Southern Africa Telecommunications Association (SATA)

SATA Backhaul Links Project

Terms of Reference for the recruitment of an Individual Consultant

1. Background

1.1  Southern Africa today is heavily relying upon satellites to manage its long distance telecommunications. Nowadays, a modern optical fibre digital telecommunication network, comprised of domestic or cross-border terrestrial links and international undersea highways, is recognized worldwide as the main catalyst of the Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) development and enabler of regional, macro development policies, to the benefit of both corporate and private users. It is in this regard that broadband networks projects become relevant and form part of the NEPAD agenda in the ICT sector within Southern Africa

1.2  The SATA (Southern Africa Telecommunications Association) Backhaul Links project is closely linked to the Eastern African Submarine System (EASSy) project which entails the development of an optical fibre submarine cable network with onshore landing points at strategic locations along the eastern seaboard. It will cover a distance of 9,900 km running from Mtunzini in South Africa to Port Sudan in Sudan.

1.3  A complete broadband connectivity system entails, on top of a submarine cable, the development of a backhaul transmission system/network through which landlocked countries will access the sea cable via landing stations. The backhaul networks are crucial to the achievement of the overall development objectives for two reasons: (i) they would bring to the EASSy Project a backup route, allowing traffic to be rerouted in most of the cable cut cases; and (ii) by enabling connectivity of land-locked countries, they would ensure that a sufficient overall accessible market demand shall exist to sustain the sub sea cable investment.

1.4  A NEPAD-Infrastructure Project Preparation (NEPAD-IPPF) grant has been awarded to the Southern Africa Telecommunications Association (SATA) to assist in the update of a feasibility study on telecommunications optic fibre transmission backhaul links for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region that will interconnect the SADC Member States and also connect to the Eastern Africa Submarine cable and other undersea cables.

1.5  The expected outcomes of the study are:

§  An Update Feasibility Study – The major output of this study will be the production of an Update Feasibility Study report that will provide the basis for the implementation of backhaul links. This output will include an Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment Report covering each individual link.

§  An Implementation Plan – The final report shall enable the SATA Members and other project stakeholders to decide on the best structure to enable the implementation of the SATA Backhaul Links. The final outcome shall be an agreed and feasible plan of actions for implementation of the project.

1.6  The NEPAD IPPF grant will also help SATA recruit an individual consultant to assist them in their executing agency role throughout the procurement process and in the management of the study.

2. Scope of work and expected output

2.1 In line with the work schedule of the study, the individual consultant will assist the SATA Secretariat in conducting the bid evaluation process, in launching and monitoring the study.

2.2 The Individual Consultant shall work under the supervision of the [SATA Executive Secretary] to oversee the work of the Consultants carrying out the update feasibility study and preparation of the implementation plan of the SATA backhaul Links project.

§  The Individual Consultant shall assist the SATA Secretariat during the bidding period, and particularly in bid evaluation and contract negotiations. In doing so, he/she will skills are transferred to the Executing Agency.

§  Under the supervision of the [SATA Executive Secretary], he/she will be responsible for preparing reports to the NEPAD-IPPF, liaising with the SATA operators and the Consultant.

§  He/she will assure the technical preparation and facilitation of workshops and meetings as may be required throughout the duration of the study. In doing so, he/she will ensure the quality of consultative and consensus building process.

§  He/she will assist the SATA Secretariat in the review of inception, interim and draft final reports. In doing so, he/she will skills are transferred to the Executing Agency.

3. Duration and Timetable

The duration of the work is around 45 man days over the duration period of the study (5 months).

4. Project Coordinator Profile

General Qualifications and Experience

§  M.Sc. degree in IT/Network Engineering, Telecommunications, Electronics, Economics, Computer Science or in Science Connected domain.

§  Not less than five years experience in telecoms/network engineering and Architecture development

§  An experience of Public Private Partnership projects

§  A good knowledge of technologies and telecommunications and ICT market and a good perception of the future evolution

§  A good knowledge of the policy and regulation of telecoms and ICT services

§  A good knowledge of the ICT sector in the SADC context will be an advantage


§  Experience of at least five study projects in telecoms/network engineering and deployment.

§  An experienced engineer/economist with expertise in the fields of information technology.

§  The engineer/economist will have a detailed knowledge of broadband networks deployment.

Language proficiency and experience in the Southern African countries

§  Fluency in English, Working knowledge of Portuguese will be an advantage

§  Relevant experience in Southern African countries.