The Willink School

Lesson Planning Sheet

Teacher: Mr Robinson, Miss Harris / Subject: French
Year group: 10 +11 / Ability range: G & T
Date: 17/11/09 / Room: L1
Student Context
Year 10 + 11 G&T
Lesson Objective
By the end of the lesson pupils will know the different characteristics associated with each section of a rivers course. They will also be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living on a delta.
Lesson Beginning
à Brief introduction to the background of the research project / why the pupils are taking part.
1.  Show river’s course diagram. Pupils must decide which is the upper, middle and lower course of the river.
Q= Laquelle de ses sections est la section moyenne? et la section supérieure? et inférieure?
2.  Pupils are given handout with adjectives for describing each of the three sections of the river. They must write the correct adjectives in the corresponding box for sections a-c. Pupils then feedback their answers when prompted / discuss.
Q = Quelles sont les caractéristiques de la section supérieure / moyenne / inférieure.
à Reveal answers on IWB.
3.  Pupils are given the speaking frame. They discuss, in pairs, where each image is taken from (upper, middle or lower course) they also give opinions and reasons for their choices. The pupils are then prompted to give feedback / discuss their decisions.
Q = Qu’est ce qu’on peut voir dans l’image A,B,C…?
Q= Image A, B, C… est de quelle section du fleuve?
1) Introduce the Ganges delta.
Q = Où se trouve la delta du Gange?
(display question – hide map then reveal when pupils have answered question)
2) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living on a delta.
Display photos and give out speaking frame.
5 minutes in pair to discuss if adv or disadv and WHY
- whole class feedback
3) display advantages/disadvantages from slide – check class came up with all answers.
4) Role play
pupils in groups of 4. Hand out pieces of paper with their role.
1 minute to read their role to the other members of the group.
Pupils must discuss which advantage/disadvantages of living in a delta are most relevant for them and WHY - Examples modeled to pupils of what should be discussed.
e.g pour moi, le plus important c’est la pollution parce que je compte sur les poissons pour gagner de l’argent.
(speaking frame provided)
Lesson Ending
Revisit the objective and questioning on learning
- comment s’appelle les 3 sections d’un fleuve?
-  quelles sont les caractéristiques de chaque section?
-  Quels sont les avantages/inconvénients d’habiter dans une delta.
Speaking frames provided
Glossary provided
pupils are confident to speak and take risks