Amateur Radio Administration Course

Sponsor : ITU/BDT and IARU

Host : ESMT (Ecole Supérieure des Télécommunications) Centre of Excellence


Participant learning objectives: The primary objective of the ARAC is to train regulators (or prospective regulators) on administration of the amateur service and amateur-satellite service in developing countries. Related objectives are to train others in associated positions such as managing disaster relief communications and to organise an amateur radio society..

History: ARACs have been offered in developing countries, about twice each year for more than twenty years. The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has provided instructors and course material. Prior to 1983 and again since 1999, the ITU has co-sponsored these courses in developing countries. Host countries provide the training facility and local support.

Course description: The ITU Radio Regulations define the amateur and amateur-satellite services and allocate frequencies to these radio services. These services are recognised internationally as a valuable voluntary telecommunications resource, such as communications for disaster relief. Nearly three million individuals, in virtually every country, have earned licences to operate amateur and amateur-satellite stations. This course will help bring the benefits of the amateur services to countries in the Region through training of regulators and their associates who can contribute to the promotion of a healthy amateur radio society.

Venue: The course is to be held in DakarSenegal.

Timing: The ARAC is to be held for four days from 24 to 27 June 2006

Duration: The course is designed for 4 days. There is some flexibility in the order of presentation and possibly a host-sponsored field trip by ESMT

Sources of students: Normally, the ARAC is presented to up to 15 students. It is expected that some students will be from the host country

Instructors: The IARU visiting instructor will be Tafa Diop, IARU R1 Vice president and Daniel Lamoureux from Canada; In addition we will have Afif Benlagha from Algeria as a trainee.

Language: French will be the language of presentation and for all supporting materials including books.

Classroom logistics: The host is requested to provide a classroom with tables, chairs, a computer with PowerPoint software and Internet connection, a computer (LCD) projector, and a projection screen.

Hands-on exercise: The ARAC include a hands-on exercise. The materials is already shipped and delivered at ESMT.

Target Countries :

Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal are expected to attend

Program and Content of courses
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Opening remarks
Introduction to course
1030-1050 Break
1150-1120 Tour of facilities
The International Tele-communication Union (ITU)
1200-1330 Lunch
The ITU (cont)
1500-1520 Break
The nature of the Amateur Services
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) / 0900-1030
Spectrum Management
1030-1050 Break
ITU Radio Regulations
1200-1330 Lunch
ITU Radio Regulations
1500-1520 Break
Evolution of ITU Conferences
Amateur Radio potpourri
Amateur Services operations / 0900-1030
National Regulations,
Volunteer Examining
1030-1050 Break
International Licensing
1200-1330 Lunch
Amateur Radio disaster communications
1500-1520 Break
Hands-on exercise / 0900-1030
Hands-on exercise (cont)
1030-1050 Break
Amateur Radio technology
1200-1400 Lunch
Digital Communications
1500-1520 Break
Amateur-Satellite Service


IARU is responsible of Transportation (Return Ticket), Accommodation and hotel for instructors Daniel Lamoureux and Afif Benlagha and local facilities for all instructors
Books, Hand on exercice materiel kits etc / ITU/BDT
ITU/BDT is responsible of Transportation (Return ticket)Accommodationand Hotel for all candidate coming from all administration / ESMT
ESMT is responsible of all local costs included local transportation from/to hotels; all customs and clearance of equipment; support of course including video projector, computer, classrooms