501 E. Hellman Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91801
Office: (626) 943-6700
FAX (626) 572-2217
AP (Advanced Placement) Spanish is intended for students who wish to develop proficiency in the language and integrate their language skills using authentic materials and sources. The course provides students with regular opportunities to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, and registers. The curriculum used in the course will be presented through contexts based on Spanish speaking countries’ culture, history, and literature to enhance students understanding of the spread of the Spanish language and its influence on other cultures and peoples. Instruction, explanation, and activities are all conducted entirely in Spanish. Students are also expected to use the Spanish language to communicate with the teacher as well as their classmates.
The AP Spanish Language and culture course is intended to prepare the student for the AP Spanish Language Examination given on May, 2016. Through the course, students are expected to demonstrate their level of Spanish proficiency across the communicative modes (Interpersonal [interactive communication], Interpretative [receptive communication], and Presentational [productive communication]) as well as the five goal areas outlined in the National Standards for Foreign Language (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) in addition to the mandated skills addressed by the Common Core State Standards to prepare students for success in college, career and the real world.
The course is meant to be comparable to fifth and sixth semester (or equivalent) college and university courses that focus on speaking and writing in the target language at an advanced level.
· TEMAS: AP Spanish Language and Culture (with online version)
· AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam preparation (with online version)
· Tejidos: Cominicación auténtica en un contexto cultural
Recommended materials:
· 1 inch binder with 5 dividers
· Composition book
The course will cover the following areas as addressed in the AP themes/objectives. All areas will be addressed through different works/assignments and will be adapted as needed. The course will be taught in Spanish as well as students participation will be required in Spanish. At the end of the course, students will be able to converse in any topic in relation to the six AP themes.
Course Planner
The following are the six themes covered in the AP exam. Throughout the course they may be modified based on students’ interests and current events. They do not describe a linear progression of all activities that are done under each theme.
Theme 1: Las identidades personales y públicas
Recommended Contexts: Personal Beliefs, Personal Interests, Self-Image, National and Ethnic Identities Alienation and Assimilation
Essential Questions
1. How are aspects of identity expressed in various situations?
2. How do language and culture influence identity?
3. How does one’s identity develop over time?
Theme 2: Las familias y las comunidades
Recommended Contexts: Customs and Values, Family Structure, Childhood and Adolescence
Essential Questions:
1. What constitutes a family in different societies?
2. How do individuals contribute to the well being of communities?
3. How do the roles that families and communities assume differ in societies around the world?
4. How does the notion of the “extended family” differ among cultures?
Theme 3: La vida contemporánea
Recommended Contexts: Education and Careers, Travel and Leisure, Lifestyles
Essential Questions:
1. How is contemporary life influenced by cultural products, practices, and perspectives?
2. What are the challenges of contemporary life?
Theme 4: Los desafíos mundiales
Recommended Contexts: Economic Issues, Environmental Issues, Health Care and Medicine
Essential Questions:
1. What environmental, political, and social issues pose challenges to societies throughout the world?
2. What are the origins of those issues?
3. What are possible solutions to those challenges?
Theme 5: La ciencia y la tecnología
Recommended Contexts: Access to Technology, Effects of Technology on Self and Society, Science and Ethics
Essential Questions:
1. How do developments in science and technology affect our lives?
2. What factors have driven innovation and discovery in the fields of science and technology?
3. What role do ethics play in scientific advancement?
4. What are the ethical consequences of cloning and stem cell research?
Theme 6: La belleza y la estética
Recommended Contexts: Defining Beauty, Defining Creativity, Visual and Performing Arts
Essential Questions:
1. How are perceptions of beauty and creativity established?
2. How do ideals of beauty and aesthetics influence daily life?
3. How do the arts both challenge and reflect cultural perspectives?
Activities to develop language skills:
Writing skills:
Diarios: These short and timed responses will be written in class based on prompts as covered by topics being addressed. Minimum of 2 will be given during the week.
Ensayos: Depending of the length of topic/objective being covered in class, students will be assigned a timed in class essay either weekly or bi-weekly. These essays must be a minimum of three paragraphs addressing the prompt in a well organized manner to include a thesis statement within the introduction, supporting evidence of the thesis, and a conclusion. These essays will be graded on a rotating schedule.
Investigación cultural: Weekly, students will visit a website from an authentic Spanish speaking newspaper or radio podcast and choose a current event article or listen to radio topic of at least 5 minutes in length of their choice. After reading the article or listening to the podcast, students will address a topic based on the AP Spanish language Themes in written format. Once the topic is chosen, it is recommended that the student times themselves for 10 minutes and addresses their thoughts on the topic and be supported by the evidence read or heard from the internet source.
Other written activities: These activities will vary in length and depth of discussion to address comprehension and understanding in various topics. Some examples are as follows but not limited to: Question and answer format based on reading selections, note-taking of cultural and grammar topics through readings, listening activities and presentations, any other textbook assignment. Additionally, written summaries, literary text commentary, research papers, among others.
Speaking skills:
Prompted topics: These short and timed verbal responses will address a topic based on the class unit being covered to promote quick thinking and organized verbal expression in Spanish. Students will paired, where one student will solely speak during allotted time and the other will only listen. Roles will then switch. Dialogue conversations may continue as a class or in groups.
Presentations: of various topics and various in length. They may or may not require visual audio and/or visual aids.
Recorded audio: as per the AP Spanish Language Exam prompts. These activities will be timed.
Daily question and answer practice.
Class discussions and debates.
Paired and small group activities.
Daily class participation.
*afterschool/lunch conversation sessions
Listening skills:
Spanish language audio: through authentic cultural podcasts, newscasts, conversations and narratives both inside and outside the classroom.
Guided lectures and listening comprehensions.
Class conducted in Spanish.
Reading skills:
Guided readings of Spanish literature: The majority of the readings will come from the AP Spanish Literature list.
Readings from other Spanish texts: including but not limited to magazines, newspapers, articles, and other cultural reports.
Every assignment given either to be done at home or in the classroom will be given certain points. Students will be notified when assignments will be given high points thus having a greater impact for the final semester grade. Some major assignments given during the semester include participation, homework, notebook check, projects, quizzes, exams, midterm, and final..
The average percentages for grades are based from the following:
90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C
60-69% D 0-59% F
**All students and parents can check grades and attendance through the district’s family portal. For password/log-in assistance, please visit the Guidance office or Office of Instruction.
Expected Classroom Behavior
1. RESPECT YOURSELF: Come to class prepared to think and ready to learn Spanish. Always do your best! Have a positive attitude and always make an effort to speak in Spanish. Follow class/school rules and take responsibility for your actions.
2. RESPECT OTHERS: Remember the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Raise your hand when you have a comment or question. Don’t talk when other people are talking. Be a good listener. No putdowns or rude comments.
3. RESPECT THIS PLACE: Do not damage or deface school property. Observe all other school rules and follow all instructions given by Mrs. Ortega or any other teacher/staff. Pick up after yourself. No eating. Drinking only from a covered container. Throw trash in its place. No grooming in class. Electronic devices must be turned off!
1. Be on time
2. Sit in assigned seat
3. Come prepared (supplies)
4. Hear the bell, get to work.
ü Homework will be checked at the beginning of the period. Late homework will not be accepted.
ü Participation means paying attention, taking notes, asking appropriate questions, working cooperatively with ones group, answering when called upon. Participation is also given according to attendance, behavior, and covered textbooks. ONLY Spanish materials on desk (no backpacks, purses, other work from other classes)
ü Make up assignments due to absence will be accepted up to three school days after returning from the absence for full credit. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for missed assignments.
ü Extra Credit will be available on an individual basis and is up to the discretion of the teacher. Other opportunities for EC will occasionally arise during class, so attendance is imperative.
ü Cheating is defined as being observed looking at another student’s test, looking at notes on the floor, hand, shoe, eraser, etc., or being in possession of “cheat notes.” Helping another student cheat is cheating. Cheating will result in being sent to the Dean’s office, a “cheating” letter being mailed to parents, a “cheating letter being placed in the student’s file and an automatic U in citizenship.
ü Electronic devices will not be permitted at any time during class time (or during school hours) as per school policy unless otherwise allowed for proper in class use. Any electronic device will be taken away the first time seen/heard and be turned in to Student Services.
ü Each student will be given 4 bathroom/hall passes per semester. Abuse of passes will result in No restroom/hall privileges. If no bathroom/hall passes are used during a semester, student may redeem them for Extra Credit points at the end of the semester.
Staying connected:
Communication between parent and teacher is of best regard for the student. Please email me at if you have any questions.
Student’s first and last name ______Period ______Date ______
To the Parent/Guardian:
Thank you for reviewing the class syllabus. I believe that contact between teachers and parent’s is very important for catching problems before they impact a student's grade. Please complete this section and return it with your student by: Monday, September 26, 2016
Does your son/daughter have internet access at home?
The rest of the packet should be kept for later reference by the student.
Ø Please note: Each year and class is different. Sometimes it is necessary to modify routines during the year. I reserve the right to adjust some of these rules and routines as the year progresses. I will inform students and contact parents before any changes take effect.
Parent/Guardian’s signature Todays date
Best Phone Number to be reached: (_____)______E-mail: ______
Other comments/questions: