Patrick Henry Athletic Boosters’ Association

Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2010

Boosters Vice President Duke Baldridge called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Patrick Henry Library. A quorum was present.

Attendees: Patty Sheedy, Betty Crouch, Mike Woolwine, Mark Donihe, Tommy Whitaker, Ron Revia, Carol Deyerle, Duke Baldridge, Jerry Dunnavant, Susan Mini, Dave Beeler, Jimmy Whitney, Kelly Douthat, Ruth Robertson, Danny Woodford, Missy Rakes, Gini Agee, Terry Mills

Teams Represented: Boys Football, Cross Country & Track, Swimming, Boys/Girls Lacrosse, Baseball, volleyball, Boys Soccer, golf, and PTA.

Minutes from Septembermeeting were presented and approved. Motion for approval of minutes made by Jimmy Whitney and seconded by Kelly Douthat.

Treasurer’s Reports

Jimmy Whitney submitted the Treasurer’s reports (Stmt of Fin Position 10-11-10 & Stmt of Activities 10-11-10)

Jimmy reported that concessions have brought in $14,700 thus far. Boosters have received an additional $1000 from merchandise sales.

Jimmy is considering the best way to handle distribution of the 50/50 funds. Several people mentioned that other schools are raising more money with 50/50. Boys Lacrosse will run 50/50 for the Friday night – Homecoming – game.

An ad hoc committee of Betty Crouch, Ruth Robertson, and Bob Collis reviewed the Booster's financial statements. All was in good order.

Carol Deyerle moved to accept the Treasurer’s reports as proposed and the reports from the special committee. Kelly Douthat seconded. Motion passed.

Athletic Director’s Report

PattiSheedy reported that Wachovia was giving $2000 to underwrite the cost of concessions for Friday's homecoming game. Wachovia is also providing helpers for the concessions.

A crowd is expected for Friday night and a shuttle bus from Towers mall has been scheduled. Bus will begin service at 6 p.m. from in front of Radio Shack. The AD advised that all come early. Ticket booth will open by 5:45 p.m.

The Meal money policy has been changed and "finalized" $5 will be given to all athletes for games played at Franklin County and any destination that is farther away than FC. This policy will be in force for the remainder of the school year.

Ms. Sheedy also informed the board that each team is given a cooler with a water bottle and a piece of fruit for each athlete for these away games. Some teams have elected to plan ahead and take advantage of the opportunity to have the AD buy sandwiches from Subway ahead of time.

Winter schedules are nearly complete. Ms. Sheedy reported that complete spreadsheet would be available soon.

The AD reported that teams are doing well. Varsity football is undefeated in district play. Volleyball is undefeated in district play. Patrick Henry will host a WVD cross country meet on Wednesday Oct 13 as well as the district championship on October 27.

Tutoring has begun and is going well.

Officers Reports


Duke Baldridge delivered the fundraising report. The committee has decided to move the fall dinner event to the spring and focus on the golf tournament which will be held November 13 at RCC. The event will begin with lunch at noon and a shotgun start at 1 p.m. There are 24 committed teams for the golf tournament. Sponsorship opportunities are still available.

Chick Fil A Spirit night is Thursday October 14. Mention PH between 4 and 8 and the store will donate money to the boosters. They have also offered to donate hamburgers for concessions.

Fundraising committee is looking for other opportunities. A potential Dodge Ball Tournament was mentioned. All ideas are welcome.


Carol Deyerlereported 437 passes sold this year compared to 399 passes sold in 2009 – 2010.


Concessions are going great – thanks to all volunteers. They are still waiting on the three keys that are on order.

The committee will hold a meeting once a winter sports schedule is available to allow the sports to sign up for the season.

New Business

A statewide Boosters Forum will be held in Richmond on November 20. Stewart Barnes is planning to attend. Please let Stewart know if you wish to attend.

The trial period for the new website on League Athletics is over. The monies allocated for Constant Contact were applied to the new site and the bill for the first year plus one time set up fee will be paid. Sports marketing will try to help with new website. Gini Agee/Carol Deyerle to coordinate.

AP review classes will be hosted at Patrick Henry on select Saturdays November through March. Is this an opportunity for us to sell concessions. First day is November 13. Concessions to research.

Duke Baldridge provided a one page summary of suggested changes to the By Laws.

The next monthly conference call will be on the fourth Monday of each month. Next conference call is Monday October 25 at 8 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m.