DFW Young at Heart Skiers

Annual Meeting Scheduled at 3:00 p.m.

Meeting Minutes – April 28, 2013

The Annual Meeting of the DFW Young at Heart Skiers convened at the home of Greg and Selma Jones. Acting President Greg Jones called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. with a quorum of members present.

Greg- thanked all volunteers for their efforts and contributions throughout the past year and thanked the Board members for their service as well. He then explained that both Janet Rensmeyer and Maggie Phillips had recently resigned their positions on the Board. Being Past President the Board moved Greg into the Acting President position through April 2013.

Pam- Read Annual Meeting Minutes from 2012which were approved unanimously.

Beach- Passed out Year End Treasurers report and 2013/2014 budget which were approved unanimously.

Each member introduced themselves with a brief history.

Greg announced the slate of nominees for elected Board positions and appointed positionsfor the coming fiscal year May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014. There was discussion between Allen Terrell and Greg Jones regarding Webmaster position. Allen has limited time and so Greg agreed to continue as Web Master another year.

Greg called for a vote on new officers and appointees. It was unanimously accepted by the membership as follows:

Board of Directors 2013-2014

President:Mike Crupi

VP:Pam Terrell

Treasurer Beach Aten

SecretaryKathy Aten

Appointed positions 2013-2014:

Webmaster:Greg Jones

Newsletter Editor:Kathy Aten

Membership:Pam Terrell

TSC Delegate: Charles Chapman

Event Coordinator Billye Summers

Charles Chapman recapped the plans/commitments for the Ireland Trip this Fall noting that we have 9 YAHS members attending.

New Business:

TSC Delegate Charles Chapmanannounced the upcoming TSC trips for 2013-2014.

January – Park City, UT, TSC

January – Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, TSC

February 8-15, 2014 --Jackson Hole, WY, TSC

March – Keystone, CO, TSC

April - France River Boat Cruise –Sponsored by Dallas Ski Club

Summer 2014 – South Aftrica, TSC

He called for a show of hands on which trips the membership is interested in supporting: It was fairly balanced on ski trips to Jackson Hole and/or Keystone. Either of these trips will be much more cost effective than the previous two years at Telluride and Snowmass.

Charles Chapman and Sylvia Macomber volunteered to Lead the France Riverboat Cruise in 2014 that is not a TSC trip but will be organized by a Dallas Ski Club member and solicited to TSC clubs. It was subsequently decided that since Sylvia has not yet lead a trip she should be the Trip Leader for the France Cruise.

Pam Terrell is considering Leading a trip to either Jackson Hole or Keystone and will follow up at a later date.

Greg called for new business:

Name tags- contact Marlow Muldoon.

With no additional business to discuss Greg made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m. and Beach 2nd.

Respectfully Submitted

Pam Terrell


DFW Young At Heart Skiers