·  GOALS------4








·  Job Description and Duties

o  Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training and all group standards.

o  Advise the SASI/ASI on group operations, policies, and procedures.

o  Chair the Cadet Action Boards, such as disciplinary and promotion boards.

o  Recommend cadets for jobs, awards, and promotions.

o  Manage the cadet group senior staff.

o  Publicize cadet activities and accomplishments.

o  Manage the cadet evaluation and promotion system.

o  Ensure all cadets have opportunities to develop their leadership qualities.

o  Conduct weekly cadet staff meetings.

o  Establish group annual goals.

·  Requirements for position

o  Passing all classes.

o  Attain good conduct ribbon, service ribbon, activity ribbon, and academic ribbon.

o  Must be able to meet all established deadlines on all tasks from SASI/ASI.

o  Must have an “A” in AFJROTC.

o  Must have participated on at least one extracurricular team.

·  Deputy Group Commander

o  As the group commander, you will rely on your deputy for all information. Updates on all events, news, and/or any kind of progress on tasks need to be reported to the group commander from the deputy commander.

o  Delegating to your deputy will be required because your job is to supervise and assure the group is running smoothly.

o  See deputy group commander continuity book for job description, duties, and requirements for position.


·  Group goals are made during the last nine-week period of every school year for the following academic year.

·  The current senior staff and the IG staff come up with new goals.

·  These goals need to be created by comparing all statistics from the prior school year to current statistics. Statistics for goals include:

  1. Service/activity hours
  2. Academics
  3. Number of cadets in corps
  4. Anything else dealing with the statistics of goals

·  The information above from past years can be gathered from the group historian.

·  Distinguished Unit Award (DUA)

  1. In order to earn a DUA, the senior staff is required to turn in completed goals to the SASI at the end of the first nine weeks of the school year.
  2. It is crucial for our unit to earn the DUA because the SASI has unlimited nominations for cadets wanting to attend service academies.
  3. Copies of the goals sent to HQ in past years are posted in the Goals Cadet Guide, which is located on the external hard drive.
  4. The Goals Cadet Guide, which needs to be viewed, includes information from HQ that states requirements for goals and all of the details that they are looking for in our goals.


·  Staff Meetings are held to discuss issues in the group, upcoming events, past events, academics, rules, regulations, and brainstorm on the status of our group goals.

·  These meeting are held once a week on Tuesday mornings from 7:30am to 8:30am.

·  What you are expecting from your staff

o  All that attend the staff meetings need to come prepared with paper and a pen/pencil to take notes.

o  All departments (LG, PA, etc.) need to give everyone an update on things going on in that area.

o  All events that are coming up in the current semester need to be briefed from the Point of Contact (POC).

·  Staff Meeting Agenda

o  The day prior to the staff meeting, the group commander and deputy group commander need to look over the staff meeting agenda that the information management chief has typed up. Make corrections as needed. Pull up the agenda on the projector at the start of every meeting. (an example of this agenda is located in the information management chief’s continuity book)

o  The agenda needs to be put together with all of the department’s information from their meetings. In order for this to happen, the department managers (i.e. mission support commander, drill team commander) need to go to the information management chief with their minutes from their department meting so that the information management chief can incorporate it into the staff meeting agenda. This needs to happen the week before the staff meeting which means that no department meetings are to be held on Monday.

·  Staff Meeting Minutes

o  The group commander needs to make sure that an information manager is taking staff meeting minutes for every meeting, posting them on the website, and making a copy for the historian. (information management continuity book)

·  Website

o  The group website needs to be pulled up on projector.

o  Events coming up, tasks, memorandums, and website issues need to be addressed.

·  Every staff member is required to attend all of the staff meetings held. Below are the consequences for those who do not show up to these meetings:

o  Late 2 times or more = LOC

o  Late more than 5 times = LOR

o  Absent with no valid excuse = LOC

o  Absent 3 or more days with no valid excuse = LOR


(Event/Job) CHECK LIST