Sir Robert Borden High School

MAP4C:Grade 12 Foundations for College MathematicsCourse Outline 2017

Teacher:Ms. Robb

Textbook:Foundations for College Mathematics 12 (Pearson)

Prerequisite:One of: MCR3U, MCF3M, or MBF3C


The final mark has two components: term work (70%) and summative evaluation (30%). The summative evaluation occurs near the end of the course, and will include a final examination and may include a performance task. Attendance is mandatory for both of these evaluations

Major Topics:

-Unit 1: Trigonometry and Geometry

-Unit 2: Two-Variable Data and Statistical Literacy

-Unit 3: Graphical and Algebraic Models

-Unit 4: Annuities, Mortgages and Budgets

Expectations:Students will be expected to display a willingness to learn as evidenced byregular attendance, punctuality, consistent work habits and regular homework completion.

Students are responsible for all work assigned. If absent -> see Ms Robb’s website(wiki).

Materials:Students are expected to bring the following to every class: notebook and textbook, calculator, pencils/pens, ruler, and graph paper as required.

Group Work:Students may be required to work in small groups therefore regular attendance and punctualityareextremely important to support your peers and to do your fair share of work so you may be accurately evaluated.

Unit Test Policy:You are expected to be present on test day. If you know that you will be absent on test day, it is your responsibility to inform your teacher prior to that day.If you are absent on test day bring a note to justify your absence.

Notebooks:A three ring binder is required for this course to place all assignments, tests and handouts. A complete notebook is essential to succeed in this course.

Calculators:A scientific calculator is required. Students will be allowed to use calculators on assignments, tests and exams unless otherwise stated. Students will not be allowed to share calculators during tests or examinations

Extra Help:Students are encouraged to inform the teacher of difficulties and seek assistance when needed from their teacher. Help can be arranged on an individual basis with the teacher. In addition, the math department has regularly scheduled extra help through the M.O.B. in Room 241 after school Monday through Thursday starting at 3:30 pm.

Levels of Achievement

Level 1
50%-59% / -demonstrates limited understanding of concepts
-follows simple mathematical arguments
-infrequently uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals and conventions correctly
-applies concepts and procedures to solve simple problems related to familiar settings
Level 2
60%-69% / -demonstrates some understanding of concepts
-follows arguments of moderate complexity and makes simple arguments
-uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals and conventions correctly some of the time
-applies concepts and procedures to solve problems of some complexity related to familiarsettings
Level 3
70%-79% / -demonstrates considerable understanding of concepts
-follows arguments of considerable complexity, judges the validity of arguments and makes arguments of some complexity
-uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions correctly most of the time
-applies concepts and procedures to solve complex problems related to familiar settings
-recognizes major mathematical concepts and procedures related to applications inunfamiliar settings
Level 4
80%-100% / -demonstrates thorough understanding of concepts
-follows complex arguments, judges the validity of arguments and makes complexarguments
-routinely uses mathematical language, symbols, visuals, and conventions correctly and efficiently
-applies concepts and procedures to solve complex problems related to familiar settings and unfamiliar settings