TacomaADA Workgroup: Effective Communication

Meeting Minutes April 26, 2010


The Effective Communication workgroup was started in response toTacoma’s ADA transition plan.

The purpose of this group is:

To facilitate and enhance communication between the city and the public by evaluating and implementing communication tools for accessibility and compliance.

2010 Goals:

At our fall 2009 planning retreat we set these goals:

  1. To improve the COD website and enhance ADA accessibility to the city website.
  2. Increase awareness and participation in improving community accessibility for all, focusing on recognition awards and business education


Gail Himes, ADACoordinatorCity of Tacoma

Debbie Walker, COD Commissioner

JoAnn Fritsche, COD Commissioner

Hayley Edick, COD Commissioner

Esther Bennett, COD Commissioner

David Edick, member at-large

Rob McNair-Huff- City of Tacoma, Community Relations Manager

Tonti Yon- City of Tacoma Web/IT manager, Citizen Solutions


TACIDBuilding, Room 11

6315 S 19th St
Tacoma, WA

Time: 10:00-11:30AM

Members present: Gail, Debbie, and JoAnn

New Participants: None

Gail’s Report:

  1. Citizen request for web accessibility forwarded to Rob, asked for cc response but did not see it, did not bring a copy for committee.
  2. Gail met with Curt Andres manager of graphics and agreed on a tagline for alternative formats and accommodation to go out on all items sent from the City of Tacoma graphics department
  3. Employment, Contract and Licensing: Signage for the service desks indicating accommodation available were approved next step is ordering. Also looking at way finding signs for routes of accessibility, as well as education component on why signs are needed and how to respond to requests generated from signs.
  4. TTY- 711 in place next steps is an internal education piece on how it works

New Business:

Debbie is resigning the COD due to taking a full time job. She will remain a part of the effective communication workgroup as an at large member. A formal format was not done at this meeting all topics discussed included:

  1. Debbie needs to summary of goals, progress and next steps recommended
  2. Email out inviting more members to join the effective communication group
  3. Ask TACID if they have WIFI available or JAWS in the computer lab for demonstration of screen readers. We can download the program for 45 minutes for free for testing as needed.
  4. Contact Coalition for the Blind to have members test website using their own computers and give feedback.
  5. Letter sample to Mayor Strickland for COD to review at next meeting and send out regarding the individual recognition award to be giving out during October, National Disabilities month for excellence in serving individuals with disabilities.
  6. Ask Rob to help write press release to announce the award and get the application form in PDF format or complete on line as well as email out to interested organizations.
  7. Need to create a flier? Cost? Would like to give to the Human Rights group to use a the Fair Housing Conferences and maybe post in other places like the tax and licensing department
  8. Sample Application/Recommendation for individual award to be sent to COD for feedback and formalized for release. Applications should be due by August 31, 2010.

Next Meeting:

May 24, 2010


TACIDBuilding, Room 11

6315 S 19th St
Tacoma, WA