Y4: Summer Term Fiction 1: Stories with humour Main texts: Mr Stink and Billionaire Boy by David Walliams

Wk 1 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
You need to read Mr Stink up to Chapter 16 by Friday so most of the reading needs to be done outside the Literacy lesson (it’s best before home time). You must have read up to the end of Chapter 16 by Friday. The whole book up to the last chapter needs to be finished byThursday of next week.
Whole class teaching / Show chn Mr Stink. Ask if anyone has read any other books by this author? If so, what did they think of him? Take a good look at the cover – note the illustrator Quentin Blake. Chn recognise his drawings from the Roald Dahl books they’ve read. Read Chapter 1 of the story. Discuss whether this is a good beginning to a story – do we want to read on? Talk about Mr Stink. Re-read from bottom of p15 ‘Often she would sit on her bed and make up stories about Mr Stink… up to middle of p16: ‘Chloe didn’t know anything about Mr Stink.’ Discuss which of the stories Chloe imagined might be true? Explain what a ‘back story’ is – the story behind a character in a book which doesn’t necessarily come into the book. Today we’ll work with a partner and discuss possible ‘back stories’ for Mr Stink. What happened to him to make him become a tramp? Spoken language 1/ Composition 1 / Read Chapter 4 up to the middle of p56. Discuss Raj’s shop. Go on Walliams’ site: and click on Mr Raj’s passport photos. Discuss what Raj is like. Do any chn know a shop-keeper they see often and like? Possibly (depending on your class!) click on the whoopee cushion! Raj probably sells whoopee cushions, as well as Ninja Turtle notebooks, and so on. Explain that Raj’s shop comes into several of David Walliams’ books. Now read pages 65 to top of p71 (£3.20 please) of Billionaire Boy. Talk about Mr Raj – do we get a good picture of his character? What do we know about him? Quite kind, people like him, keeps an eye on the money…. Today we’ll write a character profile. Composition 2/ Transcription 1 / (See Teacher resource on Pronouns) Write on the board: Pronoun. Explain that this is a grammatical term. Ask chn if they know what a pronoun is. Write ‘Mr Stink was very happy with his new home and he created a really good bed from bits and bobs, then lay on it.’ Ask chn to work with a talk partner and discuss how many pronouns they can count in this extract. Take feedback. There are three. Identify these. ‘Mr Stink was very happy with his new home and he created a really good bed from bits and bobs, then lay on it.’ Remind chn that a pronoun replaces or stands in for a noun. It stops us repeating a name, and it makes the passage hang together. Enlarge and show the resource on types of pronoun. Point out that we use personal pronouns to replace names: He, she, you, I, they and him, her, me, them are all personal pronouns. We also use possessive pronouns to show that something belongs to someone or something, e.g. his trousers, its door, her feelings. Grammar 1 / Write this on the board: Mr Stink took the photo from his pocket and placed it carefully on the shelf. He moved a box of Dad’s CDs and, as he did so, a couple fell out of it. Their covers were faded but he could see the picture Chloe had studied. Her dad was clearly in it, playing guitar. Sayto chn that we shall re-write this together, replacing each pronoun with the noun it stands for. Do this together (see resources).Point out that we often need to use a possessive apostrophe when we remove a possessive pronoun, e.g. Chloe’s dad, the CDs’ covers. Show resource or write out the examples given, pointing out that the apostrophe goes after the ‘s’ if it is a plural noun. Stress that plurals NEVER have an apostrophe! Grammar 2 / Re-read bottom of page 98 to halfway down page 99. Then re-read bottom of page 15 to halfway down page 16. Remind chn of their work on Monday – choose a couple of the chn’s notes and enlarge these. Can they remember their ‘back story’ for Mr Stink? Explain that today, they will be writing this. They will need to explain what he is and write a short description of how he got to be where he is today. Look at the start of the book: Mr Stink. Read the first three sentences. Do they make you want to read on? Discuss how we might start our writing so as to draw in the reader. Brainstorm a few ideas. Mr Stink was not what he seemed. He… Or You’ll never guess who Mr Stink really is! … Comprehension 1 /Composition 3 / Spoken L 2
Objectives / Dimension / Resources
Spoken language / c. use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary
e. give well-structured descriptions /narratives
f. participate actively in collaborative conversations
g. use spoken language to hypothesise and imagine / 1.Monday:Discuss the ‘back story’ for the character of Mr Stink in Mr Stink (See Composition 1)
Chn work in pairs and discuss ideas for what they think happened to Mr Stink before he became a tramp. They can look at Chloe’s ideas to stimulate their discussion. Do they think any of her ideas are good? Likely? Can they think of some more likely or unlikely ideas? Explain that they will be writing this ‘back story’ on Friday and so they need to make good notes of their ideas to help them remember it. Plenary:See Composition 1. Before tomorrow you need to read Chapters 2 and 3. / Copies of Chloe’s ideas from book Mr Stinkto stimulate discussion (see resources)
2.Friday:Plan a brief written version of the ‘back story’ for the character of Mr Stink in Mr Stink (See Composition 3)
Chn work in pairs and go through the notes they made on Monday. Can they remember their ‘back story’ for Mr Stink? Encourage them to work together to discuss some especially good descriptions to use. What new words/phrases can they come up with? Plenary: See Composition 3 / Copies of their notes from Monday
Comprehension / d. Become familiar with a story
g. Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s imagination
Participate in discussion about books that are read to them / 1. Friday:Use an existing character in a familiar story and write the ‘back story’ (See Composition 3 Spoken Lang 2)
Chn discuss one of the main characters in a familiar book. They think about what information is given to them in the story, and also what aspects of this character they can infer from the book. They are going to expand on what they know, using the inferences and hints in the novel to help them.
Plenary:See Composition 3. / See Spoken Language 2
Transcription / Use diagonal & horizontal strokes to join letters/understand which letters should remain un-joined.
Increase legibility, consistency and quality of their handwriting. / 1. Tuesday: Write a character profile using neat joined handwriting (See Composition 2)
Chn write their character profiles using neat, joined up handwriting. Explain that these are going to make a display on the wall under the heading ‘Raj’s Shop’ and so we need them to be legible and nicely laid out.
Plenary: See Composition 2.
Some chn may like to play the Word Gems Game on David Walliams site: / See Composition 2
d. Place the possessive apostrophe in words singular and plural / 2.Thursday:Place apostrophes accurately in words with regular and irregular plurals (See Grammar 2)
Highlight the use of apostrophes for both possession as in Grammar 2.
Plenary:See Grammar 2 / See Grammar 2
Grammar / Choose nouns and pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to avoid repetition
Understand grammatical terms in Appx 2 including ‘pronoun’ and ‘personal pronoun’ and ‘possessive pronoun’.
Recognise and begin to use possessive apostrophes correctly for singular and plural nouns / 1. Wednesday:Identify personal pronouns and possessive pronouns and understand the difference
Easy: Chn work as a group with an adult and go through the sheet on the two types ofpronoun (see resources). Then they work individually but with the adult supporting the group to identify first the personal pronouns in the extract from Mr Stink (see resources), and then, if time, the possessive pronouns.
Medium/Hard: Working in pairs, chn look through the sheet on Pronouns (see resources). They then identify first the personal pronouns in an extract from Mr Stink (see resources), and then working through it again, the possessive pronouns. They should work together and double check that they have them all.
Plenary: Play the pronoun game( with the class in two teams (keep track of how much treasure each group has!).Read some more of Mr Stink later. / Resource sheet on types of pronoun
Resource sheet for identifying pronouns.
2. Thursday:Identify and use pronouns, personal and possessive; use possessive apostrophes correctly in singular and plural nouns (See Transcription2)
Chn work individually to re-write the extract provided so that each pronoun is replaced by the noun it stands for. They need to use apostrophes correctly in replacing the possessive pronouns. When they have completed their re-write, they find a partner and read each other’s re-write. Did they both spot all of the pronouns? Did they agree about where the apostrophes should go? Then they work together to write a paragraph with exactly ten pronouns!
Plenary:Choose different children and ask them to read their ten pronoun paragraphs. Chn listening count on their fingers every time they hear a pronoun. Were there exactly ten? Repeat with another pair reading theirs.
Read some more of Mr Stink later. / Resource sheet on types of pronoun
Resource sheet for replacing pronouns.
Composition / Plan and write by:
a. discussing and recording ideas
Draft and write by:
d. in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices, e.g. in writing notes using headings and sub-headings. / 1. Monday:Make notes on the ‘back story’ of Mr Stink (See Spoken Language 1)
Chn work with their partner to discuss what they think happened to Mr Stink to make him become a tramp. When they have agreed a good ‘back story’, they make notes using sensible headings. Explain that they are going to return to their notes at the end of the week and write the ‘back story’ of Mr Stink so they need to make sure that their notes are legible and that they make sense. They can use headings and one/two word notes under these headings.
Plenary:Choose some pairs to use their notes to help them expand on their ‘back stories’. Can they make sense of their notes? Discuss how good notes help remind us of the key points. Keep chn’s notes for Friday’s work. / Copies of Chloe’s ideas from the book Mr Stink to stimulate discussion (see resources)
Composition / Plan writing by discussing and recording ideas
Compose and rehearse sentences orally, progressively building a rich and varied vocabulary
In narratives, create characters / 2. Tuesday:Write a character profile of Raj (See Transcription 1)
Chn work in pairs or individually to produce a character profile of Raj, using the Raj Profile sheet provided. They have to discuss and then write about Raj, referring to the extracts about Raj from the books if they need to. Encourage chn to consider: His appearance, his character using a set of antonyms: happy/sad/kind/angry /irritable/calm, how he runs his shop and what he sells.
Plenary: Read the last part of chapter 4. Before tomorrow read Chapters 5 and 6. / Copies of pages 49 to 56 in Mr Stink and pages 65 to 71 from Billionaire Boy – one copy of each on each table.
See resources for Profiles
Compose and rehearse sentences orally, progressively building a rich and varied vocabulary
In narratives, create characters
Organise paragraphs about a theme
Proof read for spelling and punctuation errors / 3. Friday:Write a short version of the ‘back story’ of Mr Stink (See Comprehension 1 and Spoken Language 2)
Chn work using the notes they made on Monday to plan and write as short version of the ‘back story’ of Mr Stink. This should be 2 or 3 paragraphs. Encourage chn to start by planning what they are going to say in each of their paragraphs. Each paragraph can be on a different aspect, e.g. the first one says what Mr Stink was and should describe this. The second paragraph might say how he came to be a tramp. The third paragraph then says how he came to be on the bench where Chloe found him and perhaps describes his feelings. They rehearse this orally, and start writing the first paragraph. They need to think about a good way to start – so as to draw the reader in.
Plenary: Read some more of Mr Stink – remember you need to be up to Chapter 16 by Monday morning! / Copies of their notes from Monday
Wk 2 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Mr Stink needs to be finished all but the final chapter by Thursday morning. On Monday, read chapters 16,17. Tuesday Chapters 18-21. Wednesday Chapters 22-25. Thursday is last chapter.
Whole class teaching / Read Chapter 16 of Mr Stink. Discuss how the show went from the point of view of the presenter (Sir David). Was he happy with the way things went? On pages 180 and 181, who was interviewing whom? Who was asking the questions? Enlarge and show the resource sheet Dialogue punctuation and layout. Lookat the extract reproduced. Identify each of the aspects brought to our notice: new line for each speech / inverted commas / ‘said’ word not capitalised / use of sentence punctuation within speech and the use of commas for incomplete speech. Make sure chn are clear about each one. Spoken language 3/ Grammar 3 / Read Chapter 18. Discuss the last 3 chapters. The whole show was a disaster for Mr Crumb and for the presenter. Is Sir David presented as a nice man? Why not? Who are the ‘baddies’ in this book so far? Who are the goodies? Return to conversations that chn acted out yesterday. Discuss their interviews and explain that today they will write these as a conversation. ShowDialogue layout & punctuation sheet (in resources) and rehearse the rules of dialogue with the class. Look at inverted commas – these ‘hug’ the speech. Remind chn how apostrophes (one not two as in inverted commas) are used: 1. In contractions like don’t, can’t, isn’t, etc. 2. As possessive apostrophes, Mr Stink’s voice…OR The lights’ glare … apostrophe after the ‘s’ as there is more than one light) Grammar 4 / Transcription 3 / Read Chapter 22. We have finally discovered how Mr Stink became a wanderer. His story is very sad. Explain that today we will plan our own story based on this book. It will be a story in four parts:
1.The start is about someone who becomes a wanderer, We need to know how/why.
2. They then meet a child. (It can be the person writing the story!)
3. Then a crisis occurs!
4. Finally things get sorted out. Today we’ll plan our stories with a partner. Brainstorm some ideas for each part with chn. Note these on the board as prompts. Composition 4/ Spoken language4 / Discuss Mr Stink – the novel. What themes is it dealing with? Family difficulties, homelessness, loneliness, the fact that money doesn’t make you happy. How is it structured? It deals with Chloe’s family first and establishes a setting (lonely child, quite posh parents, etc.) Then it moves into the action – what happens: Mr Stink coming to live in the shed, the TV show, meeting the Prime Minister, returning, the showdown with Mrs Crumb & reconciliation. Look again at how it starts – how is the reader drawn into the story? Now enlarge the samplestory plan provided in resources. Discuss how our stories will need to establish a setting by giving the story of the wanderer to draw the reader in. Comprehension 2/ Composition 5 / Give chn plenty of time to write the final version of their story.Say that today they will have a chance to add some extra adjectives or descriptions to make their writing more interesting. Remind them of fronted adverbials, beginning a sentence with a prepositional phrase, e.g. With a broad grin, Sam told Tanya… Also prompt chn to extend their sentences by adding clauses using conjunctions (because, when, where…). Also check the use of pronouns to avoid repetition. Remind chn of how to proof read yesterday’s workfor spelling and punctuation errors. Rehearse checking spellings in a dictionary. Composition 6/ Transcription 4 / Grammar 5
Objectives / Dimension / Resources
Spoken language / a. listen/respond appropriately to peers
b. ask relevant questions to extend their understanding
e. maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments
i. participate in role play and improvisations / 3. Monday:Role playa show in which the presenter is outwitted by the interviewee (See Grammar 3)
Do this activity second – after the grammar activity.