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The Transformer

“Changing Hearts, Transforming Lives”

A Publication of Outmate Outreach Prison Ministry

Fall 2013 Newsletter

Just Wondering About You, Too

We have been in Globe, AZ for 14 months and have seen God do great things. When we came last fall, the Sunday attendance at Wheatfields Chapel was 5. We had a total of 6 members, with a couple of them no longer in the area. The church had been vibrant and alive in past years, but for the past 15 years, had been without a pastor more time than with one. The faithful few were obviously discouraged and ready to shut the doors if a solution was not reached.

As you know, we were planning on moving to the Philippinesto teach and coach at a Christian school in BaguioCity, but when our puppy could not pass the medical clearance, we postponed our move. Having sold off everything we owned in anticipation of our move, we began to wonder what our next move was. With a step-son in Phoenix and my oldest daughter in Los Angeles, we thought a logical choice would be to move west. I sent out resumes to several Baptist groups in AZ and eventually was called to Globe. The small church provided a very small monthly stipend and a semi-furnished residence, so we accepted and immediately made the transition. We arrived with our bed, two chairs, a few pots & pans, our clothes, computers and books. Interestingly enough, God had provided by having the parsonage equipped with a microwave, dishes, cooking utensils, linens and a washer/dryer – all the things we no longer had but would need to set up shop.

We quickly embraced the community and the few people in the congregation. God had impressed upon me to make the church both biker and ex-offender friendly, as there was no other church in the area with such a ministry. Through His providence, I was introduced to a dear brother, Rollie Long, who fit the bill in both areas. Having been in the area for a few years, he had wanted to establish a biker ministry, but had never gotten the pastoral support needed to get it off the ground. We came together in spirit and began to seek God’s guidance. After several weeks of investigation, we agreed to associate with Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry. HSMM has over 30 chapters, but none as far west as Arizona and is unique among motorcycle ministries as being the oldest (1976), accepting of females, plus not requiring motorcycle ownership to be a member. Rollie became the first patch-in member in AZ with me being the second. After a few stops and starts, the chapter has grown to 9 members, with interest growing each day. Several of the new members have become associated with our church, while others remain in their home church. The HSMM website is located at HSMM is also located on Facebook at Heavens Saints Arizona.

The church has now grown to a Sunday attendance in the low 20’s, quite a move from the 5 of a year previous. More important, the church has reached out into several areas of ministry. Wheatfields Chapel and Heavens Saints have been co-sponsors of a clothing drive and raising money for a Christian orphanage in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. HSMM has donated to the Gospel for Asia “Bikes from Bikers” program to supply bicycles to native pastors in India. Wheatfields Chapel has held a clothing drive for native missions in the Philippines through my contacts at the school in Baguio. HSMM is working to partner with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Phoenix to have ministry opportunities in the many biker events throughout the state. As you can see, much is happening. God shut all doors for my prison ministry in AZ, because He had something else in mind.

Probably the best is that God has raised up three men in the church to fill the pulpit in my absence, with one being called to ministry. We fully expect this person to continue with God’s call by becoming licensed and possibly even serving the church after my departure.

Now about my departure: I have been feeling for some time, that we have accomplished what God has for us here and will soon be transplanted. With that in mind, I feel that God has for us to return to Louisiana to develop Outmate Outreach along with a Louisiana chapter of HSMM. We are anticipating making the move early in 2013. We have purchased a 33’ Fleetwood Southwind RV and will be initially living in it after the move and then using for ministry purposes. We are in the process of restoring the interior and exterior, so when completed, will be like new. The new prices are around $100K, but we will have less than $10K in ours when we finish. We bought it for an insanely low price (from an ex-0) and are slowly redoing the roof, ceiling, exterior, walls and floors. (I wish I had some of you guys here to help!). It has the big Chevy 454 engine with only 60,000 miles, so we are in good shape there. Doesn’t get great gas mileage, but once moved and parked, will be a money saver from the insane prices of rent.

Once in Louisiana, we plan on getting involved in the units around the state, plus develop our programs to work with families. There are a lot of people struggling out there because someone in the family is doing time. We want to be a resource for those people. Another ministry to be developed will be to work with families on re-integration issues. There is so much to be done here in restoring relationship between couples, helping get the “system” out of the ex-o’s brain, plus helping both spouses adjust to the whole situation of being together again. We are exploring ways to finance the ministry and its programs and are trusting God to supply our needs.

Personal Stuff

My health is not the best. Arthritis is really bad, plus standard problems dealing with diabetes. I had a tough summer, with an attack of gout and inner ear problems to go along with the arthritis/diabetes. I lost 35 pounds (305-270) in a little over a month. So far, I have kept the weight off and am coming in around 275, which is less than I weighed in the late 70’s. Still trying to adjust, but doing much better. My Burgman died with major transmission problems. Too expensive to put into an older bike. Guess I will have to wait to get to Louisiana to get another ride

Sunday Night Family Prayer Time

We are in our 12th year of ministry.A core group has been on board for the entire time. You are special to me, not only as a friend, but also as a prayer partner. Please stay faithful. For those of you that are new to this ministry, starting several years ago, men and women in TDCJ units across the state started joining together in the spirit of prayer. Sunday nights CDT from 10:00 – 10:30pm. We welcome you to join with us in this special time of prayer as “two or three are joined together”. Keep me in your prayers as Icontinue to pray for you . . .

Hope you enjoy these pictures . . .

Continuing to Serve,

Doc LaFleur

Acts 6:8