Lesson Plan: Finalizing SKILLS PowerPoint Presentation 05.09.14
Goals: By the end of today students must have the following done
- Full final draft of their PowerPoint presentation done.
- Before students leave they need to email a copy of their presentation to BOTHZu and Audrey (we will take these over the weekend and provide them with feedback).
Zu and Audrey:
- Write on board students’ goals and our emails
- Introduce guest
- Remind students that they will be presenting the following Monday
- Get adjusted titles cleared off by students
Your roles for today are to ensure that students stay on task but most importantly are being critical in terms of how they present their work. For example “Being bilingual is good,” is not a finding, it is an opinion. Students really need to delve into what they are presenting and problematize their findings. Keep them critically engaged in their work. Please make sure that students are constantly connecting their points back to language.
- When y’all arrive put the desk in their conference style format including a chair for yourself.
- All groups will have a student who will be their point-person. This student is in charge of making sure that all of their group’s information is ready for the presentation. Be sure that the group knows whom these individuals are and that they understand their responsibilities. We have identified these students bellow.
- Be sure to prompt students to stay focus and make progress throughout the course of the class. Remind them that their PowerPoint is due before they leave.
- Remind students that they will present their PowerPoint the following Monday in class.
- As students work on their Intro page, methods, significance, findings, conclusion, be sure that they have assigned a spokes person for each slide. Meaning that everyone understands when who is talking (apart from when they present their own findings).
- All students must have their visuals for their presentations identified. Their visuals will not replace their bullet points so it will be up to the individual student how they organize these slides (e.g., one slide with the image and the next with their bullet points, or 1 slide with split image and bullet points).
- Make sure that students are not wasting time waiting for a computer. If more than one student needs to type get another computer for their table.
Instructor facilitator Audrey
Language brokering: Emotions, Contributions and the usage of technology.
Students: Elizabeth, Raquel, Diana, Ines
Group point-person: Raquel
SKILLS mentor: Ofelia
*Continue to work with the personalities in this group to get things done well. Remind them that their work must be submitted by the end of the class and that they will present the following Monday.
Slang in Our Communities of Practice: Origins and Applications
Student: Joel, Bianca, Efrain, Ernesto
Group point-person: Joel
SKILLS mentor: Celia
*Be sure that students are being critical of the historical elements of sexism and discrimination in their terms, especially ghetto andsanchas. Note that students need to have their IPA, definition, and voice clip of their terms.
Challenging language and identity policing by putting the I in Identity:
Students: Jacqueline, Breanna, Selena, and Gerardo)
Group Point-person: Selena
SKILLS mentor: Christine
*Make sure that students are not losing sight of language via focusing on racial profiling
Instructor facilitator Zuleyma
Honrandolasvoces de mi family: Families’ language change across the boarders
Students: Melissa, Ramón, Fernando, Evelyn, and Maria
Group point-person: Maria
SKILLS Mentor: Nat
*Make sure that students are honoring all the languages spoken across their families, not only the process of learning English. Even when they are honoring the process of learning English, they still need to give praise to that individuals’ Spanish.
Identifying Ourselves: Embracing Multi-lingual Identities
Students: Arline, Fabiola, Lucero, and Itzel D
Group point-person: Lucero
SKILLS instructor: Sebastian
*Be sure that these students stay on task they have been lollygagging way too much. Also, emphasize that they are thinking critically of their work, thus far they are being too general and not specific enough of what they are implying.
El poder de querer: Appreciating linguistic abilities
Students: Evely, Itzel P, Alejandra,
Group point-person: Evely
Mentor and Instructor: Steven and Ms. Welch
*Evely will likely take the lead role in this group and will want a more hands off approach from the mentors. However we had two student absent the previous day (Itzel P and Thalia) were both absent the previous day and may need help getting their findings and significance put together.