Safeguarding Children Training - level one single agency:
This training is It is at level one, meaning it covers basic training on how staff can fulfil their responsibilities to ‘safeguard and Promote the Welfare of children’.It is single agency as it is undertaken with education peers, school and college staff, volunteers and includes the senior leadership team ( HT / Proprietors and DSP’s).
Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that all staff members undergo safeguarding and child protection training at induction; this should be in line with advice from the LSCB.
Name and status: / What: / Who for: / Who delivers it and where:
Safeguarding Children Induction
Statutory training. / New staff should receive a safeguarding induction, which briefs them on the safeguarding arrangements within the school and their individual responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Following induction, staff should attend Safeguarding Children Training level one as soon as possible ( CPLSO team advise during the first term of employment)
In the short term, a safeguarding induction programme for new staff is essential. This programme should also include delivery of the schools / colleges child protection policy and also part one of KCSiE DfE 2016. Staff should sign to say they have received and read both documents.
How to book / location of training materials:
/ For whole school staff / volunteers and senior leadership team. / This training is produced by CPSLO service for
School / college DSP to deliver at their school.
Safeguarding Children Training level one.
Statutory training. / This is 3 year cycle training that complies with directives of The Education Act 2002, S175 and 157 and also DfE guidance Keeping Children Safe In Education.
The course will provide staff with the skills, knowledge and understanding to fulfil their professional responsibilities to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
There duration of the training is up to 2 hours, maximum number of delegates is 80 and there is a fee of £250
( 2016 / 2017)
CPSLO admin will contact you near to the date of training to provide you with advice and materials for the training. Admin will also invoice you for the fee following the training.
Attendance list:
DSP’s need to provide admin with an electronic attendance list to enable us to generate the certificates, this needs to be sent to:
How to book / location of training materials:
Please contact the CPSLO for your arear, if you are not aware of who this is see fact sheet for contact details -

NOTE: Safeguarding Children Training level one - that is held at another neighbouring school / college:
In respect of 3 year cycle level one training and schools mop up level one training (3 below) it is common practice in Hertfordshire for school and colleges to open up their pre booked level one training to neighbouring schools.
How to book:
CSPLO service hold a record of all training booked and therefore HT / DSP’s can contact their CPSLO or CPSLO admin to obtain the latest list. Other than this CPSLO servicehas no further role or involvement in this arrangement between schools and colleges.
The process is:
  • You have to contact the HT / DSP of the school directly to your request, as there is a maximum of 80 delegates per booking any school has the provocative to decline your staff attendance.
  • You may be charged a fee by the neighbouringschool, it is their proactive to do this and CPSLO service has no role or involvement in exchange.
  • You have to provide your staff either access to or a hard copy of the Booklet that accompanies the training. You can email your CPSLO or admin for a copy.
  • The certificates for every delegate that attended will be sent to the school the training was held at, it therefore your task to disseminate them accordingly.
/ For whole school staff / volunteers and senior leadership team. / This training is produced and delivered by CPSLO service at the school / college.
Mop up Safeguarding Children Training level one.
Statutory training. / There is no difference in this training to the level one training above only that it is called a ‘mop up’ by schools /colleges that are not out of timescales or imminently due their 3 year cycle training but; the HT / DSP may have a significant number of staff / volunteers who for various reasons require level one training updated.
If you open your training to other neighbouring school the same principles and practice apply to this mop up training ( see 2)
How to book / location of training materials:
Exactly how you would book your 3 year cycle training ( see 2) / For staff that have missed out on schools 3 year statutory training or is new to post. / This training is produced and delivered by CPSLO service at the school / college.
Interim Safeguarding Children Training level one.
Statutory training. / Interim training sessions led by CPSLO and are free to schools that currently
Purchase level one safeguarding children training from the service ( see 2) This has replaced the DSP led interim training, this came in to effect in September 2015 and thus schools should not be using this package. Schools can book up to five spaces on an individual session ( the host school will be allocated ten spaces)
How to book / find available courses on line, please see:

Go to-
-To interim Level 1 Safeguarding Children Training, put in level 1 safeguarding into the search engine.
You are advised now that staff should be inducted ( new package on line) and get on to the level 1 ASAP ( in the first term) / For whole school staff / volunteers and senior leadership team. / This training is produced and delivered by CPSLO service at the school / college.
Annual Safeguarding Children UpdateNEW
Statutory training. / Keeping Children Safe in Education, DfE 2016 states that,
‘In addition to the three yearly cycle of safeguarding and child protection training, all staff members should receive a safeguarding and child protection update at least annually, to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively’.
The CPSLO service have developed a brief update package in accordance with HCSB procedures and national guidance in order to support DSP’s to deliver suitable training to all staff and regular volunteers.
NOTE: This is only available to schools that have purchased their 3 year cycle safeguarding children training from the CPSLO service in the last 3 years or have booked their next cycle of training with CPSLO service.
How to obtain access to the training materials:
Please contact a member of the CPSLO team (ideally the CPSLO for your area) for the password for the package. Please note- the expectation is that the package is for the sole purpose of use in your school/college and the package, nor password should be shared with others. / For whole school staff / volunteers and senior leadership team. / This training is produced by CPSLO service for
School / college DSP to deliver at their school or other venue.
Private arrangement through an independent provider. / It is HT, Proprietors / DSP responsibility to ensure that this training complies with the HSCB quality and standards for this level 1 training. Accessing out of county training means that the training may not be ‘ Hertfordshireised’ meaning policy practice will not be localised.
A copy of this can be obtained from the HSCB training team. / For whole school staff / volunteers and senior leadership team. / It is not the role of CPSLO to advice and endorse private training arrangements
Governors Safeguarding Children Training – Level One / It is advised that all members of the governing body attend safeguarding training. There is not a statutory requirement and there is no statutory timescale for the training being refreshed. The CPSLO team advises that a governor should refresh their safeguarding training during each term of governance.
How to obtain access to the training materials:
The link for the online bookings where governors must book their places is:
Further queries:
Hannah Stewart
Training & Events - Governor Training Co-ordinator
Herts for Learning Ltd
Postal Point SROB 203
Robertson House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2FQ
T: 01438 844426 (comnet: 54426)
Herts for Learning - Educational excellence together
/ Foe whole governing bodies. / This training is developed by CPSLO team and facilitates this training on behalf of the Governance Unit (Hertsfor Learning). This is delivered within schools and colleges.

See also fact sheet for Level Two safeguarding Children Training.