How to Run a Great Capernaum Club – Committee/Leader Seminar

-  What do YOU think are the ingredients to a great Capernaum club?

o  Get responses from audience.

-  Expand on several “ingredients”

o  Food – Why have food, what food to have/not have, who brings the food, how do you delegate the food to someone else, how long should you eat, should you eat before or after club?

o  Dancing – What songs do you play, how do you do this for the first time and not make it awkward, who dances, do you need an emcee, what do you need, how long should this take, when should you dance, what should buddies and leaders do during dancing?

o  Games/Mixers – Why do we play games, what games are appropriate, what about for people who are in wheelchairs, where do we get a list of games that are good, how many games should we play, should they include everyone or just a few, what should buddies and leaders be doing during these games?

o  Singing – What should you sing, who should lead, when do you sing, should you make handouts or put it on a screen, when should this happen in club?

o  Talk – How do you give a talk to Capernaum kids, what should be included, what should not be included, how long should it be, what should you do during the talk, are there different ways to give a talk (participatory vs. typical), what should kids go away with after the talk?

o  Other things:

§  Open Mic Night

§  Prayer

§  Adding or subtracting things that are already on the list

·  No need to have everything

§  Events

·  Bowling, service projects, surf camp, snow tubing, dances, etc.

§  Themed Clubs

·  Red carpet, superhero, holiday clubs, prom, etc.