New Student Registration Checklist
Please use this checklist to make sure you have all the requisite materials for registration. In most cases, the student will not be allowed to begin classes until all the information below has been completed, submitted, and approved. All forms are available on the Guidance section of the Weston High School website.
_____ Request for Registration Information Form
This form provides us with basic contact information during the registration process.
_____ Residency Policy and Affidavit
Begin the process by reviewing the residency requirements and complete the Occupancy Statement/Affidavit in the Weston Public Schools Residency Policy document.
_____ Birth Certificate/Visa (if applicable)
Bring an original document to be verified and one copy for the student's permanent record. If you are not a U.S. citizen, a copy of your Visa is required.
_____ Registration Form
The registration form must be completed if you are entering for the first time, and updated if you’re returning to the high school from another school.
_____ Health Forms
Health Forms must be submitted and approved by the nurse prior to the student beginning school or starting classes. This is perhaps the most critical of all the entry requirements. Please contact Kathy Becker, the school nurse at , or Patricia Wright, Nurse Supervisor for the Weston Public Schools at if you have any questions about the health-related forms.
_____ Authorization for use or disclosure of health information to and from school districts
This consent form will save time after the registration process has been completed. It allows Weston to contact the previous school to obtain information as it relates to the services that will be provided for the student.
_____ Student Needs Assessment
This checklist/questionnaire will make the difference in the preparation for the student’s first day of classes. It will allow the best possible services to be provided to the student without any delay. Parents are occasionally hesitant to inform the guidance department of existing issues/conditions, but it is crucial that such information be provided. The guidance department can answer any questions/concerns you have about such disclosure, but doing so always helps the student in the long run.
_____ Transcript (official or unofficial copy) from the previous school.
An unofficial copy will aid in the process of enrolling and scheduling, but an official copy will be required if/when a Weston High School transcript is produced.
_____ Course Request Form
After reviewing the Program of Studies, students and parents will meet with Guidance to request courses using this form.
_____ Disability Documentation
If the student is on a current IEP Plan or a 504 Plan, documentation and a copy of the plan must be provided to be reviewed by the high school team. If no plan is in plan but documentation exists, please make sure a copy of that documentation is included with the registration materials.
_____ English as a Second Language Services (ESL)
If you believe ESL services might benefit the student as a part of the educational program, please speak with Richard Escobar at any time to discuss how this process affects your child.
_____ MIAA Transfer Form
Complete this form if the student is playing a sport and is transferring after the start of the practice season.
_____ Town Census Form
The completed form is returned to Weston Town Hall.