Duration: 1:48 minutes

FRAUD UK Film Transcript

[Background Music]

Instrumental Shell theme.

[Animated Sequence]

Whiteboard scribe sequence

INT. Mid-shot of concerned-looking woman, talking with left arm raised.

Large wall chart with line graph appears, to which the woman gestures with her left arm. The steeply upticking line of the graph ends in a petrol pump nozzle from which banknotes and coins spurt.

Figures of two men appear frame-right, Man one looking at the woman as she speaks and appearing thoughtful, and Man two eyeing the graph and looking uneasy.

Colour appears – red in the petrol line and nozzle doodle and as a stripe on the left breast of man one’s shirt, and yellow in man two’s tie and in the part of the woman’s undergarment visible at her neckline.


“New research from Shell reveals thattwo thirds of fleet managers inthe United Kingdomnow see fuel-related fraud as a major issue for their business.”

[Animated Sequence]

EXT. Wide shot of wheel on road surface quickly becomes a car outside which a smiling woman appears, holding a petrol pump at the nozzle end.

The fuel hose leads to a bowser drawn in the shape of an unlocked padlock on which the figure 5% appears above a large keyhole shape, and three splaying lines indicate the action of the padlock having been unlocked.

Colour appears – red in the woman’s cap and the petrol nozzle and hose, and yellow in the bowser, with the 5% figure standing out in white.


“And 48% recognise they need to do more to tackle the issue if they are to unlock potential fuel savings.”

[Animated Sequence]

EXT. Wide shot of man appears in speech bubble, holding up an upended jerry can from which a few drops fall and pool to the ground. He is revealed to be standing in front of a car.

Below the speech bubble, a female driver and male passenger are pulled up in their car alongside a man holding a clipboard, all heatedly discussing the situation depicted in the speech bubble.

Colour appears – red in the jerry can and as a stripe on the breast of the shirt of the man holding the clipboard, and yellow in the cars.


“It’s not just managers that see fuel-related fraud as a cause for concern:3 in 10 drivers agree.”

[Animated Sequence]

EXT. Wide shot of shifty-looking man who is revealed to be holding a hose that is feeding into a funnel which is in the neck of a jerry can. A puddle of fluid can be seen below the jerry can.

A second shady-looking man is revealed to be holding the slack of the hose, which trails through his legs and out of picture.

Colour appears – red in the hose and jerry can and as a stripe on the left breast of man one’s shirt, and yellow in the funnel.


“Over a quarter even say they’ve witnessed a colleague committing some kind of fraud, with fuel siphoning highlighted as a common example.”

[Animated Sequence]

A speech bubble appears just left of centre, containing a hand turning a dial on a bowser.

A second bubble appears just right of centre, containing a suspicious-looking man in a large hat and shades, collar pulled up and shown to be reaching out of a computer monitor, as if through a window, to type on the computer keyboard, alongside which a computer mouse rests. Three splayed lined to the left of the keyboard depict the sound of the keyboard action.

A third bubble appears above the other two, containing a pile of coins and wad of banknotes.

Colour appears – red in the bowser and the splayed lined depicting the keyboard action, and yellow in the pile of coins.


“Other costly criminal practices identified by fleet managers and drivers includeaccount hacking, cybercrime and drivers paying for fuel with cash to hide the cost of additional purchases.”

[Animated Sequence]

INT. Wide shot of an exclamation mark shown to be centred in a large wall chart to which a man points while two men and a woman look on, seated theatre-style in front of the chart and instructor.

A windowis revealed to the right of the seated employees, depicting three panel vans in profile, parked alongside each other.

Colour appears – red in the triangle surrounding the exclamation mark and in the vans, yellow in the shirts of the three onlookers.


“According to fleet managers, driver education has an important role to play in cracking down on fuel-related fraud.”

[Animated Sequence]

INT. Wide shot of walls and ceiling depicted, from which a lightbulb hangs. A braided woman appears frame right, pointing to a flipchart filled with graphics.

Man one appears, sitting at a desk which faces the instructor and chart. Man two appears, seated next to him but looking over his shoulder in an annoyed fashion.

A group of people are depicted frame left, gathered outside the doorway. One man leans in, pointing to the time on the large round wall clock that hangs beside the doorway.

Colour appears – Red in the frame of the clock and the caps of some of the people gathered outside the doorway, yellow in the graphics on the instructor’s chart.


“But unfortunately, only28%say they’re able to provide the necessary training due to a lack of time and resources.”

[Animated Sequence]

INT. Wide shot rear view of male figure, frame left, facing a large wall chart. A braided woman appears to the right of the chart. Three fuel cards are shown in various positions on the grid-lined chart, depicted with small wheels, with two exclamation marks also drawn into the chart.

A pot plant appears to the right of the female figure, and above the pot plant, a round clock hangs on the wall.

Frame right, an office scene is depicted, with a male figure, back turned to computer screen, talking on the telephone while a female figure sits to his right, working at her computer. Tops of heads and screens are seen beyond these two workstations, and office screens form the background to those. All the computer screens are filled with a large exclamation mark.

Colour appears – Red in the triangles around the exclamation marks on the chart and computer screens as well as in the fuel cards, and yellow also in the fuel cards and in the telephone the male figure in the office scenario is speaking on.


“Fuel card providers also have a big role to play.That’s why at Shell we have a dedicated team of security experts reviewing transactions,535onsite CCTV cameras inthe UK…”

[Animated Sequence]

INT. Wide shot of several male and female figures, most standing around a central round table on which several documents lie, two female figures sitting in chairs close to the table, the seated female on the left holding a notepad.

In the background, a male instructor stands in front of a large wall chart filled with graphics.

To the right of the chart is a window, through which the profile of two parked vans can be seen, with a cloud in the sky above them.

Colour appears – Red in two of the men’s ties and in some of the graphics on the chart, and yellow in one of the male’s ties, in graphics on the chart and in the cars parked outside the window.


“…and offer 24/7 fraud alerts, card blocking and secure invoicing.Let’s work to stamp out fraud together.”

[Text appears]

To download the Fraud Matters 2015 Report, please visit:


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