October 26, 2013
Meeting called to order by Fader at 7:00 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance: Fader, Valois, Means, Dilmore and Makatura.
Valoismoved to accept Minutes of September 24,2013, Kilbuck Township Workshop and Board of Supervisors Meetings. Fader 2nd, approved 2-0.
Public Comment:
Banks statements, list of bills and finance reports submitted for review.
List of bills total $20,650.13. Fire Relief checks cut but after reports completed. Will be on next month’s list of bills.
Received Jordan Tax report for the month.
Means commented on Section 115-8 of the grading ordinance entitled Expiration of Grading Permit. Every Grading Permit shall expire and the limitation shall become null and void if the permit has not commenced within 6 months or has not been completed within 2years from the date of issue provided that the governing body may extend the time. Per the discussion regarding grading permit of 8 years ago, if the board has not extended the permit it is no longer in effect.
Valois questioned the expenses related to this building now that there is a rental agreement. For example, the furnace needs repaired, how should the voting be handled. Means stated that normally things do not come to board to vote for normal maintenance unless it is an item that needs to addressed by the board. If an item appears on the list of bills that is part of that area, then it is suggested to point that item out before voting on the list of bills and have a separate motion for that item.
Discussed correspondence from Saul Ewing regarding Stroyne. Means stated that it was not addressed directly to the Township and was responded to as such, considered informational.
Discussed Open Records request regarding the Walmart landslide documents. Administration to handle as a normal request.
Ohio Township Police Department report as submitted for September.
Emsworth Fire Department – no calls to report.
Ben Avon Fire Department – no calls to report.
Reported on the purchase of a 75’ straight ladder
truck. Should be in first week of December.
Required to raise the I beam in the garage and
expect to put the truck into service in March. Will serve Ben Avon, Emsworth and Kilbuck, two snorkels at both ends of the Boroughs.
Planning Commission:
No Report
Valois moved to accept the List of Bills as submitted for October 26, 2013, in the amount of $20,650.13. Fader 2nd . Carried 2-0.
Valois moved to authorize the Secretary to advertise for the 2014 Budget Meeting November 21, 2013, at 6pm.” Fader 2nd. Carried 2-0.
Report Submitted.
- Semple Avenue road construction to be complete in the next couple weeks.
- Animal Friends submitted the consolidation request to the Planning Commission for their meeting in December.
- Additional comment: received a letter from the QVCOG with a letter from Ed McGee, Ben Avon’s engineer, to consider organizing a Joint Sewer Committee with Avalon, Ben Avon, Bellevue, Emsworth, Kilbuck, Ben Avon Heights, Ross Township and West View in anticipation of the MS4 requirements fast approaching as well as sewer line maintenance. Further discussion of the need for establishing this committee. This was attempted previously through the Boroughs, however, going through the COG may be more beneficial organizationally and financially.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting , November 26, 2013, Workshop at 6:00pm, Township meeting at 7:00 pm.
Valois moved to adjourn 7:30pm. Fader 2nd. Carried 2-0.
Harry W. Dilmore
Lorraine Makatura
Recording Sec.