E-Fields and Potential

Electric Fields and Potential

Electric Fields

The space around every charged object is filled with an Electric Field.

This is a very abstract concept and one that is very difficult to understand. Electric Fields can’t be seen so there is only one way to prove that they exist that is to put a test charge in the field and observe what happens to it. A test charge is a very small positive charge that is put into the electric field of an object.


Why is it very important that this test charge is very small?


When a cold thermometer is put into warm liquid what happens?

These two situations are exactly the same. If a cold object is put into a warm liquid the liquid becomes colder. The same thing is true for the test charge; if the test charge is large then it will affect the field that it is trying to detect. The measure of the strength of this field is in N/C.

Formula: Electric Field = /

E = /


1. What is the Electric Field that effects a 2 C test charge that is affected by a 500 N force?

Visualizing Electric Fields

There is a specific orientation of each a positive and a negative charge. Below draw the orientation of a positive test charge.

Draw in the orientation of a negative object?


Now draw in what you think the Electric field will be between the positive and negative charge below.

What is the Electric Field between two positive charges?

On perfectly circular object the charges are distributed evenly around the outside of the object. When the object is not perfectly circular, there is an uneven distribution of charges on it. Draw in the charges on the positively charged objects below.

**Notes on Charge distribution**

·  Charges concentrate at the pointy parts of an object.

·  The straighter the edge the less charge accumulates there.

·  The tighter the curve the more charge accumulates there.

A very good example of field lines is parallel plates with opposite charges.

How about a plate and a hollow disk.

**Please notice that there is not a field inside the circle.**

Electric Shielding

The electric field inside a conductor is usually zero. This is true because on a conductor there is the possibility for the negative electrons to move around the surface freely. This means that the test charge in the middle of the circle has forces pulling it in all directions so that the net force on the test charge is zero.

Because of this ability of the electrons to spread out on a conductor, a person inside a car that is struck by lightning is safe.

Electric Potential Energy

This is a very similar idea to that of potential energy. When dealing with potential energy the farther the object separated from the earth, the greater the potential energy is. When dealing with Electric Potential Energy, the separation distance is the determining factor for the size of the electric potential energy.




Exert a force on the small charge in the first picture and increase the electric potential energy by doing work against the electric field of the larger charge.

Electric Potential Energy-The energy that a charge possesses by virtue of its location.

Electric Potential

In the previous section, we dealt with the electric potential energy of a group of charges in one place relative to another. In this section we will find it better to deal with electric potential energy in terms of electric potential energy per charge.

Electric Potential - Electric potential energy per charge.

Electric Potential = ______/______

The units for electric potential are the volt.

1volt = 1 _____/ _____

Since electric potential is measured in volts, it is commonly known as voltage.

Electrical Energy Storage

Electrical energy is stored in a device known as a Capacitor.

A simple capacitor is a very simple design. It is two conductive plates that are evenly spaced a short distance away from each other. Capacitors are used in many different electrical devices. Computer motherboards, and on/off switches in TV’s are just a couple of examples. The way that a capacitor works is when the 2 different parallel plates are hooked up to different voltages one becomes more negative and the other one becomes more positive. This difference is what causes the charge to be stored. A capacitor is discharged when there is a conducting path between the two conducting plates. This is when people can get hurt. The larger the plates, smaller the distance, and greater the voltage difference all put together determine the amount of charge that a capacitor can hold. In a TV set, the capacitor that controls the on/off switch can produce massive amounts of charge even when they are turned off.


What is the electric field between the two conducting plates of a capacitor.

Van de Graff Generator

This is the device that we used to have the hair on your head stand on its end. Van de Graff generators can build up a very large electric potential, around 1 million volts for a generator. Below draw a simple diagram of how a Van de Graaff works, and how it effects a string attached by tape to the top of the generator.