Supplementary material

Table S1: Global positioning system (GPS) coordinates, height above sea level and soil type of the sampled sites

County name / Name of sampled site / Coordinates of sample site / Height a.s.l (m) / Type of soil
Busia County / Nambale / N00.44856° : E034.25100° / 1189 / Fine-grained, red organic loam soil
Busia County / Alupe / N00.50301° : E034.13894° / 1141 / Fine-grained, red loamy sand soil
Busia County / Mundika / N00.39950° : E034.14284° / 1239 / Fine-grained, red organic loam soil
Busia County / Matayos / N00.34398° : E034.18515° / 1244 / Fine-grained, dark red organic loamy clay soil
Siaya County / Gotnanga / N00.23227° : E034.24291° / 1224 / Fine-grained, dark red organic loamy clay soil
Siaya County / Sigomere / N00.20099° : E034.37874° / 1309 / Fine-grained, red organic loam soil
Siaya County / Ugenya / N00.21051° : E034.41785° / 1311 / Fine-grained, red organic loam soil
Kakamega County / Mtomo / N00.31069° : E034.50345° / 1331 / Fine-grained, red organic loam soil
Kakamega County / Khumusalaba / N00.11162° : E034.57589° / 1449 / Coarse-grained, dark red organic loamy clay soil
Kisumu County / KALRO/CIMMYT / S00.03680° : E034.81570° / 1197 / Fine-grained, black organic loam soil
Nyando County / Rangul, Nyakach-Nyando / S00.27597° : E034.94675° / 1145 / Fine-grained, waterlogging, black inorganic clay soil
Nyando County / Rangul, Nyakach-Nyando / S00.28261° : E034.95967° / 1198 / Fine-grained, waterlogging, black cracking clay soil
Kisumu County / Kisian, Kisumu central / S00.07300° : E034.67724° / 1170 / Fine-grained, black cotton organic loam soil
Kisumu County / Lela maseno / S00.04131° : E034.64549° / 1363 / Coarse-grained, black organic loam soil
Vihiga County / Luanda / N00.03213° : E034.57728° / 1497 / Coarse-grained, amorphous volcanic red loam soil.
Siaya County / Kodinga, Siaya / N00.04408° : E034.56271° / 1528 / Coarse-grained, black organic loam soil

Table S2: Description of initials used to generate coded isolate names

Name code / Description of the codes used to name isolates
ISS / Refers to isolates cultured from rhizosphere soils of diseased S. hermonthica plants
HSS / Refers to isolates cultured from rhizosphere soils of healthy S. hermonthica plants
ISP / Refers to isolates cultured from diseased S. hermonthica plants
HSP / Refers to isolates cultured from healthy S. hermonthica plants
Numerical number / Refers to the sampled site, assigned in a sequential order of collection exercise
Prefix SM / Mark/tag for identifying bacterial isolates
Prefix SH / Mark/tag for identifying fungal isolates
Isolates with alphabet letter after the numeric code refers to viable strain that occurred in all samples collected within a single site