1710 Firman Dr., suite 500

Richardson, TX 75081



1. PARTIES: The parties to this lease are: ______

the owner of the Property and Cosmetologist: ______(name) ______(Cosmetologist’s address).


2. SPACE: Owner leases to Cosmetologist the following salon suite:

  Room 1: 10’11” x 15’6” 169 s.f.

  Room 2: 10’11” x 15’6” 169 s.f.

  Room 3: 10’11” x 15’6” 169 s.f.

  Room 4: 9’11” x 15’6” 154 s.f.

  Room 5: 8’10” x 15’6” 138 s.f.

  Room 6: 14’3” x 10’7” 151 s.f.

  Room 7: 14’3” x 10’7” 151 s.f.

  Gym 950 s.f.

3. TERM:

A. Primary Term: The primary term of this lease begins and ends as follows:

Commencement Date: ______Expiration Date: ______


A. This lease automatically renews on a month-to-month basis unless Owner or Cosmetologist provides the Owner written notice of termination not less than 30 days before the Expiration Date.

5. RENT:

A. Weekly Rent: Cosmetologist will pay Owner weekly rent in the amount of $______for each full week during this lease. The first full week’s rent is due and payable not later than ______.

Thereafter, Cosmetologist will pay the weekly rent so that Owner receives the weekly rent on or before the ______day of each week during this lease. Weekends, holidays, mail delays or any other reason does not excuse Cosmetologist’s obligation to timely pay rent.

B. Prorated Rent: On or before ______(date) Cosmetologist will pay Owner $______as prorated rent from the Commencement Date through the last day of the week in which this lease begins.

C. Place of Payment: Unless this lease provides otherwise, Cosmetologist will remit all amounts due to Owner under this lease to the following person or entity at the place stated and make all payments payable to the named person or entity.

Name: ______

Address: ______

Notice: Place the Cosmetologist’s name on all payments.


A. If Owner does not actually receive a rent payment in the full amount at the designated place of payment by p.m. on the day of the week in which it is due, Cosmetologist will pay Owner for each late payment:

(1) an initial late charge equal to (check one box only): ❑ (a) $ _____; or ❑ (b) % of one week’s rent; and

(2) additional late charges of $___ per day thereafter until rent and late charges are paid in full. Additional late charges may not exceed more than 3 days in any one week.

RETURNED CHECKS: Cosmetologist will pay Owner $ (not to exceed $25.00) for each check Cosmetologist tenders to Owner which is returned or not honored by the institution on which it is drawn for any reason, plus any late charges until Owner receives payment. Cosmetologist must make any returned check good by paying such amount(s) plus any associated charges in certified funds.


A. Security Deposit: On or before execution of this lease, Cosmetologist will pay a security deposit to Owner in the amount of $ ______.

B. Refund: Cosmetologist must give Owner at least thirty (30) days written notice of surrender before Owner is obligated to refund or account for the security deposit.


(1) Owner may deduct reasonable charges from the security deposit for:

(a) damages to the Property, excluding normal wear and tear;

(b) unpaid or accelerated rent;

(c) unpaid late charges;

(d) replacing unreturned keys, security devices, equipment, furniture or other components;

(e) the removal of unauthorized locks or fixtures installed by Owner;

(2) If deductions exceed the security deposit, Cosmetologist will pay to Owner the excess within 10 days after Owner makes written demand.

11. Assignment and Subletting:

(1) Cosmetologist may not assign this lease or sublet the Property without Owner’s written consent.


A. Owner will pay all connection fees, service fees, usage fees, and all other costs and fees for utilities to the Property (for example, electricity, gas, water, wastewater, garbage, alarm monitoring systems, cable, and Internet connections) except the following which Cosmetologist will pay-cell phone.

B. Unless provided by Owner, Cosmetologist must, at a minimum, keep the following utilities on- a cell phone.


A. Occupants: Cosmetologist may use the Property as a business location only to conduct his/her cosmetology services.


A. Cosmetologist’s license must be current and in good standing with the Texas Department of License and Regulation.

15. REPAIRS: (Notice: Subchapter B, Chapter 92, Property Code governs repair obligations).

A. Repair Requests: All requests for repairs must be in writing and delivered to Owner. If Cosmetologist is delinquent in rent at the time a repair notice is given, Owner is not obligated to make the repair.

B. Completion of Repairs:

(1) Cosmetologist may not repair or cause to be repaired any condition, regardless of the cause, without Owner’s permission. All decisions regarding repairs, including the completion of any repair, whether to repair or replace the item, and the selection of contractors, will be at Owner’s sole discretion.

(2) Owner is not obligated to complete a repair on a day other than a business day unless required to do so by the Property Code.


(1) Cosmetologist must get permission from Owner prior to making any modifications to the physical structure of his/her lease space or any areas of the salon.


Only equipment and products approved by the Texas Department of License and Regulation and the Texas Health and Human Services can be used in the salon. If the Cosmetologist so chooses to lease equipment from the Owner, provide that information in the Special Conditions section below.




Printed Name


Owner Date Cosmetologist Date



Owner Date Cosmetologist Date

Salon 1710 Suite Lease Agreement page 1 of 3