CITY COUNCIL – draft copy

7:00 P.M. October 5, 2015

Present: Scott M. Johnson

Carlene Perfetto Dustin Goutermont – excused

Richard DeRosier

Shane Hoff

Lana Fralich, City Administrator

Pete Morris, City Attorney

Doug Frericks, Police Chief

Mike Aho, JT Starkovich, Police Officers

Kitty Mayo, North Shore Journal

Noel Lillis, Lydia Lillis

Johnsoncalled the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

Agenda –Special Meeting was added to administrator. Motion byHoff, secondPerfettoto approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.

Consent Agenda – Motion byPerfetto, secondDeRosier to approve the minutes of theSeptember 21, 2015budget workshop andregular Council meeting. MOTION CARRIED.

Petitions, Requests and Communications

Chief Frericks presented Lillis with a plaque in appreciation for his years of service on the Police department. The Council thanked Lillis for his service to the City.

City Administrator

Public Comments, Proposed Budget and Levy – Motion by Perfetto, second DeRosier to take public comments regarding the 2016 proposed budget and tax levy at 7:00p.m. on Monday, December 7, 2014, during the regular Council meeting, and to take written comments until

4:00 p.m. on December 7, 2014. MOTION CARRIED.

Advertisement for Public Bids – Perfetto and Hoff will plan to attend the bid opening for this project. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to advertise for bids for the wastewater tertiary clarifier project, with bids to be opened on October 27 at 11:00a.m. MOTION CARRIED.

ReUnion Hall Rental Form – The Council reviewed the revised form. Motion by Hoff, second DeRosier to approve the ReUnion Hall Rental Form and Fees, as presented.


Surplus Property – The Council reviewed a list of surplus property, and it was noted that the three lawn mowers will be disposed of, and the Ford Ranger and Chevy S-10 pickups were from administrative forfeiture by the Police Dept. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to declare a John Deere riding mower, GT 20 Ariens lawn tractor, G 16 Ariens lawn tractor, Continental power unit PTO, GM diesel power unit PTO, Kato diesel AC generator, Coats tire changer, 1995 Ford F-150 pickup, 1971 Caterpillar grader, Wisconsin equipment trailer, 2 axle hay wagon, 1978 Ford fire pumper, 1999 Ford Ranger pickup, 1993 Chevrolet S-10 pickup,as surplus property. MOTION CARRIED.

Special Meeting – Motion by DeRosier, second Perfetto to hold a special Council meeting on Friday, October 9 at 1:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing and taking action on the sale of Lot 6, Block 2 in the Eco-Park. MOTION CARRIED.

City Attorney– No other business was presented by the attorney.

OLD BUSINESS – No old business was presented.


Letter from Councilor Perfetto – Councilor Perfetto presented a letter recommending the abolishment of the Public Utilities Commission, and reviewing whether or not to abolish other City boards and commissions. It was noted that the EDA, Library Board and Planning and Zoning have separate authorities, and must remain in place. The Council discussed the role of the PUC, the role of the other boards and commissions, department oversights and citizen involvement. This issue will be brought to the City boards and commissions.

Claims – Motion byPerfetto, second Hoff to approve payment of $104,332.95paid claims and $59,093.18 in unpaid claims. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion by DeRosier, second Hoffto adjourn at7:24p.m. MOTION CARRIED.

Minutes taken by Lance K Beachem


Scott M Johnson, Mayor Lana Fralich, City Administrator