Chem. 100 Mid-term


Student I.D.

  1. Balance the following equations:

NH4ClO4(s) + Al(s) → Al2O3(s) + N2(g) + HCl(g) + H2O(g)

PCl5(l) + H2O(l) → H3PO4(aq) + HCl(aq)

  1. What is the mass of 2.25 moles of iron?
  1. Complete the following table.

Species / # Protons / # Neutrons / # Electrons / Charge
8 / 10 / -2
  1. Which of these compounds is most likely to be ionic?






  1. Show the Lewis dot symbol for the sulfide ion:
  1. What is the coefficient of O2 when the following equation is properly balanced with the smallest set of whole numbers?
    ___ C2H5OH + ___ O2 ___ CO2 + ___ H2O
  1. Provide names for the following compounds:



  1. Provide formulas for the following compounds:

Zinc (II) chloride ______Carbon tetrachloride ______

Carbon disulfide ______sulfur hexafluoride ______

  1. Using Lewis structures show the bonding in the following compounds. In each case, state whether the compound is ionic or covalent :



  1. SO42- is an example of which of the following?

A)a monatomic cation
B)a monatomic anion
C)a polyatomic cation
D)a polyatomic anion
  1. According to the Lewis dot symbol, the number of electrons in the outermost shell of selenium is _____.

A) / 2
B) / 4
C) / 5
D) / 3
  1. Which of the following is the LEAST volatile (has the highest boiling point)?
  1. Ethane
  2. C14H30
  3. Hexane
  4. Propane
  5. Methane

  1. Of the molecules listed below, the one that is non-polar is _____.

A) / HCl
B) / H2
C) / CO
D) / NO
  1. Draw the Lewis structure for C2H6 and PH3 (2 marks)

  1. Draw structures of chain and branched heptanes.
  1. In AlF3, the charge on the aluminum ion is: ______
  1. Which of the following compounds is NOTsoluble in water; explain why?
  1. Sucrose, C12H22O11
  2. Iodine, I2
  3. Heptane, C7H16
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Ethyl alcohol
  1. Write a chemical equation representing combustion of propane.
  1. Showing the Lewis structure of water and using the electronegativity table, explain why a) water is a polar molecule, b) water boils at such high temperature, 100 ⁰ C. (Hint: describe the intermolecular forces of attraction among water molecules).