HBMA Board of Directors Minutes

November 14, 2007


Sherri Dumford, President Patrick Lukacs, Director

Ken Goodin, President ElectHolly Louie, Director

Randy Roat, SecretaryRich Papperman, Director

Scott Everson, TreasurerBarry Reiter, Director

Bing Herald, Past PresidentJackie Willet, Director

Julie Demerath, DirectorBrad Lund, Executive Director

Andy Kokosa, DirectorMichelle Botana, Membership Services

  1. Acceptance of September and October minutes

Motion: Rich Papperman moved that the September Minutes be approved, Jackie Willet seconded; PASSED. Andy Kokosa moved that the Business Meeting Minutes be approved, Scott Everson seconded; PASSED. Barry Reiter moved that the October Minutes be approved, Scott Everson seconded; PASSED.

  1. National Office Report

National Office is focused on Spring 2009 and planning to present all the options to the Education Committee at the December conference call. Everyone got a copy of the fall conference financials to review; our profit was $130,000. Ken questioned about the vendor we had to move in Vegas, how did we take care of them and was it reflected in the financials? We will provide them with a good location at the Spring Conference. Currently we have gained 130 new members this year and have lost 109. Michelle will continue to track and update the Regional and Membership Development Committee.

  1. Finance Report

Scott provided the BOD with a current YTD financial report. He noted that the fall meeting was a financial success; all significant expenses for the fall meeting have been accounted for and the fallmeeting profit will greatly improve HBMA’s YTD profitability. Scott met with Brad at the National Office to review the accounting and bookkeeping process looking for ways to streamline costs. Brad is looking into acquiring QuickBooks for Cindy to use. It was noted that current YTD budget variances are attributable to cash vs. accrual basis which should true up by year end. It was further noted that our accounting firm is presenting monthly accrual based financial statements which is quite expensive. To save cost, Finance Committee will consider a semi-annual or annual accrual true up with interim statements on a cash basis. Once a recommendation is developed, Scott will present to the board.

  1. 2008 Budget Review-Approval

Sherri offered a special thanks to the finance committee and everyone who participated in the process of building the 2008 budget.

MOTION: Rich Papperman motioned for the 2008 Budget to be approved subject to the changes requested by the Education and Survey Committees have asked for, Bing Heraldseconded; PASSED.

  1. Video project for website

This project was initially proposed by Steve Wattenmaker. The Public Relations Committee scripted some of it at the fall meeting while Steve Wattenmakervideotaped testimonials at fall 2006 meeting. Andy K. has agreed that the Public Relations Committee will take this project on and discuss what benefits, if any, it will bring to HBMA

  1. Committee budgets

Education and Survey Committees are asking for some changes to the Budget.

  1. Third O & M

Education recommends it and the Finance Committee has left it in the Budget.

  1. Compliance Workshop

The evaluations from the two compliance workshops were all positive. Finance Committee has left room for it in the Budget.

  1. Policies & Procedures assignments

Sherri, Ken and Brad are in the process of putting together a preliminary method of reviewing the current policies & procedures. The current P&P’s do not cover everything that they should and need to reflect the bylaws. The BOD has been spilt up into teams and will be given a sample template for Committee Charters and a working document for the P&P’s. The process is not set in stone and feedback is encouraged. The policies regarding minutes, nominations, and financial control should be reviewed first. One member of the Executive Committee should be on each team.

ACTION: Brad will look into obtaining a table of contents that lists what policies a non profit organization should have.

ACTION: Michelle will send out the current policies and procedures with the sample template for Committee Charters and the working document.

  1. Technology Task Force

The task force continues to work with Mark Anderson and to focus on the White Paper. Mark A. has asked for a case study, for which Brad has reached out to a company in the Northeast.

  1. Committee Reports:
  2. Certification Committee

There has been discussion on changing the current requirements for CHBME and CMBA.

  1. Education Committee

The Committee is looking at developing a disaster recovery workshop. The Compliance Workshop had a small number of attendees but positive evaluations. Ed Committee is looking forward to part two in March.

  1. Ethics & Compliance Committee

Holly and Brad with the help of Webteam went through Billing and pulled out every compliance article that is still relevant and will put it up on the Compliance page of the Website. There will be no pre conference this year with the Compliance Course. The brochure will be out in January.

  1. Government Relations Committee

Bing Herald will be stepping down from the GR Committee and Kathy Canny will join and also Chair the State Subcommittee. GR is making significant progress toward their respective goals. Discussion was held relative to Illinois % billing.

  1. Vendor Affiliate Committee

Nothing to report.

  1. Publications Committee

The new issue of Billing will be out soon and hopefully Don Rodden will be taking over as Chair.

  1. Public Relations Committee

The publication list is in good shape and the press kits are in the final process of being completed. PR Committee will revisit the multimedia web promotion to determine benefits it would bring to HBMA.

  1. Regional Development & Membership Committee

The Committee met earlier this month to discuss raising the membership fees and came up with a proposal that was passed on to the Finance Committee. The Committee will be discussing Regional meetings at the next call, the goal will be to discuss benefits and if they should continue these meetings.

  1. Survey Committee

The Provider Enrollment Survey is closed and the results are being put together by Jackie. A big thanks to Patrick and the Committee for their work on the AR Survey which was deployed to the membership on November 8th.

  1. Website & Information Services

The Committee is currently working on the E&C and Government Relations web pages. There are a couple more programming issues that need to be taken care of before we can launch the new Website. Webteam is working on being able to import online transactions directly to QuickBooks.

K. Strategic Oversight Committee

Sherri will take over as Chair on December 1st. Bing saluted everyone for conforming to the new structure. HBMA will proceed with a full blown SPS meeting for 2008 to plan for 2009-2010.

8. Set the meeting date and time for:

A. Certify the 2007 fall election

B. Install new Board Members

C. Elect Executive Committee

December 3, 2007 at 2:00pm EST

ISAM review Process

This process will evolve over the years and feedback is encouraged.

ACTION: all BOD members are to fill out the survey and return it to Scott E. by November 16, 2007.

Sherri has received and accepted Bing Herald’s resignation at the end of this term.

Andy K. moved that the meeting be adjourned, Jackie seconded. PASSED, meeting adjourned at 3:20EST.