I.General Information for exam:

A.Need scantron 882 E form. You may purchase the long & green scantron from CBS bookstore.

B.Need # 2 pencil.

C.No technological devices are allowed to be used for exam.

D.Be on time!

E.Allow your studies to be an expression of worship to God.

F.Thoroughly review class notes and required reading from Chafer’s Systematic Theology, volume 2: pages 3-121 (2:3-121).

G.My notes and Chafer’s notes compliment very well.

II.Using Chafer, consider what I have done with the Introduction portion to Chafer’s Angelology. Use my outline as a template to help you prepare for exam.

A.What are the major Points in Introduction to Angelology (pp. 3-5)?

1.For one, angels are quite distinct from humanity and Godhead.

2.Occupy an exalted estate present position of fallen men.

3.Celestial beings are mentioned at least 108 times in OT and 165 in NT.

4.Hebrew and Greek names for angels? Know these words:

5.Four types of kingdoms: material, animal, human, and angelic or spirit kingdom):

6.Angelology rests not upon reason or supposition, but upon revelation.

7.Knowledge of Angels is limited to Bible and not in direct interaction with angels or consciousness of their presence.

8.Good angels observe human affairs; good angels minister to our well-being; evil angels wage warfare against that in us which was brought forth of God.

9.Angels were present from creation to eternity.

10.Angels comprise two divisions among fivefold division of God’s finite creatures (Gentiles, Jews, Christians are the other three):

a.holy angels and fallen angels.

11Because of unprofitable and often grotesque speculation during the Middle Ages, the biblical doctrine of angels has been depreciated.

12.Presence of spirits has been recognized in almost all systems of religion.

Following the example above and using your outstanding skills of what is emphasized, repeated, related, alike, and unalike that you gained from Bible Study Methods, seek to answer the following questions from the chapters 2-10. Moreover, bombard these main points with what, who, when, why, where, and significance (so what?) questions.

II.What are the general facts about Angels (Chapter 2):

A.What are the angelic spheres?

B.What does Chafer mean by reality of the angels?

C.What is the relative importance of angels and men?

D.What is the personality of the angels?

E.What is significant of the creation and mode of existence of the angels?

F.Where is the abode of angels?

H.How many angels are there?

I.What is the number of angels?

J.What power do angels possess?

K.What is the classification of angels?

1.Government rulers

2.Elect angels

3.Cherubim, Seraphim, and Living Creatures?

4.Individual angels:




5.Angels Especially Designated:

L.What is the ministry of the angels?

M.What is the progressive discipline of the angels?

N.Why are angels spectators?

III.What is the angelic participation in the moral problem and what is its significance? This is a significant section just by the way it was separated in Chafer’s book.

IV.Satanology (Chapters 4-9):

A.What are key ideas in Introduction?

B.What is the career of Satan?

1.Satan’s creation, original estate, and fall.

2.Satan’s sin?

3.What is said of Satan in OT?

4.What is said of Satan in NT?

5.How was Satan judged at the cross?

6.What are the threefold events of Satan’s judgments?

C.Explain Satan’s evil character:

1.Twofold wickedness:

a.Ambitious pride


(1)What are the three forces?

2.Explain Satan’s sinfulness:

V.Chapter VII: Satanology:

A.What is Satan’s authority over the Cosmos?

1.What does it mean to say the Cosmos is wholly evil?

2.What is Satan’s undertakings in the Cosmos?

3.What are the things of the cosmos?

4.Why and How are not Christians of the cosmos?

5.Why and how is cosmos impotent?

6.How will cosmos end?

VI.Chapter VIII: Satanology: Satan’s Motive?

VII.What is Satan’s Method?

VIII.Be able to unpack Demonology in chapter X.

I hope this helps! Blessings to you!