Lesson Plan Title: / A Play on Words
Course: / ELA
Grade Level: / 3rd-5th
Duration: / 45 Minutes
Lesson Overview and Rationale:

Students make predictions about the story Verdi, based on the cover. After hearing the story they willmake a new list of descriptions, personality traits, etc. Students will select an animal and write a narrative story about the animal.

Essential Questions, Focus Points and Preparations:


1. Get a copy of the book, Verdi, by Janell Cannon, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1997.
2. Put up chart paper labeled Before/After.
3. Get pictures of other animals.
4. Markers for writing on chart paper.

Student Objectives:

The student chooses specific detail and precise word choice to support the story line.
The student creates a logical organizational pattern appropriate to narrative writing (including a beginning, middle, end).

Student Assessment and Evaluation:

Each student will write a narrative story about an he/she has selected. A rubric will be used as a formative assessment of the student's learning.


Prior Knowledge:

45 Minutes

1. Show the students the cover of the book, Verdi. Ask students to predict what they think the story will be like based on the cover.
2. Have students work in groups to write a list of ideas, descriptions, and personality traits of the snake based on the predictions.
3. Write a before list from students suggestions on the chart paper.
4. Read the story aloud.
5. Have students now make a new list of descriptions, personality traits, etc. about the snake, Verdi.
6. Write suggestions from students on the after side of the chart paper.
7. Compare the two list. What is the same? What is different?
8. Show pictures of different animals. Tell students that they are to write a narrative story about an animal that changes its color or appearance (i.e., ugly duckling into a swan, caterpillar into a butterfly).
9. Allow students time to write their stories and give them an opportunity to share with classmates.

Materials Needed:

- A copy of the book Verdi by Janell Cannon, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1997.
- Notebook paper for each student
- A number 2 pencil for each student
- Chart paper
- Pictures of animals
- Markers

Additional Resources: