Starting a Gateway Program

  1. Fall—Contact Sara Wright at ODCTE to obtain program application.
  2. Applications due October 15thTurn in application to receive grant application (RFP).
  3. ODCTE sends out grant applications (RFPs) December 15th.
  4. Grant is due by January 15th.
  5. Verbal approval given close to February 15th.
  6. February: Register your school online at

You will need the following information to register:

Contact Information (name, position, address, phone, fax, and email) for the following people:

The person who will be listed as the District Administrator and School Administrator(s)

District superintendent

Primary finance contact

School principal

Information Technology (IT) contact

School counselor(s)

School District Information:

Legal name

Federal ID #

District NCES #

Funding source information

Name of legal document signatory

Start and end months for school year

Total # of schools in the district (in total, not just the ones implementing PLTW) **




District website address

School Information:

Legal name

Federal ID # (also known as your Employee ID# or Tax ID#)

School NCES #

School type (middle school or high school)

Type of funding (public or private)

Classification (charter or other, if applicable)




Program Enrollment

Middle School Gateway To Technology

High School Pathway To Engineering

High School Biomedical Sciences o High School Pathway To Engineering

High School Biomedical Sciences

  1. Review the PLTW agreement and obtain signatures, then return agreement to PLTW by March 15th if possible. Deadline is June 30th.

Sample agreement:

Program requirements:

  1. March: Identify appropriate teachers for your Gateway program. Register them with PLTW. (You will receive log-in credentials upon submitting your PLTW agreement.)
  1. March 15th: Teachers register for core training:

(Teachers will receive log-in credentials after the site administrator submits their registration.)

Training is at OSU. GTT Foundation Unit: Design & Modeling, June 16-21, 2013; GTT Foundation Unit: Automation & Robotics, June 24-28, 2013

Training for additional GTT Units will be held at OSU from July 7-26, 2013. Exact details are unavailable at this time.

  1. April/May/June: Prepare order for purchasing requirements. Have your Perkins Coordinator enter the Gateway budget into the IMPACT system. Contact Josh Miller, ODCTE if you need assistance: (Grant money may not be used until after July 1st and not until after you have received written notification of grant approval.) Orders should be made as early as possible (after July 1st) in order to receive supplies to have at beginning of school year.
  2. June: Teachers attend Foundation Unit training. Training is at OSU. GTT Foundation Unit: Design & Modeling, June 16-21, 2013; GTT Foundation Unit: Automation & Robotics, June 24-28, 2013
  1. July: Teachers attend Specialization Unit training at OSU. July 7-26, 2013. Exact details are unavailable at this time.
  1. September: Register your school counselors for the OK PLTW Counselor Conference. Conference is located at Tulsa Technology Center, Broken Arrow campus on October 29, 2013.
  1. October: Attend PLTW Counselor Conference. Conference is located at Tulsa Technology Center, Broken Arrow campus on October 29, 2013.