Name(s)______SS7A SS7B

Chapter 3 – From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers

Summative Assessment

Create a comic book about life in the Neolithic Age. Use the characters of Neolithic Nel and Neolithic Nick to tell a story about how ways of life changed over time, from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age.

Cover Page

Your comic book needs a colorful cover page with a title and drawing of the main characters, Nel and Nick. Color and add creative touches to Student Handout B: Comic-Book Cover Template. Or create your own cover page.

Story Pages

The inside of the comic book should have three story pages. Each story page will be related to one of the topics you studied (food supply, shelter, community, jobs, or trade.) Select the three topics you think represent the most important changes from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age. Write and draw on Student Handout C: Comic-Book Story Page Template, or create your own story pages.

At the top of each story page, write one or two sentences that describe life during the Paleolithic Age. Complete the rest of the story page to show how the way of life changed in the Neolithic Age and why these changes are important. Follow these steps:

·  Cut, color and glue drawings from Student Handout D: Comic-Book Characters.

·  Write informative speech or thought bubbles for the characters. Two bubbles should explain ways that life changed in the Neolithic Age, and two should explain why these changes are important.

·  Add your own drawings of other animals, objects, and scenery.

·  Add other details to make your comic book more realisitic.


Be sure that your comic book shows that you are able to answer the essential question and that you have met the learning objectives. Also, be sure to include the key terms in your comic book.

Essential Question:

How did the development of agriculture change daily life in the Neolithic Age?

Learning Objectives:

·  Identify Neolithic settlements and explain the reason for their location.

·  Compare the lives of hunters and gatherers during the Paleolithic Age with the lives of people during the Neolithic Age.

·  Explain how the domestication of plants and animals created a stable food supply and led to important changes in shelter, communities, jobs, and trade.

Key Terms

Define and explain the importance of these key terms:

·  Paleolithic Age

·  Neolithic Age

·  Fertile Crescent

·  Catal Hoyuk

·  Domesticate

·  Agriculture

·  Nomad

·  Trade

·  Resource

You will be working with a randomly chosen partner for this project. Part of your grade will also include how well you are able to cooperate with your partner and how responsible and productive you are while working with your partner.