“OrganizationofproductionofvarioustypesofventilationfanswithintheterritoryofSIZ “Angren”
1. Projecttitle- “Organization of production of various types of ventilation fans within the territory of SIZ “Angren”;
2. General information on the project initiator:Association "Uzeltexsanoat" is established in 1994 according to the decision of the Government of Republic Uzbekistan and at current stage of its development unites on a voluntary basis more than 30 large enterprises of electrotechnical industry of the republic.
The primary goal of "Uzeltexsanoat" is to carry out common technical policy in electro-technical sphere of the economy, promote creation of new factories for production of electro technical products as well as to facilitate attraction of investments and high technologies and innovative technologies into the electro technical industry of Uzbekistan.
Enterprises that are members of the Association specialize on four basic directions of activity: manufacture of cable-wire products, production of industrial power and electric equipment (low and the high-voltage equipment, transformers, substations, switchboards, elevators, motorcycles and trailers, agricultural equipment, spare parts and components for automobiles, etc.), manufacture of home appliances and consumer electronics (TVs, refrigerators, air-conditioners, lighting equipment, semiconductors, etc.) and rendering services for repair of industrial equipment.
In 2013 the total volume of production and rendered services within the system of "Uzeltexsanoat" has made 1101,1 bln.soums (526,1 mln.USD), and production growth rate in comparison with 2012 has made 116,1 %. Export volume in 2013 has made 172,3 Mln.USD.
Address. 13, Moverannahr Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100047
Phone. (99871) 2322069, 2332657, 2332885 Fax. (99871) 2333631
The Internet: Email.
3. Information on the enterprise on the basis of which it is planned to realize the project:
In successful elaboration with foreign investors the project is expected to be located on the territory of the SIZ “Angren”, Republic of Uzbekistan.
4. Information on the project – It is expected that the project activities will be focused on the production of:
№ / Product Title / Forecasted volume of production in 1st year of project implementation (in K pcs)1 / Ventilation fans / 25,0
4.1. Marketing:
- Domestic ventilation fan is a device used for the purpose of air ventilation in the room. Compared with air conditioning, fans can not regulate the temperature in the room, but only provide moving and filtering air flow. Fans also can provide exhaust air to the outside and fresh transportation to the area where the need exists. Operating principles, which differ in the ventilation system, formed the basis for the classification of certain groups. The current situation shows that the demand in the market more than others enjoy the fans centrifugal, axial and diametrical type of work.
- Annualproduction volume in 100% capacity:
- Ventilation fans – 100,0 K units.
- The main sales markets will be selected internal market of Uzbekistan, in particular, domestic automobile and electrical industry, and then markets of neighboring countries of Central Asia and other CIS countries. In implementation of the project will be exported up to 25% of the total volume of production at the designed capacity.
- In present productionofventilationfansdoes not exist in Uzbekistan.
- At the same time, in the local market quite successfully represented products of foreign companies, such as Kanalflakt, Ostberg (Sweden), SILAVENT (UK), Mitsubishi Electric, Vortice (Italy).
4.2. Production:
Technological process includes SMT assembly of electronic boards (chips, adapters, semiconductors, etc.), molding of plastic parts fans, stamping and assembly of metal enclosures, fans and casing assembly and testing.
Demand for raw materials and components consist of the following materials: in the import: electronic boards, chips, displays, protective films, shockproof polyester, polypropylene, motor, power supplies, metal, soldering stations, etc.In local: cables and wires, foam filler for, screws, packaging materials and supplies, stencils, loops (tape, labels, protective tape), and instruction booklets.
- Number of workplaces: managerial positions -6 person, technical staff - 20 people.
4.3. Construction, reconstruction or modernization: New construction;
The required land area – will be determined by the results of selection of technological equipment.
Requirements to ensure the production infrastructure:
- Necessity of railway line - required;
- water supply – required;
- electricity – required;
- gas – required;
- sewage – required;.
4.4. Financialpart (Estimated cost of the project):
№ / Project Cost, incl. / Unit / Cost / Sources of FinancingOwn funds / FDI / Public funds / Credits
1 / Construction works / Mln USD / 1,0 / - / 1,0 / - / -
2 / Equipment / Mln USD / 1,5 / - / 1,5 / - / -
3 / Floating capital / Mln USD / 1,0 / - / 1,0 / - / -
Total: / Mln USD / 3,5 / 3,5 / - / -
Approximate duration of construction works -12 months.
5. Expected results from realization of the project: Volume of manufacture and proceeds:
Product Title / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4Qty
(Kpcs) / Amount (MlnUSD) / Qty
(Kpcs) / Amount (MlnUSD) / Qty
(Kpcs) / Amount (MlnUSD) / Qty
(Kpcs) / Amount (MlnUSD)
Ventilation fans / 25,0 / 1,0 / 50,0 / 2,0 / 75,0 / 3,0 / 100,0 / 4,0
Всего / 25,0 / 1,0 / 50,0 / 2,0 / 75,0 / 3,0 / 100,0 / 4,0
Approximate sale price of the item:
- Ventilation fans - 40,0 USD;
Approximate payback period of the project - 5 years.
6. Condition of development and examination of the documentation under the project. Process of development the project documentation and feasibility study will be initiated after preliminary negotiations with the potential investor on the issues of cooperation.
Annex 1a
Passport of the investment proposal for the project
“Organization of production of various types of ventilation fans
within the territory of SIZ “Angren”
N / Indicators / Unit / Project parameters / Notes1. / Initiationoftheproject(organization, date, Document No) / Association “Uzeltechsanoat”
2. / Totalprojectcost, including: / Mln.USD / 3,5
2.1. / Foreign currency / Mln.USD / 3,5
2.2. / Nationalcurrency / Mln.soum / -
3. / Expenses in foreign currency, total / Mln.USD / 3,5
3.1. / Includingpurchase of equipment / Mln.USD / 1,5
3.2. / Forconstructionworks / Mln.USD / 1,0
3.3. / Other(floatingcapital) / Mln.USD / 1,0
4. / Expensesinnationalcurrency, total / Mln.soum / -
4.1. / Includingpurchase of equipment / Mln.soum / -
4.2. / Forconstructionworks / Mln.soum / -
4.3. / Other / Mln.soum / -
5. / Financing sources:
5.1. / Budget funds / Mln.soum / -
5.2. / Foreign investments andcredits, total / Mln.USD / 3,5
5.2.1. / Including, under Government guarantee / Mln.USD / -
5.2.2. / FDI, total / Mln.USD / 3,5
5.3. / Own funds / -
5.3.1. / In foreign currency / Mln.USD / -
5.3.2. / Innationalcurrency / Mln.soum / -
5.4. / Credits of commercial banks / -
5.4.1. / In foreign currency / Mln.USD / -
5.4.2. / Innationalcurrency / Mln.soum / -
5.5. / Credits of Fund for reconstruction and development of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Mln.USD / -
5.6. / Othersources(specify) / Mln.soum / -
6. / Durationofconstructionworks, total* / Months / 12
6.1. / Startingdate* / mm / yy / June 2014
6.2. / Starting date of production * / mm / yy / June 2016
7. / Paybackperiod, total / Years / 5
8. / Annualproductionvolumeinnature / Thousand units / Up to 100,0
8.1. / Including export / Thousand units / Up to 25,0
8.2. / Localmarket / Thousand units / Up to 75,0
9. / Annualproductionvolumeinmonetaryterms** / Mln.soum / Up to 9249,6
9.1. / Including export / Mln.USD / Up to 1,0
9.2. / Localmarket / Mln.soum / Up to
10. / Expectedproductrealizationmarkets:
10.1. / Localmarketshare / % / 75,0
10.2. / Foreign market share / % / 25,0
*) – on definition of foreign investor/partner and financial source for the project
**) – 1 USD = 2312,4 Soum