCC general training. Principal Fielding will attend the session on 9/28 at 10:00 a.m. The location for all sessions is The Professional Development Center (PDC) at the Canyons Administration Building, East, 9361 South 300 East (enter at the southeast door).

·  September 21st: SCC 101 @ 5:30 p.m. Standard SCC @ 6:30 p.m.

·  September 28th: SCC 101 @ 9:00 a.m. Standard SCC @10:00 a.m.

·  October 6th: SCC 101 @ 5:30 p.m. Standard SCC @ 9:00 a.m.

Standard SCC @ 6:30 p.m.

·  October 26th: Make-up Training @ 7:00 p.m.

2016-17 Silver Mesa CSIP (Continuous School Improvement Plan): Principal Fielding reviewed the CSIP with the committee.

CSIP Literacy Goal: By May of 2017, 80% of students will demonstrate mastery of core standards in English Language Arts (ELA) as measured by DIBELSnet assessment data for grades K-2. In grades 3-5, 62% of students will demonstrate mastery of core standards in ELA as measured by Utah’s SAGE assessment. In the spring of 2015, 77% of our students were at mastery as measured by the comparable assessment (AIMSweb). Students in grades 3-5 scored 59% proficient on SAGE.

·  DIBELSnet is a new assessment for the 2016-17 academic year that replaces AIMSweb.

·  Budget includes: $19,050 for hiring 2 Tier 2 Interventionists (para-professionals); $700 for Moby Max licenses for all students; $7,000 technology for use in skill-based instruction

CSIP Math and Science (STEM) Goal: By May of 2017, 80% of students in kindergarten through 2nd grade will demonstrate mastery of core standards in math as measured by the DIBELSnet assessments. In grades 3-5, 60% of students will demonstrate mastery of core standards in Math as measured by SAGE assessments. In May of 2015, students in k-3 scored 88% on benchmark on a comparable assessment (AIMSweb). Students in grades 3-5 scored 53% proficient on SAGE.

·  DIBELSnet is a new assessment for the 2016-17 academic year that replaces AIMSweb.

·  Budget includes: $12,500 for Tier 2 Interventionists; $700 Moby Max licenses for all students

Budget in General: In the past the SCC has discussed the possibility of hiring a volunteer coordinator that would coordinate community members to volunteer as para-professionals. The rationale was that this new position would defray costs from hiring para professionals. The committee agreed to table the discussion and not consider hiring a volunteer coordinator, for this year.

For Monday Minute:

·  Provide parents with information on how to re-set Moby Max. Several students have been misplaced level-wise due to “help” during placement tests.

·  Crossing guards are working very hard – it was suggested that a little blurb on them as people may be helpful to remind families that the crossing gaurds are people and a much needed help for the safety of Silver Mesa’s students.

·  CC update blub at least 4x a year(?) – topics may include – what we do and who we are as the SCC, jog-a-thon update in general, all parents are welcome to meetings, current level of technology in the classrooms may be an ongoing theme

o  For the October Newsletter – SCC Blurb

§  We raised XYZ through job-a-thon

§  Here is how the $ has been spent

§  Here are the goals

For next meeting (October 5th @ 7:15 a.m., Sliver Mesa Library) topics for agenda:

·  SCC will set goals for themselves as a committee

·  Review fall testing data

·  Review school grade and growth percentile


ü  Laurie will wordsmith a blurb for the October newsletter

ü  Julie will update the Monday Minute with information on Moby Max, including how to re-set student accounts

ü  Jill will chat with crossing guards to create a blurb for the Monday Minute