Literacy Plan ~ Year
Year 3+4 Unit 3 Stories from other cultures Genre: Fiction Phase
Phase 1 Week commencing:
The Hunter by Paul Geraghty / Learning outcome:
Phase 1
§  Read a short story from another culture. Identify expressive and descriptive language to describe unfamiliar setting. Look at the organisation of the story and research background information, for example about the country where the story is set. Discuss characters: compare customs, beliefs, etc., with children's own. Record responses to story in a journal. / Building assessment into teaching:
Can chn identify expressive and descriptive language?
Chn can identify and recognise unfamiliar cultures
Recorded responses in a journal


/ Learning objectives: /

Whole Class:

Text, Word & Sentence Level


Guided group:


Independent & group tasks:



1st / Use description to describe a setting / Y3/4 – Read ‘The Hunter’ stop up to p.g. 8 Where is the story set? Teacher scribe chn’s clues as to where it may be set.
Next in talking partners list descriptive vocabulary for the setting on p.g. 2 + 3. Use feeling chart (smell, feelings, sounds and sights) to order words.
MUST scribe up chn’s voacbulary / Where you think most appropriate. / Use descriptive language from whole class to describe the unfamiliar setting on p.g. 2+ 3
LA – Use vocabulary to write sentences.
MA – Paragraphs
HA – Extend to alliteration, similes etc. / Return to children’s key vocabulary. Can we add to it?
Invite chn to share their description, and as a class say star, star wish.
(Display vocabulary as a word wall)
2nd / Write a character description / Y3/4 – Revise reading first part of ‘The Hunter’.
Discuss Jamina. Why did she want to be a hunter? What do you play on the playground? Why? Where are your ideas from?
Why was Jamima playing hunting? How does she get on with her Grandad? How does she react to her environment? / Where you think most appropriate. / Character description
LA – Spidergram of Jamina, describing her picture from pg 1
MA – Complete their own feeling chart on Jamina – modelled in yesterdays lesson.
HA – Write descriptive paragraph about Jamina – refer to initial class discussion. / Show picture on p.g. 5. How does she look? What do you see? How do you think she feels? Encourage chn to infer details.


3rd / To be able to predict a story outcome using the text / Remind chn of yesterdays picture. How was Jamina feeling? Continue reading the story until she is hiding with the elephant from the poachers p.g. 20/21. How have her emotions changed? Why? What will happen next? Discuss in talking partners. Will the poachers find them? / Where you think most appropriate. / MA - Ask chn to write predictions. What is going to happen next?
LA – Comic Strip with small pictures
HA – Complex sentences to explain their predictions, explaining their reasoning by referring to text.
Differentiation by outcome / Invite each group to share a prediction. Discuss.
4th / Start a reading journal / Finish reading the story. Explain that is can be viewed as 4 parts (With her Granddad, being lost, hiding from the poachers, returning to village with mum – use pictures as prompts) / Model journal writing
Journal for first part of the story. We are writing our responses to the text. (Discuss 1st person). List words needed e.g. I, me, …
Remind chn of vocabulary earlier in the week particularly the setting. / Teacher assist LA / Using picture from p.g. 1 ask chn to record their ideas about the story.
LA – Teacher aided
MA Independent writing
HA Independent writing / Ask 1 or 2 children to share their response. Let the rest of the class question their reasons and reactions.
5th / Write a reading journal. / Look at good examples of journals from the previous day. Recap on the story by using freeze frames on the 4 pivotal points of the story. / Quick reminder of successful journals. Share success criteria. / Extended writing to complete their journal responses to the text.
Written assessment / Self assessment against shared success criteria.
Cross-curricular links:
Music – African music or animal sounds
Art - landscape / Speaking & Listening opportunities:
Talking partners
Freeze frames
Resources: / Homework:
Find examples of similar setting
Teacher comments/evaluation: