Expressions of Interest are invited for the 2017 Goat Gallery Program

The Goat Gallery arts venue, presents a public program of exhibitions, workshops and artist residencies that showcase contemporary art, craft, design and performance celebrating arts and culture in our region. This arts venue is privately owned, but operated by a volunteer team, under the auspice of the Arapiles Community Theatre.

The venue will accommodate approximately 10 selected programs& include a mix of residencies/exhibitions/performances. Expressions of interest are being sought for the 2017 program running from late March to mid December 2017.

Some elements of the program are already fixed. Contributors can opt for two or four week blocks. (Refer to the attached calendar for available blocks and dates). Saturday afternoons could be scheduled as possible opening events. Once blocks are allocated, time for show set up and pack down will be negotiated. Please read the ‘Information for Applicants’ in relation to exhibiting at the Goat Gallery.

We are seeking a wide range of programming in the space including exhibits, projections, curated shows, workshops and showings, as well as history, literature and performance options. Public holidays school term times & local events, markets & celebrations are marked in the calendar at the end of the Information for Applicants sheet.

Selection Criteria

All applications for inclusion in the 2017 Goat Gallery program will be considered by the curator and volunteer team, selection will be based on the capacity of the artist(s) or group to present a showing of new work that meets the aims and guidelines of the Goat Gallery as outlined below.

The Goat Gallery aims to showcase and support groups and individuals to professionally present contemporary art, craft, design and performance programs that will enhance community engagement encourage new work and collaborations and increase access to high quality art programs for people living in the Wimmera.

Based on a two page written Expression of Interest (below)applicants will be invited to present their work, ideas and concepts as part of a new revitalized program at the Natimuk Goat Gallery.

Preference will be given to applicants who are based in the Wimmera /Grampians / Central Highlands/ Mallee/ Southern Grampians region. Although expression of interest from designers / artists / craftspeople working outside these areas are also welcome.

Who Can Apply

Proposals are invited from emerging and established artists/designers/craftspeople groups and individuals.

Artist can submit more than one Expression of Interest. For example, an artist may like to exhibit their own work in a two-week show and also curate a small group show of local print makers. Thisis welcomed, however, each application needs to have its own Expression of Interest.

Application Process

The deadline for the 2017 Goat Gallery Expression of Interest is 5:00pm, Tuesday, 14 March2017.

Submissions must include:

  • Completed application form
  • At least three images (photos or electronic images (jpegs) of your work

Electronic submission is preferred, emailed to:

Those needing to post their submission should send it to:

The Goat Gallery EoI

C/o Post Office

Natimuk 3409

You will receive a response to your expression of interest by the end of March.

Selected artists will be required to enter into an Exhibitors Agreement with the Goat Gallery.

What Does Participating in the 2017 Goat Gallery programs include?

  • Direct promotion of your involvement in the 2017 Goat Gallery program through editorial coverage;
  • Press release distributed to the Wimmera Mail Times, The Weekly Advertiser, ABC radio, 3WM radio, Horsham Visitor Information Centre; email version of this release to be provided to The Exhibitor for distribution to their networks
  • Exhibition notice distributed to HRCC - Arts & Culture email announcements list, Natimuk Noticeboard Facebook Page, ACT Email Distribution list, Natimuk Progress Press, Goat Gallery Facebook page;
  • Assistance with the distribution of any printed exhibition invitations or collateral that the exhibitor would like distributed to key sites throughout the Natimuk Community; printed exhibition invitations are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
  • Printing of labels for show;
  • Access to reasonable priced curatorial/ hanging support for the show set up
  • Assistance at the exhibition opening if required;
  • Access to glasses, serviettes for the opening;
  • Provision of red & white wine and water equivalent to 30 serves;
  • Provision of cheese & biscuit platter offering 30 serves.

Need more information?

Please read the attached Information for Applicants. Still have questions?

Please feel free to contact the Goat Gallery Curator Sue Pavlovich on 0417 307824 or email

2017Goat Gallery Expression of Interest Form



Postal Address:

Telephone / Mobile:

What types of program are you intending to offer through the Goat Gallery?

☐Solo exhibition show;

☐Small Group/ Curated Exhibition;

☐Historical/ social presentation;

☐Workshop(s) with a showing of the outcomes;

☐Film/ animation/ projection;

☐Performance-based presentation;

☐Demonstration & display

☐Other, please explain.

What length of time do you intent to show/ exhibit your work

☐A single day

☐A weekend

☐Two week block

☐Four week block

Please nominate your preferred times to exhibit or show your work. (With 1 being your most preferred time through to your 3 being your third option). Each block listed below runs for two weeks, if you chose to exhibit in four week blocks, please list the two blocks’ that make up your four week session, i.e. Preference 1: Block 8 & 9

The week

Block dates / Block dates
Block 1: 26 March- 9 April / Block 8: 4 Sept- 17 Sept
Block 2: 10-23 April / Block 9: 18 Sept-1 Oct
Block 3: 24 April- 7 May / Block 10: 2- 15 Oct
Block 4: 8- 21 May / Block 11: 16- 29 Oct
Block 5: 19 June- 16 July / Block 12: 13-26 Nov
Block 6: 17 July-30 July / Block 13: 17 Nov-10 Dec Nov
Block 7: 21 August-3 Sept / Block 14: 11-24 Dec

Preference One: ______

Preference Two: ______

Preference Three: ______

Please provide a brief Description of Your Work & Approximate Price Range:

Brief Description of Your Experience in Showing Your Work:

Artist Statement or Profile:

Please include 3 jpg images, a recording, a YouTube clip or online reference to your work orthe type of work you intent to show or present.

Forward this completed form & your images or support material to: