Minutes of the Hurstbourne Priors Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 30th November 2016 in the Hurstbourne Priors Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr Mrs C Read - Chairman
Cllr Mrs S Wyatt-Tilby – Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs S Sorby
Cllr Mr J Broomfield
Cllr Mr C Ekins
Cllr Mr A Milne
Richard Waterman – Parish Clerk
County Councillor Mr T Thacker
Borough Councillor Chloe Ashfield
Apologies: Cllr Mr P Smail, Borough Councillor Mr K Watts and Mr Graham Finlayson.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated the village hall committee on the new floor and painting.
There were no declarations of interest recorded.
Cllr J Broomfield reported that footpath 13 has been cut. The weeds on the triangle at the Tufton/A34 junction and the A34 off ramp have not been cut. The A34 ‘No Entry’ sign has been straightened.
Following a meeting with Steve Goodall, he has requested that he is alerted when the ‘triangle’ needs cutting as it is no longer automatically done. Cllr J Broomfield said he would be happy to do that.
Cllr Mr T Thacker stated that, as requested, he has looked at the traffic proposals for the new development at the Hirst site and agrees with the Parish Council’s request for an extension of the 30mph zone. He has spoken to his colleagues at Hampshire County Council and they have indicated that they would also support an extension of the 30mph speed limit from St Mary Bourne, past the Hirst/Cressington entrance to Tugbury cottages. It is unlikely that the speed limit could be extended along the Harroway as there are not enough houses to warrant it.
The Chairman asked Cllr Mr T Thacker if he would be willing to give a grant of £1400 from his devolved budget to match-fund with Vitacress a flashing SLOW DOWN sign. This has the support of Highways who have said they will install the post for it. Cllr Mr T Thacker stated that he would be willing to give a grant and asked the Clerk to apply on line. It is anticipated that this would rotate either side of the crossroads on the Harroway.
Cllr Mr T Thacker reported that several of the South Wests MP’s are concerned about the number of accidents on the A34 and are pushing for improvements to be made to the route on safety grounds. Kit Malthouse MP is seeking comments from his constituents regarding the A34. Cllr J Broomfield agreed to put together a comment from the Parish Council.
Cllr Chloe Ashfield introduced herself and stated that she has always lived in Whitchurch and is happy to help with any issues the Parish Council have on local matters. She was very pleased to be invited to the meeting.
The Chairman gave a brief history of the Bio Digester at Apsley and the various planning applications for the site that have been received and commented upon. The Bio Digester site and the number of lorries visiting the site is of major concern to many of the Hurstbourne Priors residents. Further the information that bio-stock will be coming from the Overton area (and therefore through Whitchurch) is of some concern. The Chairman and Cllr S Wyatt-Tilby would welcome the opportunity to bring Cllr Chloe Ashfield up to date when time allows.
The allocation of Section 106 money from the Hirst site was also discussed and Cllr Chloe Ashfield said she would make enquiries into the inclusion of broadband within the remit.
Notes submitted by email:
Once again I have not been called upon to take any action on behalf of Hurstbourne Priors residents since your last meeting.
Your Chairman asked my opinion about the extension of the biodigestors and ancillary installations at Faulkners Down. What is there is about what I expected when I supported the original planning application. I have been reminded that permission for the vehicular access was granted by Test Valley Borough Council. We need to watch carefully to ensure that permission is not granted for importation of waste.
There is still a ring fenced amount of £9,800 in the phase 1 Local Infrastructure Fund for Hurstbourne Priors. The Section 106 proforma for the Hurstbourne Station site recommends a contribution to the Artificial Turf Pitch at Testbourne School of £30,098.87. This is no doubt because no playing field projects have been put forward in Hurstbourne Priors nor St Mary Bourne.
The debate over how Hampshire will react to the Government’s proposals for “devolution” is coming to a head. This evening a meeting of a Committee at Basingstoke Deane Borough Council will consider a report commissioned from Pricewaterhouse Coopers on alternatives available to HCC’s mega Council for Hampshire and Isle of White. It is apparent that we have to have an “elected Mayor” whether we like it or not. My hunch is that the preferred option will be a Mayor for “the Heart of Hampshire” over two Unitary Authorities, one of which will stretch from Farnborough to Hurstbourne Priors but exclude Longparish and Hurstbourne Tarrant. No-one has yet suggested building a wall.
The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes: -
The blocked drain on the Harrow Way by Cllr Ekins wall - Steve Goodall has reported that this has been jetted and assumed that the problem had been sorted as he has not received any feedback.Cllr Ekins stated that the jetting of the drain is a short-term solution, the actual problem is a structural fault involving a collapsed soakaway at the end of the pipe, this has been raised with Highways in the past. Cllr Ekins will discuss this further with Steve Goodall.
Footpath 13 has been cut and Footpath 4 is due to be cut.
A new Give Way sign at the old pub has been ordered and will be fitted shortly.
Concerns about the Parking at the old Pub development is still an issue. The Planners have been contacted but do not seem to grasp the problem, Cllr Chloe Ashfield was asked if she could help with this matter.
The Chairman reported that she has received several telephone calls and e-mails from residents regarding trucks stopping at the St Mary Bourne Road (B3048) junction on the B3400 after seeing the ‘Not Suitable for Long Vehicles’ sign before carrying out a multi-point turn to go back towards Andover. There have been several ‘near misses’ and one minor accident. She felt it important to avoid anything worse.
The Chairman thought that that the Planners may need to be reminded that the St Mary Bourne Road (B3048) through Hurstbourne Priors is not suitable for long vehicles as clearly signed at the crossroads with the B3400. HGV’s from Vitacress already use the Harroway.
This was discussed. Cllr Mr C Ekins stated that he believed Steve Goodall from Hampshire Highways had previously stated that there is no restriction on lorries on the B3408 and that all lorries from Hirst are free to use either the Harroway or the B3408, whichever they prefer. Cllr Mr C Ekins suggested that the Chairman checked this out with Steve Goodall.
Cllr Mr C Ekins stated that he was totally against this and felt that the problem should not be pushed to other parts of the parish. The Chairman asked for his objection to be minuted.
The Chairman proposed that a request be submitted to the planners for a note to be given to construction traffic for the Hirst Site as the B3048 through Hurstbourne Priors is not suitable for long vehicles. Cllr Mrs Wyatt-Tilby thought that there was a condition within the outline planning to this effect and said she would check.
The proposal was seconded by Cllr S Sorby. The vote was 5 for and 1 against.
The Chairman then ran through the points raised at her meeting with Steve Goodall:
- Painted Road markings at Dirty Corner have been re-done following the request following the tragic accident
- White lines at the Chapmansford cross roads - the Casualty Reduction Team have viewed the crossroads and deemed them dangerous so the lines will be re-done as soon as possible (the original order was linked to the road resurfacing which was cancelled due to tankering in St Mary Bourne)
- The signs at the crossroads have been replaced
- The road markings underneath the railway bridge are badly degraded and the road side on the railway side is encroaching the highway, she asked that Casualty Reduction look at these
- The large hole on the bend by the back-gate of Hurstbourne Park has been filled
- The Chairman has asked for the passing places on Tufton Lane to be filled together with the pothole by the Ash tree
- He will chase up a cover for the road-drain at Tufton
- She was advised that the Parish Council have delegated powers under the Highways Act and can ask landowners to cut their hedges
The hedges have mostly been cut, Cllr C Ekins suggested that some additional hand cutting needs to be done around the signs where the machinery could not get to – the Lengthsman will be asked to do this.
The Chairman reported that she and Cllr P Smail had attended the Vitacress Community Forum meeting. Vitacress are closing the Amesbury Branch, there will not be an increase in staff or truck movements as a result of the closure. It is anticipated that there will be a decrease in truck/van movements as there will no longer be a shuttle between the two sites.
Vitacress management have been to Ireland on a fact-finding trip to look at wetlands and now plan to proceed with their wetland project. Vitacress are hoping to help with a permissive footpath from the Cressington development to the Bourne Valley Inn at St Mary Bourne.
Cllr A Milne reported that he had attended the Parish Liaison Meeting held on the 21st November 2016.
- The budget is still being consulted on until 16 Dec. It then goes to Cabinet in
January before full council in February.
- They propose to phase out Limited General Administration Grant and Council Tax
Support Grant by 2018/19. They do not intend to reduce any other grants.
- S106 will be largely replaced by CIL. S106 will be retained for ‘big ticket’ items
such as Transport, Education and Affordable Housing and mostly on larger
developments. Cllr Milne asked if a 30-40 house development (Hirst site) would
count and the answer was no. CIL will come into effect in 2017 (probably June)
and will be a rate per sq.m. We will get 15% of this but capped at £100 per
dwelling per annum as we do not have a Neighbourhood Plan.
- A possible 2% cap on increases to parish precepts could be introduced in the future unless a referendum is held.
- Devolution is still up in the air although various meetings taking place over the coming weeks are supposed to clarify the direction of travel.
Cllr S Wyatt-Tilby reported that she had no news to report, all the current planning applications previously discussed are pending.
There were NO OBJECTIONS to a recent tree planning application at the Village Hall.
CLLR S SORBY – Reported that the Testbourne Estate have not yet cut their hedges on the Longparish Road. The Chairman stated that she had contacted the estate office and the job is in hand. They had done the B3400 but needed to do the “field” side before the ground got too wet.
CLLR C EKINS – Reported that he has spoken to Hampshire County Council about the provision of Broadband. Hampshire County Council have confirmed that they have the money for the infrastructure and have suggested that it may be easier to apply for 106 development money for local provision of Broadband. Cllr Chloe Ashfield said she would look into this.
CLLR J BROOMFIELD – Asked what was happening with the Village Footpath Map. This was discussed. Cllr Mr A Milne offered to take on the map and mark on the footpaths and sort out a suitable picture for the front cover, working on the premise that we would produce a ‘gateleg’ ie three pages, two fold map. The Chairman will sort out the wording. The back would bear the countryside code
The Chairman reported that as far as she knew all footpaths were clear and walkable – with the exception of 4 at Chapmansford which is overgrown and on the Lengthsman’s list.
The square has been done and put to bed for the winter. An application for funding for a new all-weather practice net has been submitted. The grass cutting has stopped and the last bit of the hedge is due to be cut by TVBC.
Cllr S Sorby reported that the Village Hall Floor has been laid and the china has been replaced. Bookings are looking healthy.
CHEQUES AND PAYMENTS ISSUED - October and November 2016
Aviva Insurance - DD - O + N £276.88
Eon Electricity Pavilion - DD - O + N £16.00
R.N. Waterman Wages - DD - O + N £320.00
TVBC Recreation Ground £566.95
Dave Haggar Mole Control £80.00
Mrs C Read Electricity for FSS - 2 Years £96.00
Mrs S Wyatt-Tilby Box Files for Planning Applications £143.52
PGPC Black Bags for Litter Bins £23.64
VAT claimed but not yet received = £769.55
The Clerk produced a balance sheet showing the estimated results for the year 2016/17 and the budget for the year 2017/18. This was discussed at length.
The Chairman proposed that the precept for the Year 2017/18 be set at £10,000. This was seconded by Cllr J Broomfield. All agreed.
The Hurstbourne Priors precept for 2017/2018 was set at £10,000.
The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
Parish Council - 25th January
Planning - 22nd February
Parish Council – 29th March
Planning - 26th April
Parish Council – 31st May
Planning - 28th June
Parish Council – 26th July
Planning - 30th August
Parish Council – 27th September
Planning - 25th October
Parish Council – 29th November
Planning - 20th December